Sodagreen 板


第26届富川国际奇幻影展(Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival) 於昨(2022/06/14)公布入围名单,今年共有十部台湾电影,将个别在四个单元中, 共同角逐奖项。 韩国富川国际影展(BIFAN)是亚洲最重要,也是规模最大的类型影展之一。文策院恭喜 所有入围的团队,本次入围阵容坚强的台湾电影队,将在今(2022)年七月,前进韩国 富川影展,展现影视台流的无限魅力,让我们继续为国片加油! *仅节录《池塘怪谈》的文字内容。 2022年第26届富川国际奇幻影展|影展单元:Merry-Go-Round 池塘怪谈 The Pond|Taiwan|2021年|100mins|International Premiere|R12+| (c) 鱼丁糸有限公司、环球国际唱片股份有限公司 制作公司:金盏花大影业股份有限公司 Code  Time             Theater                511 07/11(Mon) 13:30 - 15:10 Bucheon City Hall Main Theater(2F)  809 07/14(Thu) 11:00 - 12:40 CGV Sopung 10             1008 07/16(Sat) 17:00 - 18:40 Bucheon City Hall Fantastic Cube(1F) :Unless following Subtitle code is marked, all films will have English subtitles :Notice of No English-Subtitle 截图:
2022/07/09(六)新增截图: 韩文简介: 英文简介: Synopsis:High school students Fish, Ting, Da-Mee, and Q want to try the taste of driving. They stole Q’s brother’s car at night but unfortunately get into an accident. While three of them only suffer minor injuries, Fish goes into a coma for some time. The three accuse Fish of being the driver, but Fish loses all the memory during that drive. Believing that he has been made the scapegoat, Fish decides to confront them. However, Fish accidentally falls into a pond and disappears… As things are going out of control, Fish reemerged from the pond only to find himself in a strange yet familiar space and time, where he and Ting, Da-See, and Q are planning to take Q’s brother’ s car… Program Note:A group of teens driving without a license crash the car on the highway. The driver blames Chiang Hsiao-yu, who is unconscious from a head injury and eventually gets him expelled from school. During a fight with those who were in the car with him, Hsiao-yu falls into a deep swamp but finds his way out, only to find himself back at the moment just before the accident. In The Pond, science fiction concepts like time travel and a parallel universe are combined with the conventions of Taiwanese school tales. As the protagonist pursues the truth, the film explores the realistic yet multi-layered aspects of youth, with a touch of comic humor. Youngsters can be foolish, naive and cowardly, but this is all part of coming-of-age. This is a feature version of the 10-part 10 minute mini-series by Cheng Wei-hao, who has proven directorial talent in the crime and thriller genres. (CHO Jaewhee)     主要角色 Main Character:演员 Cast 江小鱼  CHIANG Hsiao-Yu:林鹤轩 Da-her LIN He-Syuan  阿丁  Ting      :石知田 SHIH Chih-Tian  大糸  Da-Mee     :蔡承儒  小Q   Q       :张绍琛  阿妮          :陈姸霏 Buffy CHEN  鱼妈 Hsiao-Yu's Mother:苗可丽 MIAO Ke-Li   鱼爸 Hsiao-Yu's Father:陈俊成  老袁 Police YUAN   :赵正平 David CHAO 其他演员 Other actors 洪毓璟  Aaron Don Don HONG Yu-Jing Director:CHENG Wei-hao Cheng Wei-Hao, Taiwanese director, mastering in crime and suspense stories. In 2015, his first feature film The Tag-Along was nominated for 4 rewards in 54th Golden Horse Award In 2016, feature films Who Killed Cock Robin and The Tag-Along 2 were released and nominated for 8 rewards in 55th Golden Horse Award in total. 2021 his latest film The Soul released, and promptly reached $14 million USD box office in China in 4 weeks. The Pond|预告 Trailer|BIFAN 2022:
BIFAN x wavve online Screening Features BIFAN x wavve online Screening Features 富川国际奇幻影展 官网: 脸书粉专: 推特: Instagram: 台湾文策院2022/06/15脸书原文网址: 截图版: 富川国际奇幻影展的官网截图: --- 心得:  因为我不懂韩国语言,於是使用网路机器翻译,  根据富川国际奇幻影展官网资讯、这几年整理片单的经验,  今年(2022年)富川国际奇幻影展会与韩国的OTT《wavve》合作放映部分片单,  《池塘怪谈》也包括在内。 目前人在韩国(KR)的板友们, 可以持续锁定《富川国际奇幻影展》的官网、官方社群帐号的公告~ 人在台湾的板友,可至以下台湾的正版OTT影音平台收看↓ TW|公视+|普|分成十集|2022/07/31止: TW|MyVideo|护|分成十集: TW|网飞|16+|一气呵成版|TW-ZH: TW|网飞|16+|一气呵成版|TW-EN: --
QR Code

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址:
1F:推 papa7363: 哇! 06/15 23:39
2F:推 imcockroach: 我团好国际 06/16 11:27
补充: BIFAN x wavve online Screening Features 的网页系统:  「Available from 10:00 on July 8th (Fri) on wavve.   Service only available in Korea」 wavve: ※ 编辑: sodabubble ( 台湾), 06/16/2022 13:22:28
3F:推 AvaCHOW: 哗~厉害了! 06/16 13:31
4F:推 sodagreenyu: 赞啦! 06/16 19:05
5F:推 dseser78: Wow 06/16 20:20
6F:推 jtt: 恭喜! 06/16 20:30
7F:推 haha0903: 好棒 06/17 00:45
8F:推 Asdk: 恭喜!!! 06/17 00:46
※ 编辑: sodabubble ( 台湾), 06/23/2022 13:20:08
9F:→ skybrest: 推 06/26 01:08
10F:→ skybrest: 推 06/30 20:51
11F:推 lindayeh: 推 07/08 11:10
2022/07/09 (六) 16:35补充 大约在2022/07/07半夜,发现第26届富川国际奇幻影展官网的《池塘怪谈》网页里, Synopsis内容 改成 Program Note内容 两者(Synopsis、Program Note)原文均保留在这篇, 也保留Synopsis第一版内容「Da-See」(『系』、糸,笑)。 ※ 编辑: sodabubble ( 台湾), 07/09/2022 16:36:06

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