来源: ClutchPoints 网址: Lakers’ LeBron James left hanging for the high five; Jared Dudley tried to save him 湖人LeBron James要跟湖总Vogel击掌被忽略 Jared Dudley试着化解尴尬 Once the Los Angeles Lakers sealed their victory over the Phoenix Suns on Tuesday, LeBron James was subbed out and was congratulated by his teammates for a job well done. 今晚湖人面对太阳的比赛,湖人锁定胜利,LBJ换下场休息,接受了队友们的祝贺,庆祝他 今晚的好表现。 James, too, handed out some high-fives but was left hanging by head coach Frank Vogel. Veteran forward Jared Dudley tried to save him but was a tad bit too late — but at least he tried. LBJ也试着要跟湖总Frank Vogel击掌,但是Vogel没看到。老将Jared Dudley试着化解那尴 尬场面,不过有点晚--但总比没有好。 Peep the clip below and notice how James just decided to give himself a high-five after he was left hanging by Vogel. Dudley saw all of this transpire and offered James a high-five of his own. 下面的影片连结可以看到LBJ本要跟Vogel击掌,但是Vogel没注意到。Dudley看到了整个过 程,然後他给了LBJ一个击掌。 影片连结: Sure enough, Dudley was quick to react on Twitter about his almost-heroic save. 想当然,Dudley很快的也在推特上回应了他的"神救援"。 推特连结: "Never leave a brotha hanging! " 「不能让我的兄弟晾着没人理!」 The Lakers are back on track after losing to the Raptors on Sunday. In their 123-115 win over the Suns, James chipped in 19 points, seven rebounds, and 11 assists. LA also improved to 8-2 in the young season. 在星期日输给暴龙後,湖人今天回复正常,以123-115击败太阳,LBJ拿下19分,7个篮板, 11次助攻,目前战绩8胜2败。 Other contributors include Anthony Davis who had 24-12, Danny Green who had 14 points including three 3-pointers, and Kyle Kuzma who finished with 23 points including two consecutive 3-pointers near the two-minute mark which helped seal the deal for the Lakers. Slowly and surely, Kuzma is returning to old form after missing the first few games of the 2019-20 season due to an injury. 其他球员像是AD则是拿下24分12篮板,小绿是拿下14分,其中包括3颗3分球,Kyle Kuzma 则是拿下23分,其中包括两颗接近终场前两分钟的连续三分球,确保了湖人的胜利。在缺 席了开季数场比赛後,Kyle Kuzma稳定的逐渐回复到之前的状态。 The Lakers will head back to Staples Center for a four-game homestand starting with the short-handed Golden State Warriors squad on Wednesday. 湖人结束了客场比赛,将会在主场打四场比赛,星期三会面对人手缺乏的勇士。 -- Josh Hart表示: --
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1F:推 toast1521 : 我湖传统 11/13 15:31
2F:→ SelTek : 多麽希望有人在乎我的击掌 --Josh Hart 11/13 15:31
3F:推 nuturewind : hart: 当初我在湖人一定是太菜 11/13 15:32
4F:推 qweasdzzx : Hart不是到水鸟也有被忽略XD 11/13 15:32
5F:推 DiviNeLuke : Josh Hart: 11/13 15:32
6F:推 jj645123 : Josh Hart:着作权 11/13 15:33
7F:→ earldunn : Hart:抗议,他学我 11/13 15:35
8F:推 no321 : LBJ还先自己跟自己击掌 笑死 11/13 15:36
9F:推 LiamMcMorrow: 暖男达利! 11/13 15:38
10F:推 joeytoast : 御前带刀侍卫 11/13 15:38
11F:→ hunt5566 : 反应真快 11/13 15:42
12F:推 bigballerk : Hart都会搭配他的囧脸比较好笑 11/13 15:42
13F:推 live147222 : B2B打勇士也太危险了… 11/13 15:42
14F:推 Scubadive : Josh hart这季很有梗 11/13 15:43
15F:推 justice0926 : 呵 也有今天啊 呵呵 11/13 15:44
16F:推 LiamMcMorrow: 就是有楼上这种人,呵呵 呵 11/13 15:47
17F:推 CW4 : 机灵 升他为内务府总管 11/13 15:51
18F:推 beastlcc12 : 呵呵呵 11/13 15:52
19F:→ SwissMiniGun: Hart大前辈 11/13 15:52
20F:推 sikadear : 带刀侍卫 11/13 15:53
21F:推 GANZ : 11/13 15:55
22F:推 LiamMcMorrow: 禅师这反应也够快 11/13 16:00
23F:推 CarisLeVert : HART:请勿抄袭 11/13 16:02
24F:推 EEzionT : 洛杉矶小宝 深得朕心 11/13 16:04
25F:推 leebao1003 : 反应神速 11/13 16:04
26F:推 a28200266 : LBJ还偷偷跟自己击掌XD 11/13 16:15
27F:推 kkb512sk : 禅师超萌!!! 11/13 16:16
28F:推 original0625: The 学 11/13 16:20
29F:→ PanaS0Nic : 连击掌都一失误 11/13 16:32
30F:推 jerrys0580 : 暖男我达利 11/13 16:40
31F:推 kkl522608 : Dudley太暖了吧 11/13 16:50
32F:推 hardy8463 : 达叔救援! 11/13 17:07
33F:推 handsomehank: 侠客:number 1 LeBron James~~ 11/13 17:08
34F:→ liusim : 反应好快 11/13 17:10
35F:推 n10617 : 只有我觉得杜特帝长得像阿米尔罕吗 11/13 17:11
36F:推 LABOYS : 朕封你为,护驾 11/13 17:17
37F:推 graphict : Jackson反应超快笑死 11/13 17:22
38F:推 bur3675 : 击掌担当 11/13 17:46
39F:→ ApAzusa126 : Hart: 11/13 17:46
40F:推 taiwanalien : 就说母狮是边缘人 11/13 18:00
41F:推 njunju : 这只真的可以算LBJ最护主的绿叶了XD 11/13 18:07
42F:推 aaron97 : Hart: First time? 11/13 18:16
43F:推 crazy880129 : 去年打到西冠怎麽还被嘴成这样 虽然最後被横扫啦 11/13 18:22
44F:推 xd9440207 : 达叔 11/13 19:12
45F:推 tillerman : Hart: 11/13 19:17
46F:推 hannah5269 : 就像洪扬说的~ Dudley超赞 11/13 19:38
47F:推 cktony : 喜欢湖人这季气氛 11/13 19:43
48F:推 ohmyya : 围事哥 11/13 19:45
49F:推 atoom : turn over +1 11/13 19:58
50F:→ adidaszw : 无人击掌时最佳解自己击掌 11/13 21:53
51F:→ iamaq18c : XDDDD 11/14 12:46

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