看板 NBA  RSS 先附上网址 本篇参考来源为Bleacher Report 大意为拓荒者队有机会弄来LOVE跟原本的双枪组三巨头 NBA Rumors: Kevin Love Could Form Portland’s ‘Big Three’ With Lillard And McCollum, Per ‘Bleacher Report’ The explosive backcourt duo of Damian Lillard and C.J. McCollum have carried the Portland Trail Blazers to the Western Conference Playoffs for the fifth straight year. But in those playoff appearances, the Trail Blazers’ only greatest achievement was reaching the second round. The Trail Blazers are always impressive during the regular season, making most of their fans believe that they have what it takes to win the NBA championship title. 阿拓的後场双枪连续五年将球队带进了季後赛,可惜最远只走到第二轮;阿拓在季赛的 精彩表现有目共睹,而波特兰的阿拓迷也对他们充满信心,认为他们具备了冲击总冠军 的条件。 However, when the real battle begins in the postseason, the Trail Blazers underperform and fail to live up to expectations from a legitimate title contender. In order to change the narrative in the 2018-19 NBA season, the Trail Blazers should consider upgrading their roster before the February NBA trade deadline. According to Zach Buckley of Bleacher Report, one of the potential trade targets for the Trail Blazers is Kevin Love of the Cleveland Cavaliers. 然而当季後赛开打之後,阿拓总是未能将季赛的好表现复制贴上,无法达到符合球迷期待 的表现。为了能够在2018-2019有所突破,阿拓应该考虑在交易截止日之前提升他们的阵 容,根据Bleacher Report的记者Zach Buckley指出,阿拓现在应该将目标放在K.Love身上。 “Portland’s offense has jumped from 13th to eighth this season, but it still lacks shot-creators and explosive scorers beyond its high-powered backcourt. Kevin Love, who grew up in Oregon, could check both boxes whenever he’s recovered from his November toe surgery. His outlet passes can fuel Portland’s transition game, his post-ups would add another bail-out option in the half court and his range would widen attack lanes for Lillard and McCollum to exploit.” 虽然本季阿拓的进攻效率上升到了联盟第8位,但他们还是需要一名具投射能力,并且 能够舒缓後场进攻压力的得分手。在Oregon长大的Love如果从脚趾手术中康复,将可以满 足这个需求,他的传球视野与射程将大大拉开双枪的进攻空间。 In the proposed trade deal by Bleacher Report, the Trail Blazers will be sending Evan Turner, Anfernee Simons, and Caleb Swanigan to the Cavaliers for Kevin Love and David Nwaba. Since Love just signed a contract extension last summer, the Trail Blazers and the Cavaliers will need to wait for January 23 to make a deal. 在Bleacher Report提出的交易协议中,阿拓将出Evan Turner,Anfernee Simons和Caleb Swanigan来交易骑士队的K.Love与D.Nwaba,由於Love在去年延长了合约 ,因此交易最快需要到1/23之後才能开始进行。 Kevin Love will undeniably a great addition to the Trail Blazers, giving them an All-Star big man who has the ability to space the floor. The “Big Three” of Love, Damian Lillard, and C.J. McCollum will make Portland one of the best offensive teams in the league. After spending three seasons playing alongside Kyrie Irving and LeBron James in Cleveland, Love won’t have a hard time sharing the court with Lillard and McCollum and returning to his role as the third scoring option. 如果阿拓真能弄来K.Love,加上原本的双枪将成为联盟中进攻火力最凶猛的几支 球队,而K.Love曾经和KI与LBJ打过了三个赛季,对於担任球队第三得分点的角色应是 驾轻就熟。 The Trail Blazers’ suggested trade offer may not be enough to convince the Cavaliers to send Kevin Love to Portland. However, with his current contract and deteriorating performance, most people don’t see the Cavaliers getting the type of trade asset they want for Love before the February NBA trade deadline. 虽然阿拓出的这包看起来不太能成...不过在K.Love这麽庞大的合约和身手略有下 滑的状况下,目前尚未有球队提出令骑士管理层满意的包裹就是了。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 阿拓想弄来爱神组三巨头 大家怎麽看? 进攻绝对没问题 防守的话...... --
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※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自:
※ 文章网址: ※ 编辑: kenbo (, 01/23/2019 11:56:33
1F:推 namie810303 : 蛮适合的阿 反正阿拓本来就没在防守 而那些白人大 01/23 11:56
2F:推 namie810303 : 个子也爱投外面 换爱神算是升级 01/23 11:57
3F:→ wakayama : 要用什麽换比较重要 01/23 11:57
4F:→ bypetty : 这季防守遇上豆总肯定一样被4:0 01/23 11:58
5F:推 namie810303 : 而且爱神防守也没那麽差 16年最後一击把咖哩守到乱 01/23 11:58
6F:推 namie810303 : 投 01/23 11:58
7F:推 dpttl0924 : 确定要看爱跟nurkic双塔吗 01/23 11:58
8F:→ dpttl0924 : 打勇士会出事喔 01/23 11:58
9F:推 HONYLO : Nurkic很棒了吧 01/23 11:58
10F:推 z8207262000 : Turner都交易掉的话 不就没人能控了 01/23 11:58
11F:推 ivan24258419: 这个包裹有点不行 就看骑士有没有想清合约吧 01/23 11:58
12F:推 s925407 : 阿拓内线有Nurkic守护,防守应该不是太大的问题 01/23 11:58
13F:推 kenyonchen01: 很可以,阿拓实在需要关注 01/23 11:59
14F:推 smik : Love下滑是没有适合发挥的环境啊 01/23 12:00
15F:推 mlsini : 白人越来越多 01/23 12:02
16F:推 Leaflock : Love这张骑士能清掉就偷笑了吧 01/23 12:03
17F:推 nanogiant : 阿拓拿Collins出来就有机会了吧 01/23 12:04
18F:推 suiminkusuri: 这队颜值好像很高 画面太美 01/23 12:04
19F:→ GothicMetal : 这原文是记者建议拓荒者买love,不是球队有兴趣吧 01/23 12:06
20F:推 Rothur : 拓荒者还有薪资空间吗 01/23 12:06
21F:推 lucky0623 : 先来两支签 01/23 12:07
22F:推 key000079 : 没签很难吧 01/23 12:12
23F:嘘 munchlax : 有Z.collins干嘛还要有伤的love 01/23 12:13
24F:推 yangfeng : 超级大约三巨头? 01/23 12:14
25F:→ kenbo : 真的超级大约XD还好这三个都不是气氛大师 01/23 12:16
26F:推 jack34031 : 再拿Leonard贴签换Lin 01/23 12:17
27F:推 andy055097 : 话说前老板女儿有要卖球队了吗? 01/23 12:28
28F:推 CHUNGHUA : 原文是记者建议没错,不是阿拓有兴趣 这差蛮多的 01/23 12:33
29F:→ once1024 : CJ丢一丢 防守会比较好 01/23 12:35
30F:推 f22313467 : 这菜色有够烂 骑士最好会拿 01/23 12:38
31F:→ kenbo : Ok等等再确认一次 01/23 12:39
32F:推 HotDogCC : 换 快换 01/23 12:44
33F:推 mhkt : 凯文爱有伤在身 这提案是不是有待商榷阿…… 01/23 12:44
34F:推 hsin8535 : 要换love这包不行吧 光薪资就配不平了 而且阿拓现在 01/23 12:46
35F:→ hsin8535 : 比较缺侧翼 内线其实够用 01/23 12:46
36F:推 peter89000 : 阿拓到底是多想缴税,这麽多大约绑着 01/23 12:47
※ 编辑: kenbo (, 01/23/2019 12:49:37
37F:推 TVXFQ : 阿拓先把林交易来比较实在 01/23 12:51
38F:推 ab304044 : 母汤喔 内线坟场的阿拓 01/23 12:51
39F:推 gosh717 : 我觉得可以 01/23 12:52
40F:→ hotpamsko : 这包也太抢… 01/23 12:52
41F:推 dw1012 : Love续约之後 感觉交易价值反而下滑了 01/23 12:54
42F:推 tommy910174 : Turner真的是很贵 01/23 12:55
43F:推 hcder4126 : 这三人防守会爆炸吧.... 01/23 13:00
44F:推 colan8 : 阿拓拿这个又矮又没防守的PF做啥 01/23 13:02
45F:推 GoDEason : 姆斯粉:Love才不是巨头。 01/23 13:06
46F:推 ggstyle611 : 看起来像是放话,有声无影 01/23 13:06
47F:推 ddfg : 现在进攻又不缺 阿拓只想把贵的烂约丢一丢而已 01/23 13:19
48F:推 TimmyJiang : 是老板的妹妹吧,他就没结婚的富豪哪来的女儿 01/23 13:30
49F:推 versace : Lillard+McCollum+Nurkic+Love 这还不飞天吗? 01/23 13:35
50F:推 dx781020 : Nurkic不算巨头吗? 01/23 13:38
51F:推 x4068 : 防守破洞三巨头,对手飞天 01/23 15:06
52F:→ x4068 : 阿米努就屌打过誉爱了 01/23 15:11
53F:推 elve7878 : 老板的妹妹没有要卖球队 01/23 15:18
54F:推 dakkk : et +小贾 大概吧 01/23 15:57
55F:推 hsienhao : 回老家罗! 01/23 18:15
56F:推 jsliao9786 : 内线Love+Nurkic 这个防守活动性很可观呵呵 01/23 18:47
57F:推 SilenceWFL : 我觉得可能要赔一个一轮+二轮 01/23 19:12
58F:推 chang860708 : 真的蛮多白人的耶XDD 01/23 20:07
59F:推 Quickspace : 不可能 约太大 01/23 21:52
60F:推 JOGIBA : 拓荒者超爱白人锋线= = 01/23 23:41
61F:→ JanKid : 如果换了 我们就要在补一个控卫 感觉没有提升 01/24 08:10
62F:推 LaMarcus : 到底为什麽会有阿拓没有防守的错觉 没看球? 01/24 09:04

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