Soft_Job 板


公司名称,统编: Wearisma Taiwan 偀向软体有限公司 (64219643) 职缺网页: 公司网站: 公司地址(填写详细至号): 台北市中正区北平东路30-2号 (近捷运善导寺) 职缺: 全端工程师 x 2 职缺能力经历要求: [基本条件] - 资讯工程背景相关系所毕业,3年以上工作经验 - 良好的英语会话与表达沟通能力及杰出的团队合作 - 与国外同仁开会时,能接受弹性上班时间 (例如:12PM - 8PM/每周1~2天) - 致力於撰写简洁有效率、可读性高、易於维护及测试的程式 [加分条件] - Experience working on software development projects using languages such as Ruby, Javascript, Java, C#, C++, Python - Experience document-oriented databases - Experience working with Agile approaches - Experience building beautiful front-end with HTML5 and CSS3 员工是否需自备工具? (是/否) : 否。员工均配Mac笔电 薪资(月薪): TWD 70,000 - TWD 90,000 薪资(保证最低年薪,必填项目): 保证年薪 12个月,年终2 ~ 3个月 年终奖金计算方式: 全薪计算 工时: - 每日工作时间: 周一至周五 11:00AM - 7:00PM (7小时) (午休1小时) - 每周工作时间: 7 * 5 = 35 (小时) 加班费制度: 基本上不需加班,如需加班则比照劳基法 工作内容: - Design and implement features on platform - Write clean, maintainable and efficient code - Contribute in all phases of the development lifecycle - Work well with other developers, product owners and client support teams 工作环境与该职缺团队介绍: We are looking for passionate developers who care about software excell- ence. You will join a small team of exceptional developers working in a fast-paced, startup environment to deliver world-class software. The Full Stack Developer will serve a vital role designing and implement- ing new features and supporting existing ones. You will work both independently and in the team to get features completed, working on all parts of the stack designing data models, algorithms and creating UIs. Our tech stack includes MongoDB, Ruby, Elasticsearch, HTML5, CSS3, Javasc- ript and Python. We have integrations with many social platforms and sync with massive amount of data. We are also constantly experimenting with AI and data analysis to create useful insights for our users. The most successful experiments get integ- rated into the product. 工作福利: - 特休15天,满一年加一天 - 一年一次补助机票住宿前往总公司交流(伦敦) 公司介绍: Wearisma总部位於英国伦敦,成立於2015年。 Wearisma Taiwan成立於2018年。 Wearisma partners with global premium and luxury brands and agencies to create meaningful and lasting connections. Founded by industry experts who specialise in growing global audiences, we built our products with insight into the way brands succeed. That’s why our Influencer discovery and management software is designed to help brands identify and build lasting relationships with influencers with the help of powerful analytics. Wearisma is dissecting the world of social media and influencer marketing one platform at a time, supporting an illustrious roster of world-class clients who are market leaders in their respective fields from lifestyle, technology, beauty, fashion, automotive to art to be the innovators in influencer marketing. 人资或徵才联络方式: 请将 CV 寄至 [email protected] 备注: Wearisma是经营influencer(网红)和Brands(业主)间媒合及分析平台的英国新创, 客户多为luxury或是fashion brands,及各社群网站的influencer。 在台湾预计会先组成3~4人的team,希望能找到工作经验3年以上的优秀工程师, 若无Web相关经验也没关系,欢迎投递CV。 公司薪资及福利佳,月薪70k~90k、每年15天up特休、每年一次补助伦敦机票及住宿 、每日工时7小时少加班、员工配Mac笔电等等。 之前有些板友对於工作时间有些疑问,因为台湾这边成立初期需要跟伦敦的Engineer 有较紧密的开会及讨论(因此对英文的沟通能力会比较要求),所以每周可能有1~2天会 晚一小时上/下班,但工时不变(e.g.从早上11点~晚上七点改成中午12点~晚上8点), 之後会再视情况做调整。 欢迎大家投递履历! --
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1F:→ paint: 请问有机会可以远端工作吗 02/26 09:43

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