Soft_Job 板


公司名称,统编(中华民国以外注册可免填): Sinitic Ltd. 公司地址(填写详细至号): 台北市中山区中山北路2段96号後栋9楼918室 职缺: Backend Engineer (可远端) We're recruiting a backend engineer with at least 3 years of python experience, to join our team of experienced developers. We're looking for someone who strives to write good quality code, loves learning about new topics and likes sharing their knowledge :-) The backbone of Sinitic consists of several python micro-services communicating mostly through a message queue server. Our clients include call-centers with 24/7 operations, therefore testing and high-availability are critical to us. Your responsibilities will also include improving our engineerings standard and processes, doing code reviews, improving our test coverage as well as making sure all the critical paths are monitored in our production environment, to ensure a high level of quality. Frontend Engineer (可远端) We're recruiting a Front-End Developer with an eye for good UX to work on a key component of the Sinitic Plaform: our Visual Bot Designer. Our frontend is a Vue2 SPA which communicates with the backend through REST services and Websocket. One of our key advantages is that non-technical users can easily configure their bots by assembling a few blocks using our Visual Bot Designer. You will be responsible for maintaining the Visual Bot Designer, our Webchat component, as well as the rest of the Sinitic Platform, troubleshooting performance problems, maintaining good compatibility across evergreen browsers and improving the UX. 职缺能力经历要求: Ideally, you can offer these skill sets: Backend Engineer - Able to organise its own schedule based on management's priorities - 3+ years of experience writing python 3 code for backend services, at ease with asyncio - Familiar with message queue servers and event sourcing - Able to write SQL queries using outer joins and group by. - Good understanding of how to write scalable code in a highly available environment. - Excellent verbal and written communication in English plus another language Frontend Engineer - Able to organise its own schedule based on management's priorities. - 3+ years experience as a javascript developer. - 2+ years experience in role with a big UX/Design component. - Sound knowledge of Webpack and Vue2. - Excellent knowledge of SVG. Experience in D3 is a plus. - Excellent knowledge of ES6 or more recent, knowledge of TypeScript is a plus. - Able to troubleshoot performance problems and memory leaks using Chrome/Firefox's developer tools. - Effective communication with all levels of our company. 员工是否需自备工具? (是/否) : 是 薪资(月薪): 80k以上 薪资(保证最低年薪,必填项目):14 个月 年终奖金计算方式:底薪计算/全薪计算 ****以下工时与加班费必填,不填删文水桶**** 工时: 40hr/周 雇主无明订之工作时间,如Remote等派遣性质工作 请徵才者需附上平时最大工时,不可超过40小时 超过需给付加班费,否则不得PO文 (需符合国订劳动基准法) 劳工正常工作时间,每日不得超过八小时,每周不得超过四十小时。 前项正常工作时间,雇主经工会同意,如事业单位无工会者,经劳资会议 同意後,得将其二周内二日之正常工作时数,分配於其他工作日。其分配 於其他工作日之时数,每日不得超过二小时。但每周工作总时数不得超过 四十小时。 (补休不算符合劳动基准法,需有加班费,否则仍算是违法) (须符合国订劳动基准法) **无须加班仍须填写加班费制度** **可直接填写加班费比照劳基法,低於劳基法禁止发文** 加班费制度:比照劳基法, 基本上不加班 如雇主有使劳工每日工作时间超过8小时者,或单周超过40小时者,应依法给付加班 费,其标准为:(劳动基准法第24条) (1)延长工作时间在2小时以内者,按平日每小时工资额加给3分之1以上。 (2)再延长工作时间在2小时以内者,按平日每小时工资额加给3分之2以上。 补休使用需员工同意,经录取员工检举无加班费,一律转发劳动部进行劳动检查。 工作环境与该职缺团队介绍: 工作福利: - Competitive compensation - 30 vacation days - Sick and compassionate leave - Flex hours - Sponsored inter-office transfer and Visa assistance - Gym membership & team activities - Multicultural work environment 公司分红与奖金: 公司介绍: Sinitic is a Canadian startup that helps businesses automate multilingual customer support with our conversational AI technology. 人资或徵才联络方式: 请将履历寄至 [email protected] 或於以下网址填写 Backend: Frontend: --
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1F:推 chatnoir: 可以介绍一下贵公司的业务范围吗? 05/26 22:36

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