消息来源:(网址或出处) 内容: My heart hurts so much right now. I still can't wrap my head around this. How can it be? . I learned so much from Kobe Bryant. He was naturally gifted, but had a passion for basketball like no one else I've ever seen. His work ethic was impeccable and his stress on mastering the fundamentals is what elevated him to the player he was. I've never met anyone more focused with a myopic approach. He didn't pursue approval, affirmation or adulation. He pursued excellence and process. He followed my career and would often call to help with my health, daily routine ... and would even chime in about hitting techniques. He was a role model to me, and millions around the world. . We met as teenagers. We followed similar paths. We went from high school to the pros and our baby girls grew up together. People don't know this, but he was my secret coach. He pushed me and motivated me, especially toward the end of my career when I needed him most. He was always there. Even after our playing days, he was there for me. He attended @Jlo's last show in Vegas. He appeared on TheCorp podcast. . I last saw him a few months ago. I will remember what he told me about how much he loved Vanessa and his girls, and that he continued to say no to 99 percent of offers, choosing instead to spend as much time with his family as possible. . I will remember his greatness. I will remember his guidance. I will remember his friendship. I will remember that he made me a better person. . His 13-year-old daughter Gianna was following in her Dad’s footsteps. She was kind, smart, caring and going to be a star. . Rest in peace, Kobe. Rest in peace, GiGi. My heart and prayers go out to the Bryant family and the passengers’ families. 翻译: 现在我相当的痛心,仍然无法理解怎麽会发生这样的事。 我从Kobe身上学到了很多,他是个相当有天赋的人,而且我从他的身上看到了对於篮球无 人能及的热情。他对工作的热忱态度无懈可击,且就是如此致力於他的原则上才让他成为 了这样高度的球员。我从来没看过任何比他专注於现在的人,Kobe追求的不是认可、肯定 或是奉承,而是卓越以及过程。他会关注我的职业生涯,并不时打电话来帮助我的健康、 日常生活,甚至是打击技巧。Kobe不只是我的楷模,也是世上百万人的。 我们在青少年时就已经认识,我们的人生际遇相当类似,我们都从高中毕业後直接进入职 业球界、且我们的女儿一起长大。虽然大家并不知道这件事----不过Kobe是我的秘密教练 。他鞭策我并让我保持动力,特别是在我职业生涯末期那段最需要他的时候,他永远都在 那儿。就算是在我们两个比赛日的赛後,我都能找到他。他参与了Jennifer Lopez在拉斯 维加斯的最後一场表演、他出现在The Corp的podcast之中。 我最後一次和Kobe见面是在几个月之前。我会记得他说过有多爱Venessa和他的女儿们, 而这也是他推掉99%的工作邀约的所有原因,他宁愿选择能陪伴家人更多的时间。 他13岁的女儿Gianna相当有父亲的模样。她善解人意、聪明体贴且有明星特质。 愿你安息,Kobe。愿你安息,Gigi。我的心和祝祷会和Kobe一家人,以及机上乘客的家人们 同在。 短评或心得:(情报为有关NBA新闻、每日战绩、电视转播表、自行整理的NBA相关讯息。 每 ID 每天限发一篇情报,内容雷同者原则上只留一篇,以第一篇发表时 间为准,此分类须加注相关心得.未加者将删文,谢谢大家的配合) AROD三次MVP、14次入选MLB明星赛,打了一大篇看的出来他们感情真的很好... 翻译有错请大家不吝指教,好久没翻长文了qq --
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1F:→ steven59420 : Kobe呜呜 01/27 08:48
2F:推 hchs31705 : 好长QQ 01/27 08:49
3F:推 possible322 : 很有心 难过 01/27 08:50
4F:推 TohnoShiki : 越看越难过,先睡觉好了,希望这一切都不是真的 01/27 08:50
5F:推 avrilrock : 难过 01/27 08:50
6F:推 peteru4 : 看起来也是很难过 唉QQ 01/27 08:50
7F:推 Evonn : 唉QQ 01/27 08:50
8F:推 j7410620 : 24 01/27 08:50
9F:推 thb96300 : QQ 01/27 08:50
10F:推 RICKEN : 哭哭... 01/27 08:50
11F:推 ilovekobe824: ..,, 01/27 08:51
12F:推 toto3527 : 等等 kobe可以交a辣打击技巧? 01/27 08:51
13F:推 future0stw : KOBE真的是很多人的心灵导师QQ 01/27 08:51
14F:推 yapgunin : 谢谢翻译,致我此生最爱的偶像和女儿一路好走...... 01/27 08:51
15F:推 dknymaster : 好难过... 01/27 08:51
16F:推 HIGHSCHOOLDX: 惨 01/27 08:51
17F:推 iseedeadman : Kobe 启发了一个世代的运动员追求卓越 01/27 08:52
18F:→ iseedeadman : 影响力超越篮球 01/27 08:52
19F:推 cmelo1515 : 呜呜呜呜喔 01/27 08:52
20F:推 a060146252 : 真的好难过 01/27 08:53
21F:推 kingcharlie : 原来肉哥跟老大认识… 01/27 08:54
22F:推 a26893997 : 当年就是篮球看老大 棒球看Arod QQ 01/27 08:55
23F:→ kmigtxxxx : 推 01/27 08:55
24F:推 yusuke362 : 老大指导的打击技巧说不定是精神力上的打磨 01/27 08:56
25F:推 HongLiers : 无法相信老大离开... 01/27 08:56
26F:推 CW4 : 顶级的竞争者愿意提供他的经验与洞察力 跨领域还是 01/27 08:56
27F:→ CW4 : 可以受用的 01/27 08:56
28F:推 yixiang1017 : 24 01/27 08:56
29F:推 vvvv0o0vvvv : 他们也认识这麽久了QQ 01/27 08:57
30F:推 ken720331 : 英雄惜英雄 01/27 08:57
31F:嘘 manning : 24 01/27 08:58
32F:推 hiarpu : R.I.P. 01/27 08:59
33F:推 acac6655 : 01/27 09:01
34F:推 Toy17 : 老大的追求完美敬业精神 用在棒球没问题啊 01/27 09:02
35F:推 SkyPlus : 贴他的至少比贴虎王得好一点 01/27 09:03
36F:→ cookiey : 英雄惜英雄 01/27 09:03
37F:→ SkyPlus : 太空人偷走 LA 一个冠军,刚刚JV还敢在 twitter 01/27 09:04
38F:→ SkyPlus : 贴文纪念,看到都想吐了 01/27 09:04
39F:推 future0stw : 还好吧!出这种是缅怀一下,别把太鼓人的事扯在一起 01/27 09:07
40F:推 pi020412 : 原来肉哥跟老大是旧识 肉哥一定很难过 01/27 09:07
41F:嘘 ericsung : 平衡24 01/27 09:07
42F:推 CMPunk : 原来他们青少年就认识了 01/27 09:18
43F:推 rojjujj : 哭惨了 01/27 09:25
44F:推 head109 : RIP 01/27 09:25
45F:→ riahserf : Kobe教阿肉打击技巧 ? 01/27 09:27
46F:推 blackwoody : 感人 01/27 09:39
47F:推 kickvsbrad : QQ 01/27 09:42
48F:→ Benbenyale : AROD暖 01/27 09:43
49F:推 ctes940008 : AROD现在名声超好 01/27 09:46
50F:推 ben4562002 : 真情流露呜呜呜qq 01/27 09:46
51F:嘘 ohmygod0707 : 24 01/27 09:53
52F:推 laputaca : qqqqqq 01/27 09:57
53F:推 JH4748 : 看完更想哭了QQ 01/27 10:56
54F:推 zoozy : 他说指导不一定是球技方面的吧 01/27 10:57
55F:→ rosydark : QQ 01/27 11:09
56F:推 TreceVipers : 又不是抢湖人的 恶心什麽 你也太敏感了吧 01/27 11:13
57F:推 ganhua : qq 01/27 11:20
※ 编辑: s90523 ( 台湾), 01/27/2020 11:35:54
58F:推 answertw : 之前Arod有访谈Kobe youtube应该可以查一下 01/27 14:08
59F:推 toray : A-Rod不愧已经是专业球评了 01/27 14:11
60F:嘘 jcsbmwxyha : 24 01/27 16:06

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