来源: ClutchPoints 网址: Celtics’ Marcus Smart reacts to getting kicked in the groin by Luka Doncic 青赛Marcus Smart对於被Luka Doncic踢到蛋蛋的反应 For some reason, Boston Celtics guard Marcus Smart has been on the receiving end of several in-game low blows over the course of his five-year NBA career. 不知道甚麽原因,青赛後卫Marcus Smart在这NBA的五年,他的下半身常会被打到。 It happened again on Monday night, when Dallas Mavericks guard Luka Doncic’s extended right leg accidentally reached Smart’s nether regions during the first quarter of their game at the TD Garden. 今天晚上青赛小牛战就又发生了,在第一节快结束时,小牛後卫Luka Doncic伸直了他的右 脚,不小心踢到Smart的该边。 Smart被Doncic踢到该边影片: “I don’t know what it is, I keep getting kicked in the groin. I don’t know what it is,” Smart said post-game, per A. Sherrod Blakely of NBC Sports Boston. 「我不知道为什麽,我一直常被踢到该边,我真的不知道为什麽,」Smart在赛後跟波士顿 NBC Sport记者A. Sherrod Blakely说到。 Smart took the inadvertent hit like a champ and accepted Doncic’s apology shortly after. Smart对被踢到的处理很大度,也很快就接受Doncic即时的道歉。 The 25-year-old Oklahoma State product got the last laugh in the end, as the Celtics came away with a hard-fought 116-106 victory and stretched their NBA-best winning streak to eight games. The Cs also claimed solo lead for the best record in the league with an 8-1 slate. 这位25岁奥克拉荷马州大出身的球员最後赢得胜利,青赛以116-106击败小牛,拿下8连 胜,是目前NBA最佳。青赛目前也以8-1的战绩居联盟首位。 Smart took on the hard task of trying to slow down the sensational Doncic for most of the game. The 20-year-old Slovenian still got his usual numbers of of 34 points, six boards and nine assists, but Smart made sure he worked for every bucket he had. Smart担起青赛最重要的责任,负责拖住小牛Doncic。20岁的Doncic还是缴出一样的水准, 拿下34分,6个篮板,9次助攻,但是Smart确保要让Doncic每次的出手得分都得很难。 Smart pitched in 17 points and six assists in 37 minutes of action for coach Brad Stevens. Smart打了37分钟,拿下17分及6个助攻。 His frenzied approach on defense has earned him an NBA All Defensive Team First team last year. Standing at just 6-foot-3, Smart also remains as one of the most versatile defenders in the league, going up against faster guards and taller forwards on occasion. Smart在防守上的猛烈做法让他在上个赛季进入NBA最佳防守队伍,尽管他只有6尺3寸,他 仍旧是联盟里面体能最佳球员之一,常常会去防守动作很快的後卫,甚至有时会去守比他 高的前锋。 Smart usually covers the opposing team’s best player, regardless of position. Smart常常会去负责防守敌队里的最佳球员,不管他是打哪个位置。 -- Smart的蛋蛋表示: --
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1F:推 NSYSUheng : 好奇还有谁踢过聪蛋 11/12 15:44
2F:推 BoYuYou : 反观某人踢到别人还不道歉说是正常人体工学动作 11/12 15:44
3F:推 rachu : 千锤百链 11/12 15:44
4F:推 eessddy : 你这聪明蛋 11/12 15:44
5F:推 leoncurry30 : 葱蛋好吃 11/12 15:45
6F:推 magamanzero : 重点是你的蛋还犯规 www 11/12 15:45
7F:→ SwissMiniGun: 犯规不是吹聪明啊 是吹萝卜 前面先犯规了 11/12 15:46
8F:推 saturday5566: 关键字:奥克拉荷马州 11/12 15:46
9F:推 star1234 : 我大鸭蛋表示: 11/12 15:46
10F:→ SwissMiniGun: 常被踢到 聪明蛋可能有种致命吸引力XDD 11/12 15:47
11F:推 firemm444 : 反观 11/12 15:48
12F:→ OPPAISuki : 太大了 11/12 15:50
13F:推 xkiller1900 : 犯规葱蛋 11/12 15:51
14F:推 NightBlue03 : 反观某个物理治疗大师 11/12 15:52
15F:推 ibakax : 077在他的限制下还能拿34分真猛 11/12 15:55
16F:推 MrSatan : 蛋有引力 11/12 15:57
17F:推 aleckleehaha: 聪明蛋 有踢有聪明? 11/12 15:58
18F:推 sirseal : 小巨蛋 11/12 15:58
19F:推 ejnfu : 出手的确不是很舒服,但该拿的分数还是都拿了 11/12 15:58
20F:推 BOSTONstyle : 推我赛阿明用生命(蛋)防守 11/12 15:59
21F:推 s920223 : 是你还没遇到踢蛋王者嘴绿 11/12 16:01
22F:推 ziam : 打篮球以後也要戴护裆了吗? 11/12 16:02
23F:→ davidturtle : 大巨蛋 11/12 16:04
24F:推 nuturewind : 下面很大一包? 11/12 16:08
25F:推 a8628989 : 你要踢蛋你要先讲! 11/12 16:15
26F:推 Tawara : 可以吹嘘自己是big baller 11/12 16:17
27F:推 LoMing1021 : 聪明球 11/12 16:20
28F:→ wwf1588 : 看不出来聪明哥犯规在哪 11/12 16:27
29F:推 jardon : 吹前面的拉人,一直讲smart犯规是有事? 11/12 16:29
30F:推 SwissMiniGun: 他没犯规啊 是踢到之前 队友萝卜先犯规了 11/12 16:29
31F:→ wwf1588 : 原来是这样 眼残抱歉 11/12 16:30
32F:推 FSGuitar : 神秘三角地带 11/12 16:31
33F:推 fredking1 : manu之前被踢进医院 11/12 16:36
34F:推 LKN555 : 很坚持要发踢蛋文XD 11/12 16:36
前一篇有错误讯息 但是蛋蛋的哀伤 是男人就懂 所以要让大家知道~~~ ※ 编辑: pneumo ( 台湾), 11/12/2019 16:40:30
35F:推 Kazmier : Smart限制的是KP 11/12 16:46
36F:推 TexasFlood : 484喜欢SM 11/12 16:47
37F:推 jalsonice : 万有引力 11/12 16:51
38F:推 mose56789 : Smart今天守KP比较多 而且很成功 11/12 17:04
39F:推 willy891017 : 鸭蛋:First time? 11/12 17:12
40F:→ hau7341 : 胯下表示:看我的万象天引 11/12 17:24
41F:推 amo0717 : 077有够白 11/12 17:32
42F:推 ebv : 太大就要被天诛吗? QQ 11/12 17:37
43F:推 horstyle0411: 聪明蛋 11/12 17:54
44F:→ James78923 : 你的万有引力比较强而已 11/12 19:03
45F:→ bracc : 你在暗示你下面那包很大吗 11/12 21:04
46F:嘘 canvas0403 : 莫忘wade踢蛋始祖 11/12 21:56
47F:推 jt0711t23 : 阿明太大包 11/13 00:10
48F:→ SCLPAL : 当居居~ 11/13 01:17
49F:推 ga502020 : 绝对会被踢蛋的人跟绝对会踢蛋的人 抖几? 11/13 01:35
50F:推 justinchiao : 鲔鱼聪明蛋,爱之味鲔鱼片,早餐吃大便 11/13 03:16
51F:推 secretmen : 走累了还可以当椅子坐 11/13 09:45
52F:→ vking223 : 蛋蛋的哀伤 11/13 16:35

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