Missing the playoffs not typical for NBA legends NBA传奇球星们与季後赛 Steve Aschburner @ 原文前面讲了LeBron James本季没有带领球队晋级季後赛,距离上一次他没进季後赛已经是2005年,James还是20岁的时候。 还讲述了一些作者的看法,以及其他传奇球星的季後赛记录等等,有兴趣的可以点开原文查看,这里就统整一下文章中已经整理起来的资料。 ◎First time, every time (9)---100%俱乐部: ●Elgin Baylor: 13 seasons, no misses, 1.000 He missed the playoffs in 1971 due to injury and retired nine games in the following season, but the Lakers never failed to qualify in his one-franchise career. Elgin Baylor虽然因伤缺席了1971年的季後赛并在下一个球季打了9场比赛就宣布退休,可是有他在的湖人没有从季後赛名单中缺席过。(8次进入总决赛,8次亚军) ●Larry Bird: 13 seasons, no misses, 1.000 Bird missed the postseason in 1989, the year he played in only six games, though the Celtics did not. 大鸟缺席了1989年的季後赛,当年他只打了6场球,可是赛尔提克队还是名列季後赛名单中。(5次进入总决赛,3次冠军,2座FMVP) ●Bob Cousy: 13 seasons, no misses, 1.000 We’re not going to hold the 1969-70 season – when Cousy played limited minutes in seven games as Cincinnati’s player-coach, six years after retiring – against him. 第一代魔术师Bob Cousy在1963年就宣布退休,在1969-70球季执教辛辛那提皇家队(现在的国王队前身)时曾下场打了七场球,那年球队没能进入季後赛。(7次进入总决赛,6次冠军。) ●Tim Duncan: 19 years, no misses, 1.000 No one in league history has gone 20-for-20, so Duncan and Karl Malone are the best of our 1.000 hitters. Duncan missed the 2000 playoffs due to injury and that was too much for the defending-champion Spurs to overcome, getting ousted by Phoenix in four. 石佛Duncan与邮差Malone以19次并列史上最多,他在2000年季後赛中因伤缺阵,当年被太阳队横扫卫冕失败。(6次进入总决赛,5次冠军,3座FMVP) ●Julius Erving: 11 seasons, no misses, 1.000 And that’s just his NBA years. The Doctor went 5-for-5 in the ABA, twice winning titles with the Nets and averaging 31.1 points and 12.9 boards in those five postseasons. J博士在NBA打了11季,ABA打了5季,都进入了季後赛。(4次进入总决赛,1次冠军) ●Magic Johnson: 13 seasons, no misses, 1.000 This even includes his limited 1995-96 season, a forgettable 32-game comeback after four years of retirement. 魔术的13次季後赛中包含了在1995-96赛季上演的惊奇追赶秀。(9次进入总决赛,5次冠军,3座FMVP) ●Karl Malone: 19 seasons, no misses, 1.000 The Mailman’s running buddy, John Stockton, never missed, either, in his 19-year Hall of Fame career. 邮差Malone与他的好夥伴Stockton都未曾提早放暑假。(3次进入总决赛,3次亚军) ●Bill Russell: 13 seasons, no misses, 1.000 The idea of this guy and his Boston team sitting out a postseason is unimaginable. 指环王罗素爷没有进入季後赛是一件令人难以想像的事...。(12次进入总决赛,11次冠军) ●Jerry West: 13 seasons, no misses, 1.000 West was such a noble and, with the exception of the Lakers’ title in ’72, ill-fated playoff performer that he was named Finals MVP in 1970 from the losing side. Logo Man Jerry West曾在1972年的时候拿下FMVP,但是他没拿到那年的冠军。(9次进入总决赛,1次冠军,1座FMVP) ◎The asterisk club (3)---差一次俱乐部: ●Wilt Chamberlain: 14 seasons, one miss (1963), .929 In any conversation about G.O.A.T. candidates, Chamberlain’s teams missed the playoffs fewer times than either Jordan’s (twice) or James (three). 常常被誉为最伟大的球员的Chamberlain缺席季後赛的次数,比竞争者Jordan跟James都还少。(6次进入总决赛,2次冠军,1座FMVP) ●Scottie Pippen: 17 seasons, one miss (2004), .941 Six of Pippen’s postseason appearances came when he wasn’t a teammate of Michael Jordan. 天下第二人Pippen的17次季後赛出赛记录中,有6次不是跟Jordan同队。(6次进入总决赛,6次冠军) ●David Robinson: 14 seasons, one miss (1997), .929 The Spurs got swept from the first round when Robinson couldn’t participate in the 1992 postseason. When he was hurt again in 1997, San Antonio missed the playoffs entirely but landed Duncan in a stroke of lottery luck.(4次进入总决赛,2次冠军) 海军上将Robinson在1997年因伤缺阵使得马刺无缘季後赛,但是却在那年抽到了状元签得到了Tim Duncan。(4次进入总决赛,2次冠军) ◎Fool me twice… (5)---缺席两次俱乐部: ●Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: 20 seasons, two misses (1975, ’76), .900 This was not a happy Captain in his post-Oscar, pre-Magic run through his prime of two misses and five postseasons (1975-79) without a Finals appearance. 天勾Jabbar在後Oscar与前Magic时期曾错失两次季後赛。(10次进入总决赛,6次冠军,2座FMVP) ●Michael Jordan: 15 seasons, two misses (2002, ’03), .867 Jordan’s Bulls era is unsullied, but his return to action with Washington was a business decision that scratched a personal itch rather than a winning strategy. 篮球之神Jordan未曾在公牛时期错失季後赛,但是在华盛顿的复出留下的一些污点。(6次进入总决赛,6次冠军,6座FMVP) ●Shaquille O’Neal: 19 seasons, two misses (1993, ’09), .895 The No. 8 seed in the East in 2009 won 39 games, but Phoenix’s 46 weren’t enough in the West that season. O’Neal also missed as a rookie with Orlando (1992-93). O'Neal在太阳时期46胜缺席了季後赛(当年东区第八名篮网队39胜),以及魔术队的菜鸟年亦未能进入八强之林。(5次进入总决赛,4次冠军,3座FMVP) ●Bob Pettit: 11 seasons, two misses, .818 Pettit’s Hawks teams missed the playoffs in his 1955 Rookie of the Year season and again in 1962, despite his 31.1 ppg and 18.7 rpg. Bob Pettit效力於老鹰时於菜鸟年及1962赛季缺席了季後赛。(1次冠军) ●Dwyane Wade: 16 seasons, two misses (2008, ’15), .875 Miami held the No. 8 spot in the East as this was written, so it counts among his 14 trips to the postseason thus far. 目前热火队正排名东区第八,所以目前算起来是这样没错。(5次进入总决赛,3次冠军,1座FMVP) 先到这里吧,以後有空再继续写完! --
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1F:推 huntai : 今天早上刚好也看到这篇....我概述一下作者的看法 03/13 12:02
2F:→ huntai : 作者认为LBJ今年如果进不了季後赛会伤害他的历史评 03/13 12:03
3F:→ huntai : 价 03/13 12:03
4F:→ huntai : 他整理了30人名单, 这30人是他认为史上最佳的30人 03/13 12:04
5F:推 windrain0317: 上将是2/2吧? 03/13 12:05
6F:→ anfbaby : 上将没有4次吧,应该是2次? 03/13 12:06
7F:推 huntai : 同时他那些GOAT的竞争者都是错过1或2次季後赛而已 03/13 12:07
8F:→ huntai : 如果姆斯缺席第3次,跟其他GOAT比起来就会变得很突兀 03/13 12:08
9F:推 chimori : TD! 03/13 12:15
10F:推 heyjude1118 : K.Malon跟TD都扯,一个打到40岁,一个39岁 03/13 12:16
11F:→ heyjude1118 : no miss 03/13 12:16
12F:→ hunt5566 : 数据补上 还是碾压 前五稳 03/13 12:18
13F:推 Billbehappy : wwwwwade 学长!!!! 03/13 12:38
14F:→ arcss : 前5已经是伤害历史评价了阿 XD 03/13 12:51
15F:→ arcss : 不过LBJ再怎样很难掉到6~10这区间就是,除非连4年.. 03/13 12:51
16F:→ CLawrence : 喇叭不太可能掉到1~5之後了吧.... 03/13 12:56
17F:→ leoxyz : TD真强者!! 03/13 12:56
18F:→ CLawrence : 除非今天开始连续好几年没季後赛(不可能吧 03/13 12:57
19F:推 sfHong : 欧肥不是打过6次决赛吗? 03/13 13:01
20F:→ CLawrence : 魔术1,湖人4,热火1..对吗 03/13 13:10
21F:推 LBJshit : 史上前五 然後带队抢状元?? 笑死人了 03/13 13:37
22F:推 yacheng10 : 没有雷枪Duncan就跟乔丹一样是完美的6进总冠拿6冠了 03/13 14:19
23F:→ a0989876 : 哇 03/13 15:30
24F:推 ChrisPaul03 : Stockton 19季在单一球队 100%进入季後赛 03/14 08:01
25F:→ ChrisPaul03 : Malone 19季在两支球队进入季後赛 03/14 08:01
26F:推 OHYOUGOD : 上将没有4次进入总决赛吧...!? 03/14 16:41

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