Soft_Job 板


公司名称: 鸿霖航空货运代理股份有限公司 统编: 30436044 公司地址: 台北市内湖区瑞光路360号七楼 职缺: EAI Programmer 工作内容: - Support Corporate project team to define business requirements and understand business strategies to ensure proper alignment of system solutions. - Support detailed requirement analysis, system design, programming, testing, documentation and implementation of Enterprise Middleware. - Develop programs necessary to integrate and/or implement the system. - Test system fully to determine its operational reliability. 职缺能力经历要求: - Bachelor's degree in MIS, Computer Science or Information Technology. - Minimum 3 years of Java development experience. - Web service, RESTful Implementation and maintenance experience. - Good understanding of RDBMS concepts and in-depth knowledge of SQL. - Highly motivated, strong problem identification and solving, and interpersonal communication skill. - Strong oral and written communication skills and a team player. - Proficient in English writing and oral communication. - Experience with Supply Chain Execution applications (e.g., Transportation Management System, etc.), is preferred. 员工是否需自备工具? : 否 薪资(月薪): 50,000 up (依实际工作经验做调整) 薪资(保证最低年薪): 13 个月 年终奖金计算方式:全薪计算 每日工作时间: 9:00 ~18:00 (中午休息: 12:00~13:00) 每周上班时间: 8*5=40小时 加班费制度:依劳基法规定 工作环境与该职缺团队介绍: You will work with corporate process/IT team for Morrison Express EAI middleware implementation. These people have intensive experience on Air/Sea freight process and Air Message, EDI implementation. You will learn forwarding industry best practice, how leading customer manage their logistics. Via working with supplier, you can see how to support global forwarding business from multiple heterogeneous system/platform integration. 工作福利: 周休二日、端午/中秋节金、年终奖金、绩效奖金(视公司营运成果与个人工作绩效)、结 婚礼金、丧葬慰问金、劳/健保、退休制度、年度旅游、教育训练。 公司介绍: Established in 1972, Morrison Express was a family business. Today, Morrison Express is a privately held company operated by a highly experienced professional management team. The company started by focusing on the Taiwan-USA route, however today, we have more than 70 branches in America, Western Asia Pacific Rim, China, Europe and South America and more than 100 agents over the 5 continents. With more than 1,300 employees in over 70 branches, we have successfully transformed from a Taiwan-based company to a global corporation and are still expanding rapidly in terms of revenue and corporate size. We embrace the cultural difference between each country and encourage a “local hire” philosophy to deepen our roots in each country. At the same time, we develop our next generation of leaders by urging our talent to accept challenges to relocate to different branches and to take different responsibilities. 人资或徵才联络方式: Please apply the job via 104 email your resume to [email protected]. --
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1F:→ powerwolf543: 这薪水还是去找猴子吧 02/24 02:14
2F:→ shiauji: 太少了 02/24 10:08
3F:→ haw561676: 香蕉? 02/24 10:58
4F:→ Diveln: 去海外好了 02/24 11:11
5F:推 slamgundam: 印度人才适合你 02/24 13:10
6F:→ pttworld: 台湾的JAVA职缺大多是派遣,薪水低,做到SA才高一点 02/24 13:57
7F:→ tim12384: 02/25 01:19
8F:推 tim12384: 02/25 01:27
9F:推 tim12384: 02/25 03:34
10F:→ kusozack: 是来反串的吗?? 02/25 13:32
11F:→ tumemanques: 50k是低标(3Y only),实际薪资要面试後才决定 02/25 15:26
12F:推 angusyu: tim12384可以永久水桶了吗 02/25 15:55
13F:→ IhateOGC: 可悲 03/14 12:22
14F:→ IhateOGC: 50*13 ≡ 65万 03/14 12:23
15F:→ IhateOGC: 650000/12/240 = 03/14 12:24
16F:→ IhateOGC: 225..妈压,薪资真低 03/14 12:24
17F:→ IhateOGC: 如果还要加班,那就不是除240了 03/14 12:25

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