Joel Embiid Broke Down Why 'The Process’Is Never Going To End For The Sixers “Well, The Process is never going to end. It’s an ongoing thing. I don’t think it’s ever going to stop. As I have explained before, it’s a process for making it to the playoffs, it’s another one to make the conference finals, another one to actually go to The Finals and win the championship.” 他说:"我们说的这个Process不会有尽头的, 会一直持续下去, 我甚至不认为他会停 像我之前解释过的, Process#1来打进季後赛, Process#2拼进分区冠军 之後还需要一个Process#3来闯进Finals并赢得冠军 “And when you actually win it, you’ve got to come back the following year and do it all over again. So I don’t think The Process is ever going to end. But at this point of The Process, it’s rewarding. We’ve been winning lately. We’ve been playing well. We still have a long way to go, but I’m excited about the future.” 当你真的赢得冠军戒後, 来年你仍得重新跑一遍流程 所以我不觉的The Process会有停滞的时候 但就现在来看, The Process真的值得, 我们最近变得可以赢球了也打得更好了 虽然我们还有好长一段路得走, 但我很期待我们球队的未来 ------------------------------------------------------------ Joel Embiid's 'Game of Thrones' theory will probably make a lot of people mad 最後一季的冰与火之歌预计2019上映, 但Embiid已经有了对结局的预测 他是这出剧的戏迷, 但没看过原着, 也没上Reddit参与讨论, 更不认识剧组的任何人 但他说"我研究过了, Jon Snow不会称王" "大家都想要这样演, 但整出戏就是让你不知道会发生些什麽, 所以Jon Snow不会称王" -------------------------------------------------------------- Joel Embiid: Sam Hinkie ‘Lost His Job Because of Me’ Embiid说76人前总经理Hinkie是因为他生涯前两季因伤缺赛, 才被辞退的 Sam Hinkie drafted you. Do you keep in touch with him, call, text? Embiid: “Yeah, we text sometimes. We talk to each other sometimes. I mean, that’s the guy that drafted me, and he made sure he put everything in place so I could get healthy. And I got healthy and I got back on the court. And I feel like he basically kind of lost his job because of me, because I missed two years. So I feel like I owe him a lot. Yeah, we talk. We talk sometimes.” 记者问:"Hinkie当年选秀会上选了你, 你们现在还有连络吗?" Embiid:"有啊, 我们有时会互传简讯跟聊天 当年是他选了我, 也是他细细拼组了所有要件让我能保持健康 这也是为何我现在能以健康的姿态重回球场 但我觉得基本上他被辞退是因为我, 因为我那两季都没能上场 我觉得我亏欠他很多, 是啊我们会聊天, 真的有时会聊聊 --
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1F:推 darren2586 : NOT PROCESS #1 NOT PROCESS #2 NOT PROCESS #3.... 12/13 16:09
2F:推 MrSatan : 铅笔喜版 12/13 16:10
3F:推 martin310462: 为什麽他认真问答看起来很成熟 但又那麽喜欢在推特 12/13 16:10
4F:→ martin310462: 上各种搞事啊 12/13 16:10
5F:推 payday : 他私下真的很谦卑 这种态度 难怪技能越练越多 12/13 16:10
6F:推 RickyRubio : Hold the door 12/13 16:10
7F:推 Mews : 拿到键盘就变一个人 12/13 16:12
8F:推 Bewho : 千年推特 12/13 16:12
9F:推 gsg0910 : You know nothing, Joel 12/13 16:13
10F:→ yutete : #Trust the process 12/13 16:15
11F:推 zxcc : 推我大铅笔 有实力的键盘肥宅! 12/13 16:15
12F:推 dwiee : 保持健康啊,我想看新一代超级中锋统治球场 12/13 16:15
13F:推 chenlansue : 就嘴炮呀 很多打嘴炮的人现实中是很成熟的 12/13 16:18
14F:→ Rothur : 拿到键盘就换了个人格XDD 千年键盘 12/13 16:19
15F:推 Calderon : 感觉铅笔大帝智商很高ㄟ 12/13 16:19
16F:推 Olajuwon : 千年键盘会激发出铅笔另一个暗黑的推特王人格 12/13 16:21
17F:推 yoiverson : 拿掉键盘还是很有实力 这就是跟我最大的不同QQ 12/13 16:21
18F:推 taikonkimo : 就是那种拿键盘就第二人格的人吧 12/13 16:22
19F:推 magneto5566 : 龙女好棒 12/13 16:23
20F:推 tottoko0908 : 千年键盘笑死 12/13 16:31
21F:推 edhuang : 千年键盘是怎样XDDDDDD 12/13 16:35
22F:推 christ0ph3r : hinkie died for our sins! 12/13 16:35
23F:→ ellisteng145: 其实就算他推特嘴炮也都是一般的垃圾话 不会像球爸 12/13 16:37
24F:→ ellisteng145: 之类的踩到底线 12/13 16:37
25F:嘘 victor16 : 干雷屁 12/13 16:40
26F:→ djviva : u r one of the people who got mad 12/13 16:44
27F:推 cjkpeter : 冰与火我只看到第五季.....怎麽会在篮球版被雷..... 12/13 16:49
28F:→ djviva : cj, u r the 2nd one~~ lol 12/13 16:49
29F:推 MarXXXX : 拿到键盘和滑鼠会性格大变 12/13 16:50
30F:推 Snowman : 看懂千年键盘 笑死 12/13 16:50
31F:→ Snowman : 像obov 你觉得他很北烂 事实上他是个正常的苹果员工 12/13 16:51
32F:→ Snowman : 嘴炮只是为了舒压 12/13 16:51
33F:推 Kafziel : 没国动就暴动 12/13 16:52
34F:推 julian0203 : 决斗吧!铅笔! 12/13 16:56
35F:推 shiun1017 : 维持健康吧 12/13 16:59
36F:→ booyah0212 : 推铅笔 12/13 17:05
37F:→ Mustang : 所以拿到键盘就变推特王了 12/13 17:12
38F:推 gilbertmac : 本来就很多人 现实很乖很老实 在网路里就变嘴炮了 12/13 17:30
39F:推 qiet : 没看boyo以前在批踢踢炸人全家 但本人超nice 12/13 18:33
40F:推 ger1871 : 千年键盘笑了 铅笔Boy 12/13 18:37
41F:推 DoubleA5566 : 费城本田! 12/13 18:43
42F:推 AngelMAyCry : 拿到手机或电脑就开启巨魔模式 12/13 19:11
43F:推 essicjj : 铅笔boy xdd 12/14 00:30
44F:推 abc1231qa : 千年键盘XDDDDD 12/14 00:35
45F:推 Poleaxe : 千年键盘www 12/14 01:06
46F:推 bobo10806 : 推千年键盘哈哈哈哈哈 12/14 08:19

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