Kevon Looney says one rule he learned from Warriors was never lose to the Clippers Looney透漏,勇士有条规则「我们永远不能输给快艇」 (注意:该文写在勇艇G5比赛前,结果大家都知道了) OAKLAND – The Golden State Warriors have a chance to close out the L.A. Clippers in Wednesday night’s Game 5. A chance to eliminate their longtime rivals is something the Warriors likely won’t take lightly. One player who likely won’t take this Game 5 as just another game is Golden State center Kevon Looney. 勇士队在G5有机会解决掉快艇,勇士终结掉这个漫长的对手的理由可能不是勇士队会搬上 台面来说的。而其中一个人不会只是把G5当作一场普通的比赛,那个人就是Looney。 The fourth-year center is playing a significant role in this series with DeMarcus Cousins now likely lost for the postseason. Through four games, Looney is averaging 9.3 points and 4.5 rebounds on 79 percent shooting from the field. He’s been a solid interior defender and really made his impact felt on the boards against the undersized Clippers. 这位四年级生中锋在表弟很可能季後赛都不能上场後扮演重要的脚色,过去四场比赛他交 出了场均9.3分4.5篮板79%fg的成绩,在对抗快艇的系列赛中,他会是勇士队内线关键的防 守者。 Ahead of Game 5, Looney opened up about the longtime rivalry between the Clippers and Warriors. 在G5开赛前,Looney谈了一下勇艇之间的恩怨情仇。 “Coming in my rookie year, you could definitely tell it was a rivalry between the Clippers and the Warriors,” said Looney, who played his rookie year in the 2015-16 season. “It seemed like they hated each other and as a rookie coming in, I didn’t understand why. I didn’t really watch that much, so I didn’t know what the rivalry was about.” 「当第一年到勇士时,我才发现勇艇之间有着宿敌关系」2015球季还是勇士菜鸟的Looney 这样说,「感觉他们彼此憎恨着对方,身为一个菜鸟我不知道这是怎麽一回事,我不常看 他们的比赛,所以我不知道个中原由。」 The Clippers, Warriors, and each team’s respective fanbases had a history of disliking each other since the 2014 playoffs. Their physical, heated seven-game series concluded in dramatic fashion with the Clippers taking Game 7, 126-121. 勇艇之间的宿敌关系可以追朔到2014年季後赛,这系列赛打得难分难解火药味十足,最终 在G7时快艇以126-121,带走了胜利。 Later that year, Christmas Day 2014 would be the Clippers’ last victory against the Warriors for the next three years. That run ended when Lou Williams dropped 50 points and seven assists on the road for the win. Looney came into the league for the 2015-16 season, so he wasn’t around for the original rivalry. He did, however, mention the rule the Warriors had since before he even arrived. 而接下来2014年的圣诞大战,就是快艇接下来三年里唯一一次赢过勇士的比赛 了,上场卢长老得了50分7助攻,才停止了这连败纪录。Looney在2015年到了勇士,所以他 没参与到勇艇之间的你死我活。但他注意到他来之前,勇士就有条潜规则。 “I know when I first came in, that was the number one rules: ‘We don’t lose to the Clippers,'” said Looney. “I’ve seen a lot of great games from Steph and Klay versus them.” 「我一来勇士的时候知道天字第一条规定就是:我们不能输给快艇。」Looney这样说, 「我见证了很多场对阵快艇的比赛时,浪花兄弟大发神威。」 While fans still go at it, it’s unlikely the teams still have that level of dislike for one another. The players who were on the Clippers roster the last time the two met in the playoffs is no more. The lone person who remains is head coach Doc Rivers. 当两队球迷继续保持这种火药关系时,这两队之间的宿敌关系却已经不像以往那样了,因 为快艇重组後当年勇艇季後赛的成员里面,现在只剩河流一人了。 Game 5 between the Clippers and Warriors will tip off at 7:30 PM PST on TNT. L.A. will look to stave off elimination while the Warriors look to advance to the second round. G5的比赛晚间在TNT播出,快艇会顽强抵抗,而勇士则想进入下一轮。 KD:KD怎没听说过这潜规则? --
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1F:→ takechance : 勇士有条规则,3:1後不能赢 04/25 14:39
2F:推 autumn31 : 要掰了吧 04/25 14:39
3F:→ SimmonsBen : Looney你被唬烂了吧 04/25 14:41
4F:推 matico : 说得没错啊,勇士是输给自己 04/25 14:41
5F:推 Yui5 : Kerr来之前的,快艇赢了勇士还跑到勇士更衣室门口 04/25 14:41
6F:→ Yui5 : 嘲讽他们没声音,闹到勇士教练球员冲出来差点要干 04/25 14:41
7F:→ Yui5 : 架,CP3还跑来闹。 04/25 14:41
8F:推 king04569 : 勇士有条规则,输了就打星号 04/25 14:42
9F:推 peanut910013: KD:想当年我3:1 73勇後也赢不了 要是赢了我就白了 04/25 14:43
10F:推 PanaS0Nic : 3:1稳了啦,3:2还是很稳,不用担心 04/25 14:43
11F:→ Yui5 : 当然这是宇宙勇之前的故事了,不过当时快艇主要的 04/25 14:43
12F:→ Yui5 : 几个败人品的比如CP3和给力芬都不在快艇了。 04/25 14:43
13F:推 kenny890429 : 那谁 啥咖小? 04/25 14:44
14F:推 AbukumaKai : 还有一条 3:1之後要输3场 04/25 14:46
15F:嘘 talk5566 : 钢铁人跟黑寡妇都没有死! 04/25 14:50
16F:推 PirateAC : 球员自己养、输了怪裁判、进球抖肩膀、赢球靠组团 04/25 14:51
17F:推 a25270672 : 当初那个快艇的球员全都已经不在快艇了 04/25 14:52
18F:推 boyf410 : 04/25 14:52
19F:推 paul5566 : 我还以为宿敌是有辣个男人的洛杉矶另一只球队 04/25 14:52
20F:推 iamnotme : ㄎㄎ 04/25 14:52
21F:嘘 qazwsxqazz : 这条杂鱼废话很多 04/25 14:54
22F:→ ksk0516 : 表弟没上这场打星号 04/25 14:55
23F:嘘 swimtorun : 卢长老2017才到快艇 2014怎麽会在快艇砍50分 04/25 14:55
感谢指正, 看错原意,已更改
24F:嘘 sbflight : 哈哈哈哈 星号打起来 04/25 14:56
25F:推 Yui5 : 勇士好几个都是Kobe迷和湖人迷,但是快艇真的是当 04/25 14:56
26F:→ Yui5 : 时季後赛输球又被快艇嘲讽後就当敌人在看了,特别 04/25 14:56
27F:→ Yui5 : 是当时咖喱这几个年轻球员现在都还在勇士。 04/25 14:56
※ 编辑: kairiyu (, 04/25/2019 15:00:30
28F:→ blue1232 : 自己的规则自己破 04/25 15:00
29F:→ monmo : 所以这个季後赛死两次了? 04/25 15:07
30F:→ st890284 : 这条大概船长跳船就跟着废了 04/25 15:17
31F:嘘 Lpissostrong: 5分7篮板 谁是我老板 04/25 15:30
32F:→ ksk0516 : 等下大大拿进阶数据出来捧鲁尼你就知道多厉害 04/25 15:36
33F:推 eh07 : 记得应该是那年,教练还是Mark Jackson,当年浪花兄 04/25 15:50
34F:→ eh07 : 弟还没那麽红,但连台湾转播时都会特别强调他们是 04/25 15:50
35F:→ eh07 : 神射了,那时候CP3、Griffin名气还是大些,我看Curr 04/25 15:50
36F:→ eh07 : y切入都快被Griffin巴死了但都要不都哨音 04/25 15:50
37F:推 GayLeeGur : 五星勇输任何人都该自刎吧 04/25 15:51
38F:推 eh07 : 可能就这样导致隔季Curry乾脆不切了,越投越濠小远X 04/25 15:54
39F:→ eh07 : D 04/25 15:54
40F:推 toeic900 : 勇士潜规则 04/25 15:56
41F:推 seabox : 那年快艇都拆光了 04/25 16:05
42F:→ seabox : 现在快艇球员没半个14-15在快艇队的 04/25 16:05
43F:→ seabox : 只剩河流 04/25 16:05
44F:推 philip09227 : KD: 不可能kd的球队只有不能输给龟龟 04/25 16:08
45F:嘘 xpu : 不要暴雷好吗 ㄍ! 04/25 16:11
46F:嘘 svchost6 : 都给你们造谣就好,勇士最乖最无辜 04/25 16:18
47F:嘘 younes : 被盖一颗超大火锅的C咖还没人要签倒是话很多 04/25 16:19
48F:嘘 ab342160816 : 干我屁事? 不就输不起 04/25 16:37
49F:推 tenka92417 : 凡事都会有第一次,等着被开苞吧 04/25 16:42
50F:推 hsaw : 以前看BG打勇士都希望可以赢一次嘴绿没想到之後被 04/25 16:46
51F:→ hsaw : 被交易也跟ballmer闹翻 04/25 16:48
52F:推 st890284 : 之前季赛就被长老刷爆一场了 04/25 16:49
53F:推 kutkin : 第一条:你不可以谈洛杉矶快艇 04/25 16:54
54F:→ msn040 : lol 04/25 16:58
55F:推 mydove : 回味一下,顺便看是 04/25 17:02
56F:→ mydove : 谁被摸毛犯规 04/25 17:02
57F:→ arx55522 : 热身赛赢过一次 老河还说赢勇士就是爽 04/25 17:04
58F:→ iversonya : 骑士可以输? 04/25 17:10
59F:推 as1357975 : 结果被哈洛打爆QQ 04/25 17:16
60F:嘘 qazwsx879345: 高义是在暴雷三小... 04/25 17:21
61F:推 yoshihuang8 : 笑死 04/25 17:22
62F:嘘 headcase : 杂鱼讲这个干嘛 04/25 17:56
63F:推 stock5566 : 1F XDDDDD 04/25 18:25
64F:推 Tawara : 看来是菜鸟被唬烂 04/25 18:38
65F:推 zaq189273 : 那年curry是没这麽红啦 但是他超猛神射是快艇迷都 04/25 18:39
66F:→ zaq189273 : 知道的事 04/25 18:39
67F:推 nuturewind : 挡门叫嚣帮的现在不是有几个主角跑去火箭了吗 04/25 19:27
68F:推 nuturewind : cp3跟小河就经历快艇勇士死敌时代的主角群啊 04/25 19:31
69F:推 jellyno1 : 屁啦XD 04/25 20:14
70F:推 timothy21 : 勇士头条队规 3:1後不能赢 04/25 21:29
71F:嘘 trpoct12 : 人品败起来 04/25 22:40
72F:推 garnett05 : 04/26 00:24
73F:→ rubyblack007: Looney先强一点再讲话吧 04/26 08:06
74F:推 namon : 那几年都勇艇对决其实也很经典 04/26 10:33
75F:→ namon : 是後来Kerr来了加上绿成为先发 勇士才终於过关 04/26 10:34
76F:→ namon : curry其实很早就被人注意到了 只是因为痛痛才 04/26 10:34
77F:→ namon : 名声起不来 04/26 10:35
78F:→ xeroxpipi : 真的笑话 04/26 10:41
79F:→ vking223 : 兽人永不屈服,为了部落 04/26 14:09

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