刚刚看到有人已经PO了,但自己花了很久时间翻译实在是不想这样浪费。 自己是印大毕业的老人,看到这篇文章非常的有感触,读着读着眼眶也有一点红了。 s 他们会矢志不渝的拥护你 by Victor Oladipo They’ll Embrace You Like No Other by Victor Oladipo You know something’s when your mom is calling you by your full name. 当妈妈叫你全名的时候,你就知道大事不妙了 “Victor, what is going on?” “Victor,到底是怎麽回事?” “I don’t know, Ma, I really don’t” “妈,我不知道,我是真的不知道” It was last June. I had just landed in Baltimore from OKC and my phone went crazy when I turned it on. I knew the Pacers trade was real, but seeing it everywhere online really made it set in. Even the positive comments were getting under my skin. I was sitting there like, do they mean “locker room guy” as a compliment? 还记得那是六月底,我刚从俄城落地巴尔的摩,手机就一直响个不停。我知道自己被交易 到了遛马,但直到我开始阅读网路上的文章,这件事才渐渐有了真实感。就算是那些还算 正面的评论对我来说都份外尖锐….. 说我是“休息室开心果”究竟是褒是贬? You know, you always hear the expression about sports being a business. But it ’s also life. I’d been through a trade less than a year before that, from Orlando, and so in that moment it was hard not to take it personal — two teams for whatever reasons seemed like they’d given up on me. That’ll hurt your feelings, doesn’t matter who you are or how much you believe in yourself. So when my mom was wondering why teams kept moving me … I didn’t really know what to say. I couldn’t just tell her it was a “basketball decision.” 我相信所有人都听过那句名言:体育不过是生意场…. 但同时它也是我生活的全部。不到 一年之前我才刚刚被奥兰多魔术交易,当下我很难冷静看待再度被交易这件事… 在不到 一年内,两只球队因为不具名的理由放弃了我。无论你对自己是多有信心,任何人在这种 状况下都会深受打击。所以当妈妈开始问我为什麽两只球队都不要我了,我哑口无言。我 不知道该说什麽。我不想告诉他这只是另一个“生意场”决定。 Doma was my next text. Had to be. Doma is Domantas Sabonis. That’s my guy. He was really the only person who was going to understand. 这之後我简讯了多玛,也只能是多玛。多玛是我兄弟Domantas Sabonis的小名,我想现在 这个时候只有他能够真正了解我的感受。 We’d done this before. Doma was in the trade to the Pacers with me, but we’ d also been together since pretty much the moment he got drafted by the Magic in 2016. We got traded together to OKC. Now to Indy. So I knew Doma wouldn’t want me to sugarcoat anything, but I had to check in with him — let him know what I was thinking. I texted him what I knew was true: 我们早就一起经历过风浪。多玛和我都在这场交易中被送到了遛马,但自从他於2016年被 魔术选到的那一刻,我们就被绑在一起了。我们从魔术被交易到了雷霆,现在又从雷霆来 到遛马。我知道多玛不需要我太美化这整件事,但是我必须让他知道我的想法,我简讯他 : “I promise, if you win here in Indiana, they’ll embrace you like no other.” “我保证,只要你在印第安纳赢球,他们会矢志不渝的拥护你” I felt a little better right away. I called my mom back and told her everything was going to be all right. I really believed it, too. I couldn’t have told you exactly how it was gonna work out or how we’d get there, but I knew. I just knew. Because I knew that not every trade is the same, just like not every state is the same. 送出这封简讯後,我马上感觉舒服了一点。我给我妈打了一通电话,告诉她我会好好的。 我是真的这麽认为,我也如此相信着。我不确定接下来事情会如何发展,但我知道,我就 是知道:没有任何一场交易是相同的,就像没有一个地方能和印第安纳州一样。 And I knew this wasn’t just any trade. It was the Pacers. It was Indiana, and I knew Indiana. 我知道这不只是一场普通的交易。我来到的是遛马,我来到的是印第安纳,我最熟悉的那 个印第安纳。 I wasn’t going to just another team. I was coming home. 我不是被交易到了另一只陌生的球队,我回家了。 Jed Jacobsohn/The Players' Tribune I got to Bloomington, Indiana in 2010. Coming out of high school in Maryland, I chose Indiana because of the program’s history, but really I had no idea how serious people in Indiana took basketball. I think even right now very few people outside of Indiana recognize how much basketball means to the state. There’s a basketball hoop in every driveway. It’s all Hoosiers and Pacers flags. And a big high school game pretty much shuts an entire community down. 我在2010年来到印州的布鲁明顿(印第安纳大学的主校区)。身为一个马里兰出身的高中 生,我因印大丰富的篮球历史而选择了这间学校,却浑然不知印州州民竟然是如此的看重 篮球。就算是现在,很多外州的人也并不了解篮球在印第安纳有着多麽重要的地位:每个 家 庭的车道几乎都有篮筐,每个房子上都插着印大山地人(印大篮球队队名)或是遛马队的 旗帜。一场重要的高中篮球比赛就足以让整座城市瘫痪。 And when you’re on the IU team, they know. Like, they really make a point to get to know you. 而当你是印大篮球队的一员时,你更是轰动全州的风云人物,人人都会想方设法得认识你 。 But it was funny, nobody knew how to pronounce my name when I first got to Indiana. I remember the first week of classes freshman year, I had to go through the same conversation with every teacher. 但好笑的是,当我初来乍到印大时,没人知道我名字的正确发音。我记得我大一第一周上 课时,我必须教我每一堂课的老师如何正确发我名字的音: Oh-la-DIppo, Oh-la-DYE-poe, Oh-la-PEE-do. And every variation in between. “奥啦睇波”,“欧啦呆波”,“欧啦屁杜”,其他更是不胜枚举。 “Ohhh. Oh-la-DEE-poe.” “哦哦哦哦,原来是欧拉迪波啊!” Other than that, my name didn’t get said very much by anybody freshman year. When I arrived on campus in the summer — they had just opened up Cook Hall — I was getting shots up in the gym by myself when this dude on his way out stopped to talk to me. Didn’t know who he was. It was late at night so I worried I wasn’t supposed to be in there. 除此之外,在我大一那年,我的名字并没有被很多人提起。当我在2010年暑假第一次来到 校区时,Cook hall才刚刚落成(Cook hall是印大篮球队的训练基地),我正准备到馆里 做自主投篮训练。这时一个哥们儿正好从里面走出来,打量了一下我并开始和我聊天。我 不知道他是谁,我只是有点担心是不是训练馆要关门了所以有人要赶我走。 “What are you doing here so late?” “你这麽晚来这里干嘛啊?” “Gotta be in here every night if I want to play in the NBA.” “如果想打NBA的话,我必须每晚都这样训练” That’s what I told him. 我这样告诉他 “Man,” he shook his head. “NBA? You got a long way to go.” And then he kept shaking his head and just walked out! “兄弟”,他摇了摇头,“想打NBA? 你的路还远着呢” 然後他就这样一边摇头一边走出 了训练馆。 But for real, I had some confidence issues early on. I remember even months after that, when I had been training all summer, on the first day of practice Verdell Jones came in and tore me apart. He scored on me at will, and I couldn ’t get anything going on him offensively. I sat down on the bench after practice in shock. I had tears in my eyes, literally. I had worked hard all offseason, and it looked like it was all for nothing. 但说真的,我一开始的确是有一些信心问题。记得在那之後几个月,我经历了一整个暑假 的精实训练後,却在球队开训的第一天被Verdell Jones(印大当时的主力得分後卫,大 学毕业之後没有进入NBA,现在在日本打球)完完全全的摧毁殆尽。他尽情的在我头上得 分,而我在进攻上完全尝不到一点甜头。训练结束後我呆坐在板凳上,久久不能自己。我 记得当时我的眼眶里有泪水打转…. 整个暑假的辛苦训练看来是完全白费了。 Then it happened again the next day. Like an exact repeat of the day before. The thought crossed my mind that I was never going to be good enough to play college ball. Maybe that would be the last anyone heard of Victor Ooh-lay-PEE-do. 第二天基本上也是相同的剧情,我记得当时满脑子想的都是自己应该永远没办法成为一个 够格的大学篮球运动员。也许再也没有人会有机会认识“欧啦屁杜”了。 I got a few starts late my freshman season. By the time sophomore year rolled around, I was a starter. I wasn’t a national name … but man, they were getting to know me in Indiana. 我在大一球季临近结束的时候得到了几场先发的机会,并且在大二那年成为印大先发五虎 的一员。虽然我当时还未举国闻名,但至少印第安纳州民已经开始认识我了。 And it wasn’t like they just knew how to pronounce my name. No, they knew me everywhere in Bloomington. For my 8 a.m. class every morning I’d have to wear headphones from the time I went out the door to the time I sat down at my desk, just so I wouldn’t be late because of all the people who would come up and try to talk to me. I wouldn’t even be playing music most of the time, so I could hear people whispering my name. 他们并不仅仅是想要知道我名字的正确发音而已,整个布鲁明顿都认识我。即使是去上八 点早课的路上,为了避免迟到,我都必须全程戴着耳机以防路人把我拦下来聊天。许 多时候我不会放音乐,就只是单纯的戴着耳机而已,因为这样我就能一边走路一边听到路 人交头接耳说着我的名字。 I wanted to talk to everybody. I really did. It was a thrill to be known like that. Every time somebody said my name or pointed me out, it made me want to work that much harder and be that much better the next time I stepped on the court. 我其实真的很想停下来和所有人聊天,被全世界认识的感觉真是太棒了。每当有人说出我 的名字,或是指向我的时候,这都激励我更加刻苦训练,并在下一场比赛赢得更好的表现 。 Those three years in Bloomington were just — they changed me. Yeah, I became a better basketball player, but it was also the first time I saw an entire community be so passionate about a single thing. About a game we were playing. I learned that interacting — even just taking the time to stop and talk once in a while with the community — can actually change people’s entire outlook on life. 在印大的那三年完全改变了我… 除了成为一个更加出色的篮球运动员外,我也第一次体 会到自己的比赛竟能让整个社群如此激昂澎湃;我意识到自己的互动,即使只是单纯的偶 尔驻足闲聊,能给人们带来巨大且深远的影响。 I learned that basketball can help you be a part of something bigger than yourself. 篮球让我得以超越自我,超越个体。 I ended leaving for the NBA after my third year at IU but I’d gotten enough credits to get my degree a year early. After the commencement ceremony was over for our graduating class, that guy from the first day in the gym tapped me on the shoulder. He asked if I remembered that night, when I told him I was going to make it to the NBA. 大三赛季後我决定投入NBA选秀,在此之前我便已经修完足够学分,并拿到学位证书。毕 业典礼结束後,那位我刚入校时在训练馆遇到的兄弟拍了拍我的肩膀,问我是不是还记得 那天晚上,我告诉他自己将会成为一个NBA球员。 His name was Dave. Dave had been more right than I knew. 他的名字叫大卫,当时的他的确说对了,加入NBA是一条漫长的路。 Today Dave works at CAA, and he’s one of my best friends. Dave was never the kind of guy to blow smoke. He said it’d be a long road, but he also didn’t say it was impossible. 今天的大卫在CAA工作,同时他也是我最好的朋友之一。大卫从来不讲虚话,他说过NBA会 是一条漫长的路,但他从没说那是一条不可能的路。 I see you, Dave. 我终於明白了,大卫 Jed Jacobsohn/The Players' Tribune Guess where my first away game was my rookie year? Indiana. When I was introduced, I got a standing ovation. 时间快转到我NBA新人赛季的第一个客场比赛,猜猜在哪里?没错,就在印第安纳。当球 场DJ介绍我出场的时候,我得到了全场起立鼓掌的待遇。 That’s love. I felt at home. 这就是爱,我感觉自己回到家了。 I can’t tell you how special it feels when you think about how in only a few years, you can go from nobody knowing how to pronounce your name, to 20,000 people chanting it in unison. And I was on the opposing team. 我无法告诉你在短短几年内,从没人知道你名字的正确发音,到全场两万人整齐划一的起 立高喊你的名字,是一种多麽美妙的感觉。 It was like that every time I came back. If I was playing for Orlando, Oklahoma City, it didn’t matter. If I ever went out in Indiana I was embraced by the people. Everyone remembered the years I played in college and talked about them like I was still on the team. Even when I was away, I was tied to Indiana. 我每次来到这个球场都获得如此待遇,无论我是代表魔术还是雷霆。无论我走到哪里, 印第安纳人都无比的拥护我。所有人都记得我为印大拼战的那些年,并且把我当成他们永 远的一份子。就算我不在印州,我也还是印州人。 And now here we are. 而现在,我回来了。 Maybe you’ve never been to Indiana. Or maybe you’ve just visited once or twice. Never even really thought about it. It’s a flyover state, right? One that’s easy to glance over on a map. 你可能永远没有来过印第安纳,又或许你曾经路过这里一两次,并且从来没把这个“中转 州”放在心上,毕竟它是一个如此容易在地图上被忽略的存在。 And I bet that when you heard about the Thunder-Pacers trade, you were thinking about Paul George. Doma and I — we were a package deal, traded for the second time in a year, going to a non-contender in a flyover state. 所以我打赌,当你听到雷霆与遛马交易的时候,你可能只会想到Paul George。我和多玛 不过是添头,是交易案的部分筹码而已。我们在一年内第二次被交易,而且还是被交易到 一个没有争冠实力的“中转州”球队。 We know what it feels like to be overlooked. 我们早就习惯被忽视的感觉。 And so do a lot of guys on our team. And a lot of people in our arena. We know what it feels like when somebody gives up on you. 许多在我们队上的人,以及更多在球场替我们呐喊的印州球迷也是如此。我们比谁都更知 道那种被忽视看轻,以及被别人放弃的感觉。 Ron Hoskins/NBAE/Getty Images That’s all over now. Nobody’s giving up on anybody this year. 这一切都要结束了,今年,没有人会被放弃。 It goes back to what I texted Doma the day we both got traded. I knew Indiana would embrace him — embrace all of us — in the way only this state can. 回到我在被交易当天告诉多玛的那句话:我知道印第安纳会矢志不渝的拥护他,也拥护我 们所有人,只有这个州才会如此。 And we’re gonna need you right now, Indiana. The rest of the league might have forgotten about us, but you haven’t. Forget what the standings say. Forget the MVP race. Enough with all of that. We know who we’re playing for. You know what this team’s about. We’re ready to make a run in these playoffs. Right now. 我们现在比任何时候都需要你们,印第安纳。整个联盟似乎已经忘了我们,但只有你们没 有。忘记联赛排名吧,忘记那些关於MVP鹿死谁手的话题吧,我们已经听够了。我们知道 自己是为了谁在奋斗,你知道这支球队是为何而战。我们已经准备好面对季後赛了….. 就是现在。 To everybody else, yeah, maybe we’ve got a lot to prove. 对其他人来说,或许我们还有很多需要证明的。 But that’s never stopped me before. 但我从来没有因为这些停下自己的脚步。 --
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※ 文章网址: ※ 编辑: dermer (, 04/17/2018 05:28:41
1F:推 fukawa947 : 那篇是转录 不冲突 这篇真的赞 04/17 05:30
2F:推 wklxbiwee : 辛苦了 04/17 05:30
3F:推 asd831129 : 帮推一个04/17 05:32
4F:推 yoji520 : Olaolaolaolaola04/17 05:36
5F:→ kai08130623 : 这有点像是肚子被打一拳再现?04/17 05:38
6F:推 ganipanp : 推欧拉 04/17 05:43
7F:→ ggvvcc : 转文的是翻译的原作者喔 不过都感谢两位翻译 04/17 05:44
8F:推 flymonkey : 感人!谢谢分享!04/17 05:49
9F:→ fukawa947 : 7楼没说还真的没注意到上一篇是翻译的原po自转04/17 05:52
10F:→ adrian0 : 翻译辛苦了04/17 06:14
11F:推 millerandros: 大推04/17 06:16
12F:推 boyf410 : 感动04/17 06:16
13F:推 ThisIsNotKFC: 感谢翻译04/17 06:18
14F:推 hdjj : 常说"台湾的国球就是赢球",其实全世界都是如此04/17 06:23
15F:→ hdjj : 赢球,人们就会支持你04/17 06:24
16F:推 swim5352 : 推04/17 06:29
17F:推 whynunuwhy : 肚子被揍了一拳04/17 06:36
18F:推 Dlibra : 所以一开始把Oladipo打爆的那位,之後已经对他没辄`04/17 06:38
19F:推 sam86716 : 推Oladipo 今年好猛啊04/17 06:47
20F:推 keltt : 我比较爱「矢志不渝」04/17 06:57
21F:→ dermer : 一开始打爆dipo的那位後来就毕业了,NBA落选04/17 06:59
22F:推 aa159159123 : 推好文04/17 07:00
23F:推 remix999 : 推欧拉 他本来就是不错了不知道魔术怎麽养他的 去 04/17 07:15
24F:→ remix999 : 年证明他不适合跟龟龟搭档而已 加油 04/17 07:15
25F:推 ikeepcool : 感谢翻译谢谢04/17 07:18
26F:推 a34567 : 好像肚子被揍一拳04/17 07:24
27F:推 nature8457 : 推04/17 07:26
28F:推 bowenwin : 推 爱欧拉 04/17 07:36
29F:推 Jeremez0w0v : 推推 欧拉 04/17 07:36
PiGFAcE:转录至看板 PACERS 04/17 07:37
30F:推 PiGFAcE : 借转溜马版XD 好文04/17 07:37
31F:→ PiGFAcE : 一开始看到这个标题的文章连在我下面 以为乡民起哄04/17 07:39
32F:→ PiGFAcE : 哈哈04/17 07:39
33F:→ jackhenry101: 一样感动04/17 07:40
34F:推 chichung : 推04/17 07:41
35F:推 rahim1211 : 推04/17 07:48
36F:推 andy831020 : 没有去年学习赢球文化今年还爆不出来呢04/17 07:53
37F:推 andy78714 : 推04/17 07:57
38F:推 k22941920 : 推翻译04/17 08:00
39F:推 Insomniac : 外来的真Hoosier对上本地的伪Buckeye04/17 08:04
40F:推 chavo : 谢分享04/17 08:05
41F:推 ajfever : 推感动04/17 08:07
42F:推 riiooreal : 推04/17 08:10
43F:推 ji394vul3nn : 翻的都很好04/17 08:16
44F:推 dean30098 : 推 感动 04/17 08:16
45F:推 cidcheng : 真的很感动,今年东区来支持溜马好了 XD 04/17 08:17
46F:推 ericeee : 推04/17 08:23
47F:推 kuloda : 开幕战篮网对溜马就被溜马吸引了,欧拉加油!04/17 08:24
48F:推 happyben1025: 哭了04/17 08:26
49F:推 cblade : 溜马的篮球文化确实不错 04/17 08:26
50F:推 zebirlin : 推翻译 有感动~ 04/17 08:27
51F:推 mmchen : 好文04/17 08:28
52F:→ bangch : 季初的时候还有人说是昙花 现在到季末了也该给04/17 08:28
53F:→ bangch : Ola一个公道了吧04/17 08:28
54F:推 Jaydavid : 冲吧 欧拉黑豹04/17 08:29
55F:推 tfrence : 推翻译 很感人04/17 08:30
56F:推 psychoworld : 欧拉必推04/17 08:31
57F:→ VVade : 原来赢詹皇一场就可以捧一篇04/17 08:33
58F:推 kilong17 : 拜托进二轮吧!04/17 08:37
59F:推 Astronoka : 这是对Oladipo以及溜马整个球季的肯定,关赢LBJ何事04/17 08:37
60F:推 StoneJean : 推优质好文04/17 08:39
61F:推 Righto : OlaOlaOlaOlaOla04/17 08:40
62F:推 slimfater : 挺感动的~追求梦想跟坚持下去很触动人心~04/17 08:40
63F:推 a3138466 : 推翻译 推Ola 从原本被看衰到进季後赛 真的不简单04/17 08:42
64F:推 kirchize : 泪推 OLA 魔术放掉你是总管脑残04/17 08:43
65F:推 lungfat258 : 这种整个城市给你靠的感觉真的很不错,暴龙也是04/17 08:43
66F:推 StephonA : 推翻译 感动 ~ 04/17 08:43
67F:推 fw2009tc : 推 有感动到 04/17 08:44
68F:推 shihTWpeter : 哭惹04/17 08:45
69F:推 meipialoha : 辛苦了04/17 08:45
70F:推 SurfacePro4 : 这样叫捧吗? 阅读能力是不是不太好?04/17 08:46
71F:推 bn5566 : 加油啊 很立志 04/17 08:48
72F:推 RuleAllWorld: 辛苦了 04/17 08:49
73F:推 jay0601zzz : 推04/17 08:53
74F:推 kobe124 : 感动04/17 08:53
75F:推 heyamo123 : 职业篮球员的心智真的要很坚定啊...越来越喜欢欧拉04/17 08:53
76F:→ heyamo123 : !04/17 08:53
77F:→ cblade : 溜马印象中也蛮会出最佳进步球员的,NBA球队的清流04/17 08:54
78F:→ cblade : 了04/17 08:54
79F:推 hss512 : 很多人从LBJ手中夺走冠军奖杯 但从来没有人夺走过LB04/17 08:55
80F:→ hss512 : J的季後赛G1在LBJ主场04/17 08:55
81F:推 rati40116 : 好文04/17 08:56
82F:→ hss512 : 我认为以Oladipo跟溜马的背景 非常了不起04/17 08:56
83F:推 baubau1205 : 推!04/17 08:58
84F:推 tihs104 : 溜迷这麽大心04/17 08:59
85F:→ tihs104 : 当初开打前,溜马被看得多扁04/17 09:00
86F:推 power2618 : 当初个人看好新人王是他,朋友说真的假的04/17 09:00
87F:推 funxi56 : 欧拉必推04/17 09:00
88F:推 william12tw : 去年他被嫌得像杂鱼 今年终於证明自己了 04/17 09:00
89F:→ power2618 : 数据差了点,MCW好就只是数据好,真的很可惜 04/17 09:00
90F:→ Leaflock : 脱下龟壳的男人04/17 09:01
91F:推 jyunwei : 溜马的最佳进步奖:J.Rose 小欧 妙丽 PG04/17 09:02
92F:推 power2618 : 看到这篇文章心中感触很多,只差没买他的衣服04/17 09:03
93F:→ AirRider : 励志! 04/17 09:07
94F:推 kulumi : 泪推欧拉 04/17 09:12
95F:推 brianlingood: 欧拉欧拉欧拉!!!!!04/17 09:12
96F:推 perfect07117: 推励志 希望能打败骑士闯进下一轮04/17 09:12
97F:推 dDTKk : 推!很感动04/17 09:15
98F:推 KirkSynder : 推翻译的很传神不过Hoosiers 本来以为是火爆教头草04/17 09:16
99F:→ KirkSynder : 地兵的虚构名称,查了一下才知道原来许多印州高中也04/17 09:16
100F:→ KirkSynder : 用这个名字,可是原PO这里说是印大?是因为印大也有04/17 09:16
101F:→ KirkSynder : 这个昵称吗?04/17 09:16
102F:推 cress0128 : 感谢翻译04/17 09:21
103F:→ cress0128 : 所以说 对某些人而言 高中没有机会 大学反而能成长04/17 09:21
104F:推 allyourshit : 翻得很感人 希望ola能越过LBJ这道高墙04/17 09:22
105F:→ cress0128 : 之前在雷霆的时候被嫌得要死 恭喜他成长了04/17 09:22
106F:推 h321123aa : 推,完全看走眼这个球员04/17 09:23
107F:推 cress0128 : 被当成包裹丢 只有心智强大的人才能扛住自卑感04/17 09:24
108F:推 leonightmare: 推感动04/17 09:25
109F:推 Oskar : 推推04/17 09:25
110F:→ edhuang : 泪推 04/17 09:25
111F:推 kk9517 : 推欧拉励志 04/17 09:25
112F:推 kirstencheng: 推04/17 09:26
113F:推 wklxbiwee : 说到高中 Cook跟Oladipo是同高中 (之前搞错了04/17 09:27
114F:推 ClutchShot : 泪推04/17 09:27
115F:推 sclbtlove : 赞赞赞 04/17 09:27
116F:嘘 cutemai0417 : 硬要PO 浪费我时间 你印大关我屁事 04/17 09:28
117F:推 allyourshit : 楼上有谁拜托你看了?废嘘04/17 09:30
118F:推 RickyRubio : 推04/17 09:32
119F:推 Dlanor450 : 让人可以感觉到真诚和感动04/17 09:34
120F:推 maxian30201 : 超废嘘 谁在乎你的时间 你的推文才浪费PTT空间04/17 09:34
121F:推 trauma : 印大我只记得Bob Knight...我是不是太老了XD04/17 09:35
122F:嘘 cutemai0417 : 没楼上废04/17 09:36
123F:推 xx182731 : 想到米勒04/17 09:37
124F:推 oginrkwe : 推04/17 09:37
125F:推 willie40105 : 嘘的人有什麽问题 不想看你可以滚啊04/17 09:37
126F:推 DCFreeze : 再推这篇04/17 09:38
127F:推 mvpdirk712 : 跟印大有关的NBA名人包含非球员其实有好几个啊XD,04/17 09:38
128F:→ mvpdirk712 : 小牛老板Mark Cuban就是04/17 09:38
129F:嘘 cutemai0417 : 有规定不能嘘?不想看到嘘的不会自己滚?04/17 09:39
130F:推 mcstone : This is my city04/17 09:39
131F:推 cc9630r : 感动推04/17 09:39
132F:推 mvpdirk712 : 笑笑汤也是 04/17 09:41
133F:推 fatpigdog : 感谢印城从不摆烂 04/17 09:42
134F:→ mvpdirk712 : 三年前库班还捐500万镁给学校盖科研中心04/17 09:43
135F:推 YummyCurry : 嘘的的人 情商也太低?04/17 09:44
136F:推 duncan47 : 推 不过有个部分好像是 自”已”04/17 09:45
137F:推 MAGICMCGRADY: 嘘的刷存在感吧 04/17 09:45
138F:推 a3138466 : 推 04/17 09:48
139F:推 phx79814 : Ola真的很强04/17 09:49
140F:推 JTR626 : 嘘文的好可怜~04/17 09:50
141F:嘘 cutemai0417 : 有些人眼睛不知有啥问题只看的到自己想看的 可悲04/17 09:52
142F:推 godamnumb : 嘘的不知道在干嘛xdd04/17 09:53
143F:推 allyourshit : 人生鲁蛇 可悲04/17 09:53
144F:推 Tawara : 推04/17 09:54
145F:→ cutemai0417 : 硬要关人家嘘文的也是不知道在想啥 还是说没办法想04/17 09:55
146F:→ cutemai0417 : 啥04/17 09:55
147F:→ cutemai0417 : 笑死 只许州官放火不准百姓点灯04/17 09:57
148F:→ cutemai0417 : 你能推我不能嘘 神逻辑04/17 09:57
149F:推 a3138466 : 推04/17 09:57
150F:→ cutemai0417 : 意见相左就可怜?可悲?刷存在感? 照照镜子,懂?04/17 09:58
151F:推 birdman5656 : 我都念Oladipo04/17 09:58
152F:嘘 dwyanelin : 美国真的很会行销,每次有球员开始红了,就会有一篇04/17 09:58
153F:→ dwyanelin : 洒狗血的文出来...04/17 09:58
154F:→ dwyanelin : 看了真的很腻XD,直接end 04/17 09:59
155F:推 gargoyles : 好文给推 04/17 09:59
156F:推 ups : 推ola04/17 10:01
157F:推 joygo : 好感人04/17 10:02
158F:推 KevinDurant : 这篇写得超燃耶XD04/17 10:03
159F:推 shaw0513 : 推 04/17 10:03
160F:推 cress0128 : 球员红了 先前准备好的文章才会比较多人看 04/17 10:03
161F:推 nocebo : 事实上就算不红甚至板凳跑龙套的背後都可能有很狗04/17 10:04
162F:→ nocebo : 血感人的故事,这就是人生,是只有红的人的故事有04/17 10:05
163F:→ nocebo : 机会写给你听04/17 10:05
164F:→ cutemai0417 : 板上的新警察被洗脸後有勇气道歉才是真感人04/17 10:06
165F:推 CCFACE : 连嘘是怎样... 可能家里有什麽事 体谅一下吧04/17 10:07
166F:推 nocebo : 推文有时候混了一点脏东西当没看到就好04/17 10:08
167F:推 supereyelash: 溜马是好球队 只是有拉基降薪抱腿才开始垮的04/17 10:09
168F:推 FireNdsl : 三年拿到大学学位好强!04/17 10:10
169F:推 linchunan : 嘘的那些谁在乎你啊 又菜又没料的XD04/17 10:12
170F:推 jyunwei : 输球崩溃╰(〒皿〒)╯04/17 10:13
171F:→ linchunan : 推 nocebo, 不是赢家的人生才值得书写04/17 10:13
172F:推 rbking21 : 推个Ola 振翅高飞04/17 10:14
173F:→ linchunan : 成王败寇的心态早过时了。04/17 10:14
174F:推 a3138466 : 推04/17 10:14
175F:推 jemmak629 : 喜欢这种球员崛起的故事04/17 10:16
176F:推 yuan0506 : 有人崩溃了 嘻嘻 04/17 10:23
177F:推 Clazzi : The崩溃 04/17 10:25
178F:推 loveinmars : 真棒04/17 10:27
179F:推 kidstupid : 辛苦了,推一个04/17 10:29
180F:推 goodnight4Tw: 推好文 嘘的好可怜 需要这样刷存在04/17 10:29
181F:推 pennymarkfox: 推个!! 04/17 10:31
182F:推 lakersPOYU : 嘻嘻 有一个傻b在鬼吼鬼叫 04/17 10:35
183F:→ cutemai0417 : 真的可怜,除了人身攻击和诅咒人家家里有事外说不出04/17 10:38
184F:→ cutemai0417 : 一点论述04/17 10:38
185F:推 TVXFQ : 进来看文章然後说关我屁事....这逻辑...04/17 10:38
186F:→ TVXFQ : 被人说刷存在感就开始贴人标签说因为意见相左04/17 10:39
187F:推 liusim : 明明就只是催票文啊 这也能酸? 要主场观众high一点04/17 10:39
188F:→ TVXFQ : 原来可悲的人真的不知道自己为什麽可悲诶....04/17 10:39
189F:→ liusim : 凑了吗~04/17 10:39
190F:→ cutemai0417 : 这个板怎麽这麽可怜有心胸狭隘容不下不同意见知会人04/17 10:40
191F:→ cutemai0417 : 身攻击的人04/17 10:40
192F:→ cutemai0417 : 嘘文就是可悲?呵呵长知识了04/17 10:41
193F:推 sept9048 : 我博班学长不是干假的 热火这几波PLAY WADE处理不错04/17 10:42
194F:推 CCFACE : 自介吗?04/17 10:42
195F:推 JUNstudio : XDDDD 记得上面有句嘘文是「没楼上废」吧04/17 10:43
196F:推 TVXFQ : 连嘘文不可悲跟你很可悲都分不清楚 这不是可悲什麽04/17 10:44
197F:→ TVXFQ : 是可悲0.004/17 10:44
198F:→ cutemai0417 : 上帝打你左脸你又脸也要让祂打吗?可惜乡民不是上 04/17 10:45
199F:→ cutemai0417 : 帝 我也不是完人 04/17 10:45
200F:→ cutemai0417 : 我嘘我的你不说我废我回应干嘛 吃饱太闲?别再出来04/17 10:46
201F:→ cutemai0417 : 丢人了孩子04/17 10:46
202F:推 nba407t : 嘘的真的有看文吗?是欧拉自己写的耶 推欧拉04/17 10:47
203F:→ cutemai0417 : 没那些知会说别人可悲的人可悲 呵呵 04/17 10:48
204F:→ cutemai0417 : 越来越好笑了,我什麽时候变成嘘欧拉了,中文不好就 04/17 10:49
205F:→ cutemai0417 : 别出头了吧04/17 10:49
206F:推 brucep : 看完整个热血沸腾!!!GOOOOOOO Oladipo!!!!04/17 10:49
207F:推 daniel50508 : 推04/17 10:49
208F:推 may0328 : 白金之星04/17 10:54
209F:推 rick8523tw : 崩溃哥好可爱哈哈哈哈哈04/17 10:54
210F:→ linchunan : 拼命嘘文还要谈论述喔!?笑得肚子好痛...04/17 11:01
211F:推 lajji : 明明就是在说另一个嘘的 你的理解能力?04/17 11:02
212F:→ pony95159 : 好文04/17 11:02
213F:推 ethan201 : 发什麽神经 不能安静?04/17 11:04
214F:推 skyswolf : 所以溜马队的票房有很好吗 这个州真的这麽爱篮球吗?04/17 11:04
215F:推 chi12345678 : 我要写个推字......_( 」—ω—)_推推推推推04/17 11:12
216F:推 extrachaos : 如果爆冷做掉骑士就爽了04/17 11:14
217F:→ SCLPAL : 被欧拉欧拉欧拉了!!04/17 11:23
218F:推 dennylu97 : 感动04/17 11:24
219F:推 scsa8860512 : 感动QQ04/17 11:28
220F:推 ji394tb : 推推 04/17 11:29
221F:推 adidas520999: 感动推,归属感好强烈啊! 04/17 11:56
222F:推 small314 : 推04/17 11:58
223F:推 sky781125 : 感人04/17 12:02
224F:推 oak2002 : 你的翻译实在太强了 我还以为原文就中文勒04/17 12:03
225F:推 gn00419464 : 推 04/17 12:05
226F:推 YummyCurry : 有人崩溃 继续蹦蹦跳 04/17 12:06
227F:推 mouse4260 : 翻译推,吃鸡排看戏04/17 12:13
228F:推 CaTkinGG : 加油04/17 12:19
229F:推 momofishj : 推 感人04/17 12:21
230F:推 andy2300224 : QQ04/17 12:29
231F:推 rs813011 : 好文,但他的故事没有狗血啊,人生超顺遂的啊04/17 12:37
232F:→ rs813011 : 只是没有受到超级巨星待遇而已04/17 12:38
233F:推 hitman0527 : 推04/17 12:46
234F:推 matt0325 : 可以嘘内容但你嘘说浪费时间不是咎由自取吗04/17 12:53
235F:推 ISuG : 推,令人感动,他只是想感谢赞叹支持他的球迷和环04/17 13:05
236F:→ ISuG : 境04/17 13:05
237F:推 bruce00595 : push04/17 13:18
238F:推 yuiop0929 : 哭了04/17 13:24
239F:推 nykah20 : 推翻译04/17 13:24
240F:推 hikaruton : 正义之师加油04/17 13:28
241F:推 shawncarter : 今年Fantasy选到Oladipo 爽04/17 13:41
242F:推 hydrahung : 泪推 04/17 13:48
243F:推 shing529 : 一脸讼棍样 04/17 13:59
244F:推 s8900117 : 推04/17 14:04
245F:推 XiCheng : 都推04/17 14:40
246F:→ kuchibu : 虽然是溜马迷 但实在不太喜欢这种文章..04/17 14:50
247F:→ kuchibu : 之前印大的好手都蛮喜欢的 当年当红炸子鸡Jeffries 04/17 14:51
248F:→ kuchibu : 和小钢炮Eric Gordon 啊 04/17 14:51
249F:推 RonaldBBS : 这种文到底想表达表达?04/17 15:15
250F:推 RonaldBBS : 赢球就无条件拥护,欧拉觉的印城球迷很势利眼吗04/17 15:17
251F:推 eipduolc : 这篇文章太棒04/17 15:24
252F:推 Schwarber12 : 宰LBJ过第一轮就是传奇故事了04/17 16:15
253F:→ dermer : 其实也不用解读太多,这就是一封Dipo写给Indiana的04/17 16:16
254F:→ dermer : 感谢函04/17 16:16
255F:推 a3138466 : 推04/17 16:25
256F:推 hhh1105 : Go hoosiers!!!04/17 19:47
257F:推 rockbox6282 : 翻的太好了!!好到有人都崩溃了 呜呜04/18 00:01
※ 编辑: dermer ( 英国), 10/31/2022 05:21:32 ※ 编辑: dermer ( 英国), 10/31/2022 05:22:48

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