Soft_Job 板


公司名称,统编(中华民国以外注册可免填):Robert Walters, 53546368 公司地址(填写详细至号): 台北市信义区松智路1号10楼 实际工作地点: Neihu 职缺: DevOps Engineer In this role, you’ll work collaboratively with software engineering to operate and deploy our systems. Help automate, re-engineer and streamline our development operations and processes. Build and maintain tools for deployment, monitoring and operations. And troubleshoot and resolve issues in our dev, test, staging and production environments. Key responsibilities: ‧ Process Management - Developing, defining and promoting standard operating procedures and creating processes and tooling for operation efficiency. Facilitate team interactions related to the process. Ensuring adherence to the organization's development process. ‧ Automation Management - Manage the continuous build and release automation best practices. Working closely with development, testing and operational teams to identify automation opportunities and solutions to any manual work practices. ‧ Research/Innovation - Exploring new technologies to optimize the delivery and reliability of automation ‧ Monitoring - Develop and implement monitoring tools with reporting, dashboards and alerts to monitor production product performance and dev operation efficiency. ‧ Environment Management - Help design, implement and support development tools and infrastructure with an understanding of Windows/Linux, networking, storage, security and application dependencies. Standardize, automate and document setup of development and production environments Top 3 skill areas for this role: ‧ Coding or scripting ‧ Process re-engineering ‧ Communication and collaborating with others Key qualifications: ‧3 years working with provision and automate infrastructure ‧3 years experience using CI/CD tools such as Gitlab, TeamCity, Octopus for automated builds, unit tests, deployments and functional testing ‧Proficient working with PowerShell, ASP.NET, Web API, C# ‧Experience with devops tools, processes and culture Preferred qualifications: ‧Experience working with a CMDB to maintain environment data for automation ‧Working knowledge of MSSQL and mySQL databases to maintain and monitor performance ‧Experience creating and managing virtual environments through VMWare or similar products ‧3 years experience in Windows/Linux systems with networking and security knowledge. ‧Knowledge of best practices and IT operations in an always-up, always-available service. Systems administration a plus. 员工是否需自备工具? (是/否) :否 薪资: 1-1.1M per year 每日工作时间: 9:00AM~6:00PM (八小时) 中午休息一小时 每周工作时间: 8*5=40 加班费制度: 比照劳基法 人资或徵才联络方式: Ruby Lin of Robert Walters, a global headhunting company. Dir: +886 2 8758 0706 E-mail: [email protected] Web: Also welcome to refer any of your friends who might be interested in this role. We will provide NTD10,000 referral fee for each successful placement. : ) --
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1F:推 Eos: 有点低 06/24 22:16
2F:嘘 titigirl: 超低 06/25 14:43
3F:嘘 Masakiad: 真的 好烂的薪资 06/25 18:23
4F:嘘 Sidney0503: 有笑有推 06/25 19:02
5F:推 Trick: 认真请教楼上觉得应该多少才合理 06/25 22:14
6F:→ robler: 我符合这个职缺的条件啦,但是这个薪水不符合我的条件 06/25 22:29
7F:嘘 GameHeven: 这篇英文我都看不懂,但是我现在工作就1.1M了.... 06/26 11:17
8F:嘘 Sieg2010: 这种工作不应该是一个Engineer做,应该是CTO或是顾问职 06/26 11:53
9F:→ Sieg2010: 所以版上说2.5M是对的 06/26 11:54
10F:嘘 chenxiaowoo: 拜托!! 台中市一个只会嘴炮的顾问都月薪10万+分红了 06/26 14:01
11F:嘘 smileisfree: 这是在徵 国际志工 啦! 06/26 20:49
12F:→ gakct: 先不管是否炒作 devops现在是国际显学. 这价位很无言 06/26 22:14
13F:→ synd: 薪资是相对的,如果徵人的母公司在自己国家同职缺开到500w 06/26 22:47
14F:→ synd: 那在台湾要求250w~300w就有可能 06/26 22:47

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