Soft_Job 板


公司名称,Xfers 新加坡商迅星金融科技有限公司台湾分公司 公司地址(填写详细至号):台北市松山区复兴北路191号13楼 职缺:Lead Android Software Engineer (多职缺可自行增加填写) 工作内容: - Write and maintain our mobile (Android) applications - Make decisions about code design, architecture, and refactoring to balance technical debt against delivering functionality - Review the existing codebase, and taking full ownership of the refactoring project - Continually evaluate new technologies to help us write, and ship, better code - Set up our android architecture, while continually training and mentoring teams across the region 详细工作叙述--> 职务需求: - At least 3 years professional experience as an android software engineer - Experience leading and mentoring junior team members - Experience working with server side technologies - Experience refactoring multiple applications in a complex technical environment - Experience working on superapp architectures will be very beneficial, but not necessary - Experience leading R&D work, evaluating flutter, for example - Experience with more than one architecture (mvvm, mvp, mvc, etc) - A passion for writing and shipping good, clean code 员工是否需自备工具? (是/否) :否 薪资(月薪):70K~130K+ 薪资(保证最低年薪,必填项目): 13 个月,未满一年依照比例计算 绩效奖金:一个月全薪计算 ****以下工时与加班费必填,不填删文水桶**** 每日工作时间: 10:00AM~6:00AM,中午休息(12:00~1:00) 每周工作时间: 7*5=35 雇主无明订之工作时间,如Remote等派遣性质工作 请徵才者需附上平时最大工时,不可超过40小时 超过需给付加班费,否则不得PO文 (需符合国订劳动基准法) 劳工正常工作时间,每日不得超过八小时,每周不得超过四十小时。 前项正常工作时间,雇主经工会同意,如事业单位无工会者,经劳资会议 同意後,得将其二周内二日之正常工作时数,分配於其他工作日。其分配 於其他工作日之时数,每日不得超过二小时。但每周工作总时数不得超过 四十小时。 (补休不算符合劳动基准法,需有加班费,否则仍算是违法) (须符合国订劳动基准法) **无须加班仍须填写加班费制度** **可直接填写加班费比照劳基法,低於劳基法禁止发文** 加班费制度: 如雇主有使劳工每日工作时间超过8小时者,或单周超过40小时者,应依法给付加班 费,其标准为:(劳动基准法第24条) (1)延长工作时间在2小时以内者,按平日每小时工资额加给3分之1以上。 (2)再延长工作时间在2小时以内者,按平日每小时工资额加给3分之2以上。 补休使用需员工同意,经录取员工检举无加班费,一律转发劳动部进行劳动检查。 公司介绍: At Xfers, we believe in financial inclusion. As South-East Asia stands on the cusp of being an economic powerhouse in the coming years, there is a need to enable many individuals to step out of their marginalised financial environments. In empowering a speedier entry by digital financial service providers into these markets, we aim to bring equal financial opportunities to all, in the hope of alleviating financial hardship. 工作福利: -特休14天 -零食 人资或徵才联络方式:请将英文履历寄至--> [email protected] --
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1F:推 hi08060204: 应该是6:00"PM"哦 05/27 16:38

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