来源: ClutchPoints 网址: Thunder star Paul George admits game vs. Blazers was the first time he shot the ball since Rockets match 雷霆Paul George承认今天面对阿拓一战是他在季赛火雷战後第一次投球 Oklahoma City Thunder swingman Paul George was obviously not himself on Sunday afternoon after OKC went down to the Portland Trail Blazers, 104-99. 雷霆摇摆人Paul George很明显今天的表现失常,雷霆以104-99输给拓荒者。 George spoke to the media after the game and discussed his own struggles. He was dealing with a shoulder injury entering the playoffs, and the Thunder star admitted that he wasn’t able to make a shot before their showdown with the Blazers. PG在赛後跟媒体讨论到今天挣扎的表现,他说他在与他的肩膀伤势奋战,他并且承认在今 天面对拓荒一战的赛前练习是他最近第一次投球。 推特连结: Westbrook and George at the post game presser after losing GM1. Paul George said, “4 days ago I couldn’t even lift my shoulder. Today was the first day I shot the ball.” Westbrook跟PG在赛後记者会,PG说,「四天前我连肩膀都提不起来,今天是我第一次投 球。」 The 28-year-old Paul George finished the weekend outing against the Blazers with an impressive 26 points, though he struggled mightily from the field. While hitting just eight of his 24 shot attempts from the field, George also went 4-of-15 from 3-point range 虽然PG在场上表现挣扎,但是28岁的他仍在这一场拿下26分。命中率8-24,三分命中率是 4-15。 For the 2018-19 regular season, George averaged an even 28.0 points alongside 8.2 rebounds, 4.1 assists and 2.8 steals per game. Averaging 36.9 minutes per contest during the regular season, he went on to appear in 77 games for the Thunder after notably re-signing with the Western Conference franchise on a long-term basis during this past offseason. 在2018-19赛季,PG场均可以达28分,8.2个篮板,4.1次助攻,2.8次抄截。在去年季後赛 後,他与雷霆签下新的长约,今年为雷霆上场了77场比赛,平均每场打36.9分钟。 In his first go-round as a member of the Thunder in 2017-18 season, George appeared in 79 regular season games en route to averaging 21.9 points, 5.7 rebounds, 3.3 assists and an even 2.0 steals over the course of 36.6 minutes per contest. 在2017-18赛季他第一次为雷霆打球的那年,出赛了79场,平均每场打36.6分钟,场均21.9 分,5.7个篮板,3.3次助攻,2.0次抄截。 Game 2 between the Thunder and Trail Blazers will take place on Tuesday evening in Portland. Game 2会在星期二拓荒者主场。 -- 要撑住啊 不然就又要一轮游了 -- 标题 [公告] NBA 板 开始举办乐透! 4、双十 = 两队四节打完107比107进入延长赛
1F:→ ericf129 : 大家别抓我 这麽难不太可能开啦><10/10 00:17
2F:推 kenlin0105 : 开4我直接自杀 10/10 00:34
开奖结果: 双十
3F:→ kenlin0105 : 不自杀 想买乐透惹10/10 21:18
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4F:推 josephh : 说理由了 不要酸我 04/15 10:05
5F:推 MasakiPei : 放弃这季,拼下季MVP + 西冠 04/15 10:06
6F:→ Hohenzollern: 拓荒者是不是早就发现了 最後一场才拼赢球XD 04/15 10:06
7F:推 wydada1207 : 看来雷霆要靠龟龟爆气了 04/15 10:07
8F:推 loopdiuretic: 湖人笑了 04/15 10:07
9F:推 reaper317 : 拓荒最後一场是要输结果不小心赢了 04/15 10:07
10F:推 a0114133 : 龟龟要爆气四场了 04/15 10:08
11F:→ lp123gbaj : 一轮游~~ 04/15 10:08
12F:推 capsspac : 8-24 向老大致敬 04/15 10:08
13F:→ Despairile : 拓荒者准备强势打我脸了 04/15 10:08
14F:推 linyi520 : 理由伯,准备一轮游罗! 04/15 10:09
15F:→ ksk0516 : 老大精神 04/15 10:09
16F:推 NanaoNaru : 拓荒者最後一场打到一半收到内鬼传来的消息 04/15 10:10
17F:→ kinki999 : 理由伯 04/15 10:10
18F:推 MessiWang : 不酸你但是赶快打包放假啦 跟过誉龟一起回老家 04/15 10:14
19F:→ lp123gbaj : 回老家?湖人吗 04/15 10:17
20F:推 ckgodboy : 刷龟达到目标罗。胜负不重要啦 04/15 10:18
21F:推 ecat : LUB精神 有8成7像 04/15 10:19
22F:推 cp3bg32 : 例行赛为了拚排名打那麽凶 就不要一轮 04/15 10:22
23F:推 louisxxiii : 雷霆替补真的惨 几乎都是靠先发在撑 04/15 10:22
24F:推 brokenback3 : 去年如果去湖人会比较好吗? 04/15 10:24
25F:→ brokenback3 : 跑乔+姆斯加小酱 04/15 10:24
26F:嘘 zbo5566 : 理由伯 滚 04/15 10:32
27F:嘘 openeyes222 : 理由佰 04/15 10:35
28F:推 OGCOGCOGCOGC: 乔治没有强壮的肩膀:( 04/15 10:36
29F:推 aaron97 : 怎样都能酸@@ 04/15 10:37
30F:推 qsc3574151 : 第一轮可以让PG休个 靠其他人应该还行吧?? 04/15 10:42
31F:推 tailsean : 赶快回家钓鱼 04/15 10:43
32F:推 hsiung9 : ...弱肩 04/15 10:43
33F:推 xpu : 还靠其他人== 今天PG上都输了 先想想怎麽办才是真的 04/15 10:43
34F:推 qsccft123 : 连三年一轮不是梦 04/15 10:45
35F:推 seemoon2000 : 拓荒者是有内线喔 不然最後一场演到一半卯起来打? 04/15 10:50
36F:→ takuminauki : 拓荒者很强的 没PG一定打包 04/15 10:50
37F:→ seemoon2000 : PG如果打不出季中MVP等级的表现 雷霆可能凶多吉少 04/15 10:50
38F:→ kakain : 雷霆哪有输 笑死XD 04/15 10:51
39F:推 x8x895246 : 雷霆让PG休第一轮??我没听错吧 我拓被看这麽扁哦... 04/15 10:58
40F:→ x8x895246 : . 04/15 10:58
41F:→ CourtneyLee : 理由伯 04/15 11:00
42F:推 takuminauki : PG後面打这麽烂 看来就是受伤了 04/15 11:01
43F:推 kiversonx17 : 输就输哪来一堆理由 04/15 11:06
44F:推 chrisplash : 雷霆为了顺位死不让PG休息,现在季後赛更不可能休了 04/15 11:14
45F:→ wayne64001 : 赢球没事 输球有伤 04/15 11:17
46F:→ ievolnds : 他怎麽那麽惨 好不容易伤完全好 却是季末又伤 怎麽 04/15 11:21
47F:→ ievolnds : 不学姆斯关机好了 04/15 11:21
48F:→ ksk0516 : 老大肩膀比你强壮多了 04/15 11:22
49F:推 dwiee : 肩伤到手举不起来,蛮严重的欸 要不要仔细检查一下 04/15 11:23
50F:→ dwiee : 啊 04/15 11:23
51F:推 rl55586 : 肩伤出手24次 04/15 11:44
52F:推 jimmy525 : 原来跑乔才28 0.0 04/15 11:48
53F:推 sasewill : 好不容易拼到躲勇火的顺位,不可能休啦 04/15 11:58
54F:推 Landius : 所以後面是热开了才投得进吗... 04/15 12:02
55F:推 world4jason : 搞不好到时候勇士对马刺XD 04/15 12:08
56F:推 yin309 : 佛罗里达钓鱼队准备集合 04/15 12:12
57F:→ taipeifinest: LUB 04/15 12:14
58F:→ jyekid : 难怪他上半场狂打铁 04/15 12:39
59F:推 app20165 : 弱肩 要跟老大多学学 04/15 12:48
60F:→ tomoti : 他下半季不就有传有伤了.... 04/15 13:00
61F:推 G75566 : 今天可以投24次 04/15 13:02
62F:推 BusterWu : 理由伯 04/15 13:10
63F:推 rkobeway : 就不要输给火箭 04/15 13:15
64F:推 bigbigcc : PG加油 04/15 13:21
65F:嘘 g36661991 : 早点放假养伤去 乖喔 04/15 13:23
66F:推 crash25549 : 肩膀都抬不起来...美国三井寿 04/15 13:24
67F:推 ejijo761115 : 好不容易躲掉勇金火,PG可能会硬上吧 04/15 13:42
68F:→ kess : 龟:大家镇定 赶快帮我篮板卡位洗三元 只要为继续 04/15 13:52
69F:→ kess : 维持 会有球星来的 04/15 13:52
70F:推 hsujay : 理由真的很多 而且难道还有比赛前练投更近的练投机 04/15 14:26
71F:→ hsujay : 会吗XD 04/15 14:26
72F:推 takataka : 强肩 04/15 15:39
73F:推 lwei781 : 还是很强啊, 没伤可能就Carry 过去了, 对面没有 04/15 17:33
74F:→ lwei781 : LBJ 04/15 17:33
75F:推 mscmobitai : 理由乔 04/15 17:33
76F:推 windgodvocx1: 肩不够强帮QQ 04/15 23:19
77F:嘘 handsomerson: Overrated 04/16 03:28
78F:推 jimyit : 龟龟有苦 04/16 10:13
79F:推 kuchibu : 好瞎的理由... 04/16 20:14

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