看板 NBA  RSS Former T-Wolves Staffer Arrested, Charged with Stealing Strategic Info on Hard Drive 前灰狼员工被捕,被指控窃取硬碟上的战略资讯 A former Minnesota Timberwolves employee has been charged with stealing strategic information from the hard drive of the head of the team's analytics department. 一名前灰狼队员工被指控从球队分析部门负责人的硬碟上窃取战略资讯。 Per Paul Walsh of the Star Tribune, Somak Sarkar, 33, was arrested on Monday and charged with felony third-degree burglary in Hennepin County District Court. He remains jailed in lieu of $40,000 bail and is scheduled for a court appearance on Thursday afternoon. 根据《Star Tribune》的 Paul Walsh 的说法,33岁的 Somak Sarkar 周一被 捕,并在 Hennepin County District Court 被指控犯有三级入室盗窃重罪。 他仍然被监禁,代替4万美元的保释金,并定於周四下午出庭。 Sachin Gupta, the head of Minnesota's analytics department, had his work hard drive stolen from his Target Center office last month, per a criminal complaint filed Wednesday. When he got his hard drive back a week later, it was found that "roughly 5,700 files were copied that held employment and player contracts, 'as well as strategic NBA information,'" per Walsh. 根据周三提交的刑事投诉,明尼苏达州分析部门负责人 Sachin Gupta 上个月 在中心办公室的工作硬碟被盗。 一周後,当他拿回硬碟时,发现 “大约5700份档案被复制,其中包含员工资讯和球员合约,'以及NBA战略资讯'” 。 The hard drive also contained Gupta's tax returns and other financial information, plus his login and passwords from a password management app, according to the complaint. Sarkar was fired after the team learned of the hard drive's disappearance. 根据投诉,硬碟还包含 Gupta 的纳税申报表和其他财务资讯,以及他存在密码 管理应用程式的登入名和密码。 Sarkar在团队得知硬碟消失後被解雇了。 The team said in a statement that it was "aware of these allegations and will have no further comment as it is an ongoing legal matter." 团队在一份声明中表示,它 “知道这些指控,不会进一步评论,因为这是一个正在进行的法律问题。” Per the complaint, Sarkar told police after his arrest that as a member of Minnesota's coaching staff, he took Gupta's hard drive to "put some stuff on it" but forgot to return it. After a search warrant was executed for Sarkar's apartment near Target Center, authorities uncovered several hard drives, a computer, three tablets and multiple USB drives, the complaint stated. Police said one of the devices "contained all the information from [Gupta's] hard drive." 根据投诉,Sarkar在被捕後告诉警方,作为明尼苏达州教练组的一员,他拿 走了Gupta的硬碟“在上面放了些东西”,但忘了归还。 投诉称,在对塔吉 特中心附近的萨卡公寓执行搜查令後,当局发现了几台硬碟、一台电脑、三 台平板电脑和多个USB随身碟。 警方表示,其中一个装置“包含来自 (Gupta)硬碟的所有资讯”。 "Gupta is concerned that Sarkar is going to disseminate the proprietary Timberwolves information and his private information," one of the court documents stated. 根据法庭文件,Gupta担心Sarkar将泄漏灰狼的机密资讯和他的私人资料 。 Gupta first joined the Timberwolves in 2019 as an executive vice president, and he served as interim president of basketball operations during the 2021-22 season. After Tim Connelly assumed that role in May 2022, Gupta remained with Minnesota as an executive vice president under Connelly, leading the analytics department. Gupta於2019年首次加入灰狼队,担任执行副总裁,并在2021-22赛季担任 篮球营运临时总裁。 Tim Connelly 在2022年5月接任该职务後,Gupta继续 留在球队担任 Connelly 的执行副总裁,主管分析部门。 -- --
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