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公司名称,统编(中华民国以外注册可免填): EPAM Systems 亿磐系统(深圳)有限公司 公司地址(填写详细至号): 深圳市南山高新科技园高新南九道威新软件园8号楼8楼 工作地点: 深圳 职缺: #1 Software Developer (Javascript) 职缺能力经历要求: Responsibilities: -Write high-quality JavaScript code: alone or as a part of the team -Participate in design and architecture workshops, perform technical feasibility validation during the discovery phase. -Setup technical practice principle i.e. coding standards and convey to team -Participate in Scrum activities: daily standups, demo sessions, retrospectives, planning, etc. -Mentor junior developers and improve overall quality of a code -Constantly acquire new skills to apply them on a project. -Participate in discussions with a customer Qualifications: -Degree in a Computer Science related discipline or equivalent -Solid Knowledge of computer science, best coding practices, design patterns, performance optimizations -Should strive for personal technical excellence in his/her area of expertise and continuously work towards the improvement of his/her skills. -Strong written and verbal communication skills in English -Strong leadership in technical and also a team player who considers overall delivery from team prior than individual solo. -Recent experience working with React, Redux, Webpack, Node.js, and NPM -Hands on experience working with at least one JavaScript framework, such as Backbone, Ember, or Angular -Expert-level knowledge of raw JavaScript (ES5 / ES6), CSS3, and HTML5 -Expert in debugging JavaScript and CSS #2 Title: Senior Software Developer(.Net) 职缺能力经历要求: RESPONSIBILITIES -Participate in requirements gathering, analysis, design, implementation, testing and maintenance; -Develop general system design including internal and external information flows, current and future system requirements, interfaces and integration points; -Document system architecture including functional and integration components; Document conceptual data model, key entities and elements, data transformations and conversions; -Create new programs and customize existing programs utilizing the following programming languages and development environments: Visual Studio.NET, C#, C++, HTML/DHTML, JavaScript, XML/XSLT, SQL; -Utilize standard software development methodologies, processes, techniques and quality planning methods in all phases of work; -Facilitate effective communication between customers and offshore technical team. REQUIREMENTS -5+ years of experience in software development; -1-2 years in system Architecture and Design; -Proficiency in .NET, C#, C++, XML/XSLT, Web Services; -Proven experience in commercial web applications development; -In-depth knowledge and production experience working with relational databases (MSSQL, Oracle or Sybase); -Good knowledge of MS Patterns & Practices, MS Application Blocks, NUnit; -Good knowledge on the ASP .NET lifecycle, sessions & cookies, understand the IIS configurations, filters, policies. -Strong analytical skills, including gathering, compiling, and documenting system and technical requirements and writing specifications; -Excellent interpersonal, organizational, and written/verbal communications skills; -Experience interfacing with the customer. 员工是否需自备工具? (是/否) : 否 薪资(月薪): RMB 15K-30K 薪资(保证最低年薪,必填项目): 13 个月 ****以下工时与加班费必填,不填删文水桶**** 工时: 40 hours/week 每日工作时间: EX:10:00AM~6:00PM (八小时) 中午休息(12:00~1:00) 每周工作时间: 8*5=40 加班费制度:比照中国劳动法 工作环境与该职缺团队介绍: 国际化工作环境, 弹性工作制;团队来自于不同国家的工程师, 全英文沟通 工作福利: cutting-edge technical sharing with engineers worldwide; international working environment; flexible working hours; attractive benefits 公司介绍: About EPAM Systems EPAM – Effective Programming for America, established in 1993 in USA, is one of the biggest software product developer in Europe with more than 19000 employees globally in over 25 countries. It was listed on NYSE in 2012 and entered into APAC in 2014, ranked No.8 of the 25 fastest growing public tech companies on Forbes. Shenzhen is our APAC Delivery Center, where over 250 engineers are working here on different projects for our clients from various industries, such as commercial, banking, finance, energy, healthcare, etc. Our engineers have the opportunities to explore diversified projects. For more information, please visit 关于EPAM Systems 创立于1993年,EPAM Systems, Inc. (NYSE: EPAM) 被多家知名独立研究中心公认为软件 开发行业的领先者。EPAM总部设于美国,凭着其于中欧及东欧所设立、屡获殊荣的全球服 务执行中心,成功让分布于25个国家中约一万九百位IT专才得以为世界各地的客户服务。 2013年,EPAM在福布斯美国最高速增长科技企业二十五强中排名第8位。 如欲了解更多内容,请浏览 人资联络方式: 欢迎将英文CV寄给Recruiter- Tracy,烦请来信附上电话及方便连络的时间,谢谢 Email: [email protected] Email标题 : PTT- Job Position-Name - phone number 此为代发讯息,请不要直接回信,感谢配合。 --
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1F:嘘 hegemon: 这种薪水来台湾找人?洗洗睡吧 01/20 02:58
2F:→ robler: 15000你自己留者吧 01/20 11:38

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