Soft_Job 板


[公司名称] Ideal Workspace Pte. Ltd. (Altizen为其品牌) [公司地址] 新加坡总部:33 Ubi Ave 3, Singapore 408868 台北分公司:筹设中 [公司网址] [职缺及待遇] Firmware Engineer 60,000 - 100,000 TWD/mth (Embedded System) [公司简介] - 致力打造能提升人们工作与生活体验的Standing Desk - 拥有 20 年硬体技术实力的新加坡新创 [工作内容/ 应徵条件] Responsibilities: - Design, development, testing and support of firmware / embedded software applications for microcontroller based wireless systems - Develop software communication protocols for wireless communications - Drive technology / development projects from specification to release - Read or understand electronics schematic and system design - Work closely with cross functional teams to ensure project delivery on time - Define and create product software specification including software architecture, feature descriptions and application notes of the system - Research technical issues and/or opportunities and provide recommendations - Participate in ad hoc software projects and assignments as required Requirements: - Degree in electronic / electrical / computer engineering / computer science, software engineering or related fields - Min 2-3 years experience in real-time embedded systems - Possess strong knowledge of C / C++ language / Embedded Linux - Experience with 32 bits microcontroller (Microchip), PIR sensors and Modbus interpreter for motor driver - Experience with firmware system design, embedded development in Linux, real-time operating system - Knowledge of communication transport protocol like I2C, SPI, UART and USB - Understanding Bluetooth and Wifi Protocol and stack - Excellent teamwork skills, flexibility and ability to handle multiple tasks - Able to manage one’s own time efficiently - Depending on experience and skills, candidate will be offered senior or junior position role. [工作地点] 台北工作地点暂定在:台北市中正区武昌街一段1-2号12楼 待台湾分公司设立完成後会再搬迁 [工作时间] 原则上09:00 - 18:00,但时间自由。弹性午休 [加班制度] 比照台湾相关劳动法规 [应徵方式] 职缺传送门: [其他资讯与攻略建议] 1. 本工作有新加坡出差受训机会 2. 此职位为Altizen在台湾第一名员工。如有管理经验,未来可 考虑昇任台湾分公司的技术主管。届时也会再调整待遇 3. CEO (co-founder)将於4月中旬亲自前来台湾面试人选。意者 请直接以mit.Jobs网站应徵并用讯息功能联系,安排面试 4. 承上,CEO就是以下网页中最左边这一位。 (省得说我都没写 XD) 此为代发讯息,请不要直接回信应徵。有违板规请告知,感谢 == 林昶聿 创办人及开发者 mit.Jobs跨境求职网站 --
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※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自:
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1F:→ asdfghjklasd: 台湾人薪水果然够低 04/04 18:32
2F:嘘 ladyboy99: 一堆我不会 可是已经领比这家高 04/04 18:54
3F:→ robler: 现在把出差当福利是一种趋势? 04/04 19:17
※ 编辑: dolinian (, 04/04/2017 20:08:31
4F:嘘 Eos: 要出差到新加坡好像谢主隆恩? 04/04 21:32
5F:嘘 abcsimps: = =都不改进吗... 04/05 15:47
6F:嘘 SPower: ... 04/05 16:14
7F:嘘 lensuper: 嵌入式韧体GG 04/06 20:06
8F:→ slamgundam: 新加坡起薪是从10万台币起跳 04/07 18:57
9F:嘘 lensuper: 韧体嵌入式根本GG 04/10 21:31
10F:→ lensuper: 不小心发两次lol怎麽删掉 04/10 21:32

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