Soft_Job 板


公司名称,统编: 高曼计量财务管理顾问股份有限公司 统编:42631578 网页: 公司地址: 台北市中正区衡阳路36号5楼之6 员工是否需自备工具: 否 工时: 工作时间: 正规上班时间 10:00am~7:00pm (午餐休息1小时) 每周两天 2:30pm~11:30pm (晚餐休息1小时) - 配合与美国开会 每周工作时间: 40 hours/week 加班费制度: 比照劳基法 如加班申请补休 补休最多一个月2天 职缺: 【职缺一】Software Engineer - Python 【薪资】 NTD$100k+/月 (depends on experience) 薪资:12个月 工作内容: Our team is looking for a Software Engineer who is self-directed and passionate about innovation with using data capabilities to solve real-world business needs. The ideal candidate will enjoy a fast-paced working culture and be able to take initiative to deliver business results. 职缺能力经历要求: Responsibility: 1. API development and management. FinTech mobile and web platform backend support. 2. Extreme programming. Test-driven development. Continuous integration and deployment. 3. Autonomous and decentralized decision-making. Requirement: 1. 2+ years of experience in Python 2. 1+ years of experience developing production-level application 3. Strong problem solving skills and understanding of algorithm and data structure 4. Strong Object-oriented programming skills 5. Experience in serverless environment 6. Experience in building API with Django or Flask 7. Experience in using python for data engineering 8. Experience in automated testing 9. Familiarity with RDBMS and NOSQL databases 10.Familiarity with cloud environment (AWS, GCP or Azure) 11.Good english reading and writing skills Bonus Qualifications: 1. You believe in choosing the right technology is essential to solve problems efficiently 2. You can not help but keep learning new things 3. You can work collaboratively with engineers, designers, marketers, and salesperson 4. Experience in fast-paced working environment where you need to make informed decisions quickly 5. Experience in building production level mobile app (iOS or Android) 6. Financial Market Knowledge 7. Experience in machine learning techniques and/or big data analytics skills 【职缺二】Junior Software Engineer (无工作经验可) 【薪资】 NTD$40k+/月 (depends on experience) 薪资:12个月 工作内容: Our team is looking for a Software Engineer who is self-directed and passionate about innovation with using data capabilities to solve real-world business needs. The ideal candidate will enjoy a fast-paced working culture and be able to take initiative to deliver business results. 职缺能力经历要求: Responsibility: 1. API development and management. FinTech mobile and web platform backend support. 2. Extreme programming. Test-driven development. Continuous integration and deployment. 3. Autonomous and decentralized decision-making. Requirement: 1. 1+ years of experience in Python 2. Strong problem solving skills and understanding of algorithm and data structure 3. Strong Object-oriented programming skills 4. Familiarity with RDBMS and NOSQL databases 5. Good english reading and writing skills Bonus Qualifications: 1. Experience in developing production-level API 2. Experience in using python for data engineering 3. Experience in serverless environment 4. Familiarity with cloud environment (AWS, GCP or Azure) 5. You believe in choosing the right technology is essential to solve problems efficiently 6. You can not help but keep learning new things 7. You can work collaboratively with engineers, designers, marketers, and salesperson 8. Experience in fast-paced working environment where you need to make informed decisions quickly 9. Experience in building production level mobile app (iOS or Android) 10.Financial Market Knowledge 11.Experience in machine learning techniques and/or big data analytics skills 公司介绍: 高曼计量财务为台湾第一家登创柜板的金融科技公司(FinTech)。 高曼团队拥有纽约华尔街最新的技术 结合计量财务金融与电脑资讯工程的专业 进行产品开发与顾问业务 高曼团队目标将从台湾、美国、亚太三大区域同时进行, 先与台湾的金融机构策略合作,共同开发全球市场的计量资产管理平台, 同时深化台湾量化团队 并计画在美国纽约市以及美国夏安市 针对大型另类投资建立系统化产品 以台湾团队与美国经验来提供金融科技与财务工程顾问服务。 高曼计量的业务以金融科技为核心, 分为金融数据科技开发以及金融科技管理顾问两部分: ‧ 金融数据科技开发以财务工程为核心, 整合随机市场模型、投资组合理论、大数据分析、以及计量演算法, 开发智能资产管理模型与系统。 并且着重在行动平台与云端运算的整合,提供完整的商业化服务。 现有产品: 【高曼计量金融 Gamma API】 【高曼 Sigma App 行动平台】 ‧ 金融科技管理顾问服务以高曼团队在量化资产管理的专业为基础, 协助金融机构规划新金融产品的设计,以及创新金融系统的评估与管理。 同时整合带领台美的产官学研资源,连结台湾金融科技生态圈。 现有服务包含: 【证券型代币实务应用】 【智能财富管理模组】 【智能证券复委托服务】 【智能投信投顾】 人资或徵才联络方式: 请将履历寄至 [email protected] 有任何疑问也请不吝透过电子邮件与我们联系 --
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1F:推 neo5277: 感觉不错 08/21 01:18
2F:→ AvatarH: 这家公司会建议应徵者投资操作。 10/09 14:45

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