Thank You, Utah July 4 2017 GORDON HAYWARD SMALL FORWARD / NBA This has been the toughest decision that I’ve ever had to make in my life. This weekend has probably been the longest weekend of my life. And today … well, today has definitely been one of the craziest days of my life. But I wanted to make sure that I got this right. 这一个决定,是我这辈子到目前为止做过最困难的决定,这个周末也大概是最难熬的一次 而今天...嗯..,今天绝对是我生命中最疯狂的日子之一。但我想要知道,这麽做的是对的 As you can see, it’s taken me a while, and thanks to everyone for their patience. I can’t even begin to count the number of conversations I’ve had with my wife, Robyn, and the rest of my inner-circle, since the season ended, and all the way up to this evening — just going through every possible angle, in every potential direction. 就像大家都知道的,我需要一点时间去面对这个困难的决定,非常感谢大家的耐心。在球季 结束後一直到今天晚上,我根本没办法一一细数到底我跟我太太 Robyn、还有我身旁的人谈 过多少次,从各种不同的角度、各种不同的可能性去讨论我的未来。 My meetings with all three teams during this process — Miami, Boston and Utah — were just unbelievable. They couldn’t have been more impressive. Each meeting left me convinced that the team I’d just met with was the right fit. And even after I slept on it last night, while I was leaning heavily in one direction … I still wasn’t 100-percent convinced about what I wanted to do. 在这段期间我与三个不同的球队会面的过程 - 迈阿密热火波士顿塞尔提克犹他爵士都 非常的美好。这三支球队都已经让我非常非常印象深刻。在每一次会面完後,我都觉得「就 是这个球队了」。即便到了昨天晚上,我已经决定踏往其中一条道路时,我还是没办法100% 肯定我是不是真的选好了。 What’s crazy is — before I even had a chance to make my decision, before I had a chance to sit down and write this, and before I even had a chance to talk about it with the people I love — I was already reading reports about where I was going. And I guess that’s just the way things work, in 2017. But I’m sorry it had to work out like that. 你知道最疯狂的是什麽吗,在我根本还没有想清楚前、在我根本还没有机会好好坐下来动笔 前,还有在我根本还没有跟我爱的人讨论以前,我已经在在报导上看到我要去哪里了。我猜 想,好吧2017年可能就是这麽搞吧。但我还是很抱歉是用这样的方式让大家知道。 This was a life-changing decision for me and my family, and something we took really seriously. And from the very start of this process, one thing stood out as important: I knew that I wanted the fans and the organizations to hear my decision directly from me. 这是一个人生交叉路口的抉择,对我和我的家庭而言都是,也是我们非常深思熟虑的决定。 然而打从这个过程的一开始,我知道我想要球迷以及各个球团们,是直接从我这里听见我的 答案。 After seven years in Utah, I have decided to join the Boston Celtics. 在犹他人生的7年後,我决定要加入波士顿塞尔提克队。 I know that will be tough to hear for Jazz fans — and I really want you all to know that you mean the world to me and my family. Over the past few days, I’ve been genuinely torn. And I know that this process isn’t easy on the fans, either. So I just want to be as straight-up as possible about why I’m coming to Boston. 我知道这对爵士球迷而言,是个很难接受的答案,我也真心的希望你们都能知道,对我和我 的家庭而言,你们是我的一切。在过去的几天当中,我真的是天人交战。我也同样清楚,对 球迷来说这个过程也是很不好受。所以我觉得我尽可能的坦然面对我要踏上波士顿的旅途。 First, though, if you don’t mind, I would really like to just take a moment and express how much these last seven years in Utah have meant to me. Because there’s only one fair way to say it: They’ve meant everything. 首先,当然如果你们愿意的话,我想花一点时间真心的表达,在过去的7年的犹他人生,对 我而言有多麽大的意义。因为只能用一句话形容,那是我的一切。 When I got to Salt Lake City, in the summer of 2010 — I know it’s a cliché, but man, it’s the truth: I was just a kid. I remember the drive. I drove all the way there, with my dad, from Indiana to Salt Lake City, just to save money. I knew I had all of these expectations as a top 10 pick … but at the same time, I was only 20. This was my first job away from home. And I was so nervous about everything that was in front of me. I remember my first real routine as a pro — finding a Subway near me (well, a mile or two away), and just walking there, every day, so I could use my Subway card like I always had. And that was really it for me, at first: Practice, and Subway, and video games. I was pretty closed off. 回想起2010年的夏天,那是我第一次与盐湖城相遇的时刻,我知道可能有点陈腔滥调,但 天啊,我说真的: 我当时只是个孩子。我记得那次开车,因为想省钱,我跟我爸一路从 印第安纳开到盐湖城,我也知道我当时身上担负着「前10顺位新秀」的期望,但当时说起来 我也才不过20岁。这是我第一份远离家乡的工作,而我当时对於一切即将要面对的事情,都 超紧张的。我记得我第一天身为球员後上工,就是找一家离我最近的 Subway(好啦也要1-2 miles),然後为了像我之前一样使用我的 Subway卡,我就是每天到那去报到。然後一开始 真的就是每天都这麽过: 练球、Subway、打电动。我真的超宅。 And then I just think about how far I’ve come during my time here. I’ve truly grown up in Salt Lake. I’ve become a man, and I’ve become a professional. I’ ve gone from being a kid … to now having a wife and two kids. I’ve gone from having anxiety over leaving my family … to now having a family of my own. A lot has happened to me during my time here, and I honestly can’t think of any part of it that I haven’t cherished. This is a special place, and I know that the impression it’s made on me will long outlast the impression I’ve made on it. 然後我才想到一路过来我的犹他人生。我真的在盐湖城成长了好多。我变成了一个男人, 我也变得更成熟更专业。一路从一个孩子‧‧‧走到现在我有了妻子还有两个小孩。从 离开我的家乡、我的家人而很感到紧张焦虑,到现在我也组了自己的家庭。在这边我度过了 太多人生的大小事,我真的不能想像,我能不去爱任何在这发生的一切。这是一个好特别的 地方,而我知道这个地方在我身上烙印下的,将会比我在这留下的更深远流长。 The Jazz organization, and everyone there who’s played a part over the course of my career in Utah … more than anything else, they’re the people who make this decision so difficult. Steve Stark, and the entire Miller family — they’ re first-class in everything they do. Dennis Lindsey — if there’s anyone who’ s most responsible for the winning culture in Salt Lake, it’s him. I really could just go on here, naming people, forever. 给爵士球团,还有任何一个在我爵士生涯中与我参与的人们,没有任何比得上你们,也因为 你们,才让这个决定如此艰难。Steve Stark,还有所有 Miller 家族的成员,不管做什麽 你们都是最棒的。Dennis Lindsey,如果要说是谁,在盐湖城建立起的球队追求胜利的文化 ,那个人就是你。我真的可以在这一直坐在这,一一诉说、提及好多好多人。 I was literally the last Jazz player left who played under Coach Sloan — and I always took that as a lot more than just some piece of trivia. That was something that truly made me feel like a part of the fabric of this franchise. And that fabric is something that has meant a lot to me, ever since. 说起来我也是最後一个,曾经在 Sloan 教练麾下效力过的爵士球员,我也永远不会把这件 事当作微不足道的小事。因为这是一个真正让我觉得,可以认定自己成为了爵士历史上的 其中的一个章节,然而从认定自己那之後,对我来说真是无比的重要。 And there are so many people who have been a part of that fabric, who have made such a huge impact on my life — people who a lot of casual fans probably don’ t even know. And when I think about leaving Utah now … those are some of the people who I’m going to miss the most. 还有好多的人,也曾经是记载在册中,这些人对我来说也成就今天的我,这些人可能也 是好多球迷不知道的人物。而当我想到我要离开犹他了‧‧‧这些人我将会很想念的。 I think about our assistant coach, Mark McKown, who has been with me from Day One. I remember he took me to Santa Barbara as a rookie, with Jeremy Evans, back when he was our strength coach — he called us G-Dilly and J-Dally. Because we were rookies, and “all we did was dillydally.” I doubt I’ll ever remember that and not smile. 我们的助理教练 Mark McKown,这个打从第一天起就与我相伴的人。我还记得当我还是新秀 而他还是我们的体能教练时,他带着我和 Jeremy Evans 到 Santa Barbara,他总是叫我们 两个 G-Dilly还有J-Dally,因为我们当时还很菜,他常常说我们都在混。我想我应该回忆 这些都会笑吧。 I think about Doug Birrell, who’s our massage therapist — who was there from the start, with John and Karl. And we’ve just had … man, just hours and hours of conversation, over the years. Everything from arguments, to debates, to heart-to-hearts. Stuff that would never be repeated — which is something you really learn to value as a professional athlete. But that’s how it’s always felt within this organization. There’s always been real friendship here. There ’s a circle of trust. 我们的按摩治疗师 Doug Birrell,他可是在 John & Karl 时期就在爵士的呢。我们有过 ‧‧‧天啊,在这几年间,聊天不下几百个小时吧。所有包含意见相左、辩论,到真心相待 。你很难再遇到这样的情谊了,也是你真正学会,怎麽去珍惜当一个专业运动员。但这也是 你一直以来在这个组织下感受到的。在这我们有着真正的友谊,在这我们也是互相信赖。 I think about Isaiah Wright, who’s now our strength coach — but when I got there he was just a pudgy little ball boy. And we’re about the same age, so in a lot of ways we’ve grown up together, and worked our way up together in the franchise. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate the work he’s put in with me, just to make me a better basketball player. Oh yeah — and that one party he invited me to, back when I was a rookie. Isaiah Wright,现在是我们的体能教练,但我刚来时,他还只是个矮矮胖胖的小球僮勒。 因为我们年纪相仿,所以我们也可以算得上是一起成长,一路走到现在在球队中的角色。 跟他一起合作,对於他投入在我身上的付出,我的感激之情很难言喻,他让我成为一个更 好的篮球员。喔对了,他曾经在我还是菜鸟的时候,邀请我去参加一个派对。 I think about all of the great teammates I’ve had here, like Jeremy. I’ll never forget — 2012, Jeremy is in the dunk contest, and I’m supposed to help him with a dunk. And it’s the night before, and we’re at our hotel in Orlando … and we’re like two kids who didn’t study before the final. We’ve got nothing. And man, we’re just panicking, we’ve got no ideas, we’re trying to think of something. And then we finally end up finding this ratty little YMCA court, near the hotel, at like 3 in the morning, and we try to get a few reps in. And that’s when Jeremy thinks up his dunk where I toss him two balls at once. So we practice it one time, literally once, and that’s it. Totally wing it. And of course Jeremy ends up nailing it, and winning the dunk contest. 所有曾经我在这的好队友们,像是 Jeremy。我永远不会忘记你们的,想起在2012 Jeremy去 参加灌篮大赛,我当时要在那协助完成他的灌篮表演。就在大赛的前一晚,我们当时在奥兰 多的旅馆里,我们就像两个临时抱佛脚的学生。要考试了还什麽都没念,然後两个人吓个半 死,完全不知道要表演啥,在那想破头。然後终於我们在旅馆附近,找到一个又小又破的 YMCA球场,当时大概是凌晨三点,我们尝试了一下几招。所以 Jermey 也是在那个时候,想 到我同时把两颗球抛给他的招式。当晚我们就开始练,大概也就练那麽一次,收工,考场见 。最後当然 Jeremy 把奖盃抱走,赢得了灌篮大赛。 I think about Coach Snyder, who, our first conversation, when we met for dinner after he was hired — we didn’t even talk basketball once. Not a single word. It was just life … and family … and who we were as individuals. As a coach, Coach Snyder is incredible in every aspect of the game. His leadership, his unique ability to motivate, and his insane attention to detail are such special qualities that I will miss so much. There’s a lot of people I have to thank for where I am today as a basketball player, but honestly none more than Coach Snyder. Snyder教练,我们当时在他上任後的第一次对话,我们根本没有聊篮球。一个字都没聊到。 全都在聊人生、家庭,还有我们个人经历。作为一个教练,Snyder教练在任何层面,真的是 让人没话说。他的领导风范、他激励人心的特异功能,还有他察觉细节的鬼神能力,我都不 会忘记的。还有好多好多那些我想答谢,那些让我成为今天的我的人。但坦白说,都不及 Snyder教练。 I think about Johnnie Bryant, a guy who was a developmental coach when I first got here, and now he’s on the bench as an assistant. This past summer was probably the most important summer of my career, basketball-wise — just training to really take that next step as a player. And Johnnie, he’s just the best there is — he was right there, every step of the way, with me. He’s the guy who was having me work out with Kobe. He’s the guy who was sending me texts, late at night, early in the morning, just encouraging me, pushing me, “ study this video,” “look at this game film.” He’s really the guy, at the end of the day, who found the All-Star in me. Johnnie Bryant,当时我刚到的时候,他是我们的开发(发展)教练,现在他跟我们一样,以 助理教练的身分,与我们一起坐在板凳上。过去的上个夏天,以篮球角度而言,专注於训练 生涯中最重要的夏天,专注训练自己,成为更好的球员。而 Johnnie,就是他的功劳,他从 头到尾都与我一起一步一步的练、他是让我可以跟Kobe 一起训练的人、他是那个日夜不停 的传简讯给我的人,鼓励我、鞭策我,「看一下这个影片」、「看一下这个比赛录影」。 他真的就是这样,最後,他找到了我体内全明星的潜力。 And then I just think of the people of Utah, in general. They say that Salt Lake is a great place to raise a family — and I know that sounds like something people just say. But you spend enough time here … and you realize that it’s true. And for me, as far as that goes — I feel like I’m indebted to Salt Lake, twice over. Because not only has this been the city where I’ve started my family, and not only has this been the city that’s helped raise my daughters for the last couple of years … but long before that, during my first few years in the league — I also feel like this city helped raise me. And I feel like this city took me in, as part of its own family. 在犹他的大家,人们都说,盐湖城是一个养儿育女很棒的地方,我知道,这听起来只是随口 说说。但你真的在这生活够长的时间後,你才会知道这是真的。对我而言某个程度上来说, 我觉得我欠了盐湖城一份恩情,可以说两份。因为这里不只是一个我开始自己组织家庭的地 方,也不只是过去几年,养育我两个女儿的地方,回朔到最初到开始职业生涯的前几年, 我觉得这个城市也养育了我,它接纳了我,让我成为盐湖城大家庭的一份子。 And I just wanted to say thank you for that. 我只是想说,谢谢你。 And thank you for everything. 谢谢你为我做的一切。 The last time I had a decision this tough … it was in college, during my sophomore year, after we lost to Duke in the national championship game. I’d gotten on NBA radars as a result of my play that March, and there were projections that I might even be a first-round pick in the draft. And so I had a decision to make: Should I leave my comfort zone at Butler and move on to the NBA? Or should I stay another year, and give it another go, and try to finish what we’d started — try to win a championship? 回顾起上一次,我面临这麽挣扎的抉择时,是当我第二年,在我们在全国大赛争冠,输给 杜克大学後。因为在三月的表现,我被NBA球探给注意到,有人预测我将会晋升到第一轮 选秀名单中。当时我面临到一个选择: 我应该离开Bulter大学的舒适圈投身NBA,还是应该 再多留一年,不管选秀,去努力完成我们最初的目标,赢得NCAA的总冠军? It was such a tough decision. But there was one person who I knew I could talk to about it from every angle, who I knew would give me the smartest and most honest perspective available: Coach Stevens. 当时真的也是超难选择。但我知道有一个人,在我不管面对任何事情都可以讨论的人,一个 我知道他会给我最有智慧,也最由衷的建议: Stevens教练。 Coach Stevens was so great about it, all of it. He helped me lay out my options, and talked it through from both sides … but in the end, when I needed it, he also gave me my space. And he also let me know that it was my choice to make — and that he would be there for me, on the other side of it, either way. And of course I ended up deciding to leave: I declared for the draft, and got drafted, and started my new NBA life in Utah. But it always meant a lot to me, to know how, in that moment, even with our lives at this strange crossroads together, Coach Stevens was someone I could count on. Stevens教练真的很棒,不管任何层面都是。他帮助我勾勒出两个选择的路线蓝图,并仔细 的一一分析,但最後,当我需要静下来好好沉淀时,他也会给我空间。他也让我知道,最终 的决定权在我,而不管如何、不管我最後去哪,他也都会在我身旁支持我。当时大家也都知 道事情的发展,我後来选择投入选秀,也被选到而後开启我在犹他的职业生涯。但对我而言 那真的很重要,去知道如何面对,即便未来将不在肩并肩的走往不同的方向,Stevens是我 可以托付的人。 And I guess it’s pretty crazy. Because seven years later, I had to make an even tougher decision — and again, Coach Stevens and I found ourselves at a crossroads together. And again, he was the person I knew I could count on the most. 我想这听起来很不可思议,因为7年後,我竟然要面对更艰难的抉择,同样的,Stevens教练 与我又在人生的交叉口碰面,也同样的,这一次我依然知道,他还是那个我可以托付的人。 And now I’ve decided to sign with the Boston Celtics. 而我现在,也决定要跟波士顿塞尔提克签约了。 There were so many great things pulling me in that direction. There was the winning culture of Boston, as a city — from the Sox, to the Pats, to the Bruins. There was the special history of the Celtics, as a franchise — from Russell, to Bird, to Pierce, and it goes on. There was the amazing potential of this current Celtics roster, as a team — from ownership, to the front office, to a talented roster with Isaiah, and Al, and everyone else. And of course, there was Coach Stevens: Not just for the relationship that we’ve built off the court — but also for the one that we started building on the court, all of those years ago, in Indiana. 有太多很棒的因素,吸引我投身波士顿的决定。在波士顿有着追求胜利的文化,从红袜队 到新英格兰爱国者队,在到NHL的波士顿棕熊队。波士顿塞尔提克,也有着独特的历史, 从 Bill Russell、再到 Larry Bird、到 Paul Pierce等等的伟大球星。现有的阵容中也 是天赋济济,而球队本身,从领导层、到制服组、再到不单单只是交情好,几年前我们也在 印第安纳从零开始,打造属於我们场上阵容的 Stevens 教练。 And that unfinished business we had together, back in 2010, when I left Butler for the NBA … as far as I’m concerned, all of these years later, we still have it: 而在2010年,当我为了追求NBA离开 Butler 後,我们那未完成的理想‧‧即便在这麽年後 依然还萦绕在我心头: And that’s to win a championship. 那就是成为冠军。 -- Only The Strong Survive --
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1F:→ lesnaree2 : 也太长了吧 07/05 15:43
2F:→ thwasdf : 懒人包:波士顿比较有机会冲击冠军 嗯? 07/05 15:45
3F:推 flyforist : 07/05 15:46
4F:→ lesnaree2 : 写了一大堆 球衣还是得烧 07/05 15:46
5F:嘘 oklagg : 太假了 07/05 15:46
6F:嘘 chouvincent : LBJ: Party no? 07/05 15:47
7F:推 Ahfire : 真的变很多 连心都变了 07/05 15:48
8F:推 chi12345678 : 甲 07/05 15:49
9F:→ greece1274 : 现在是怎样 只要转自由球员没跟母队续约就要被酸? 07/05 15:49
10F:→ greece1274 : 那规定终身只能待同支球队就好啦 连自由选择都不行 07/05 15:49
11F:推 karta1992560: 好假 07/05 15:49
12F:推 ToToRoTW : 後面不要写爵爵应该不会生气吧XD 07/05 15:49
13F:→ JazMaHoJo : 整晚不睡是打这个吗? 07/05 15:49
14F:推 t1329kimo : 翻译:不是我自己要去Boston的,我也是看报纸才知道 07/05 15:49
15F:→ t1329kimo : 的 07/05 15:49
※ 编辑: taylorliao (, 07/05/2017 15:50:02
16F:推 Dadaptt : 重点整理:Brad Stevens<3 07/05 15:49
17F:→ Aggro : BOS的确比较靠近拉 东区竞争相对少一点 07/05 15:50
18F:推 rabbit529 : 推翻译 懒人包:比起犹他这个鬼地方,波士顿太舒适啦 07/05 15:50
19F:推 TDKnight : 前面不错啊 後面很伤爵迷 07/05 15:50
20F:→ JazMaHoJo : 明年还是骑勇大战吧 後年就不知道了 07/05 15:51
21F:推 georgehua : 感人QQ 07/05 15:51
22F:推 Beckhung : 谢谢你的贡献 黑蛙 07/05 15:51
※ 编辑: taylorliao (, 07/05/2017 15:53:20
23F:推 flyforist : 我以为他之前说想再帮BS打球是场面话没想到居然是真 07/05 15:52
24F:→ flyforist : 的 07/05 15:52
25F:推 no34pp614 : 能家也是看报纸才知道der 所以只好被加入 哈 07/05 15:53
26F:推 markwu123 : 後面就是写波士顿有赢球传统。(犹他没有?) 07/05 15:53
27F:推 n810516 : And thank you for everything. 如果只到这就好惹 07/05 15:53
28F:推 iwgp30645 : 感觉有之前的大学教练真的占很大一部分因素 07/05 15:53
29F:→ markwu123 : 波士顿可以拿到总冠军(犹他拿不到) 07/05 15:53
30F:推 qazwsx879345: 练球、Subway、打电动。我真的超宅。 07/05 15:54
31F:推 Vinccc : 後面听起来像我要冠军 爵士做不到 07/05 15:54
※ 编辑: taylorliao (, 07/05/2017 15:55:52
32F:→ Aggro : 应该是青赛目前战绩好又在东区的关系吧 07/05 15:55
33F:推 markwu123 : YES 很婊犹他xd 07/05 15:55
34F:嘘 qaz13579 : 你知道最疯狂的是什麽吗,在我根本还没有想清楚前、 07/05 15:55
35F:→ qaz13579 : 在我根本还没有机会好好坐下来动笔 07/05 15:55
36F:→ qaz13579 : 前,还有在我根本还没有跟我爱的人讨论以前,我已经 07/05 15:55
37F:→ qaz13579 : 在在报导上看到我要去哪里了。我猜 07/05 15:55
38F:→ qaz13579 : 想,好吧2017年可能就是这麽搞吧。但我还是很抱歉是 07/05 15:55
39F:→ qaz13579 : 用这样的方式让大家知道。 07/05 15:55
40F:推 rabbit529 : 真的 最後捧教练BS 跟 Boston的部分蛮多余的 07/05 15:55
41F:推 seemoon2000 : 青赛虽然不是很强 但是在东区仅次於骑士 爵士要摸到 07/05 15:56
42F:推 kaga1991 : 跟老大一起训练 07/05 15:56
43F:推 flyforist : 就是个七年後跟初恋情人重逢的故事( ? _ ? ) 07/05 15:56
44F:→ markwu123 : 别忘了狗贝才为他打笔战。被IT喷。哈你们没总冠军过 07/05 15:56
45F:→ seemoon2000 : 西决的地板好像还满远的 太多超级球星了... 07/05 15:56
46F:→ markwu123 : 然後现在写一封信说 我想拿总冠军xd 07/05 15:56
47F:→ Aggro : 我觉得有些转队帐面上的理由看看就好XD 当初魔兽去 07/05 15:57
48F:→ markwu123 : 难怪狗贝IG会这样子xd 07/05 15:57
49F:→ Aggro : 火箭说因为冰箱是传奇禁区才去 谁信这是主因XD 07/05 15:57
50F:推 allenblack : 也是 爵士队史无冠 10年来养出的当家明星都跑光光 07/05 15:57
51F:推 o0991758566 : 帅哥教练的吸引力太大 黑蛙跟他的渊源很深 07/05 15:58
52F:推 johnny4890 : Stevens 和bulter大学 还有他的故事还蛮可惜的 就差 07/05 15:58
53F:→ johnny4890 : 一点点 07/05 15:58
54F:→ Aggro : 跑很正常拉 绿军自己神主牌PP都跑了XDDD 07/05 15:59
55F:推 pipimj : 最後一句可以煽情一点看成他想完成大学时没跟帅哥一 07/05 15:59
56F:→ pipimj : 起拿冠军的遗憾(虽然都是拿冠军啦XD 07/05 15:59
57F:推 qazwsx879345: 又要扯到pp干嘛= =pp是被交易 跟FA有甚麽关系 07/05 16:00
58F:推 FAYeeeeeeee : 连这都有KOBE 太神啦 07/05 16:00
59F:推 cidcheng : 狗贝今天直接送他中指不是? XD 07/05 16:01
60F:推 Myosotis : 不要断章取义... 07/05 16:02
61F:→ MOTONARI : 放心啦 这次离冠军会差得更远 07/05 16:02
62F:推 s90523 : 推 07/05 16:02
63F:推 sbflight : 推 07/05 16:03
64F:→ Aggro : 也是 PP那个算是两边都好的确不太一样 好吧我更正xd 07/05 16:03
65F:推 LKN555 : 反正就是东区比较好刷数据 刷明星赛 刷东冠的概念XD 07/05 16:03
66F:推 qpqp7788 : 现在大咖只要不留母队 就会被酸的不要不要的 笑死 07/05 16:03
67F:推 DragicGoran : 後面别写可能还比较看得下去 07/05 16:04
68F:推 JazMaHoJo : 东决地板比较好摸 在爵士只能摸西爵地板 07/05 16:04
69F:推 jkduke : 看完还蛮感人的Q_Q 希望他可以跟教练一起拿一座冠军 07/05 16:06
70F:推 may60524 : 自家养出来All Star就这样走了 感到难过 07/05 16:06
71F:→ may60524 : 祝福黑蛙 07/05 16:07
72F:→ WesMatthews : 东区太舒适啦 07/05 16:10
73F:推 flyforist : PP跑了???他是被交易欸 07/05 16:10
74F:→ eirose : 信里还感谢了蛮多人的,结果还是一些人只看最後一段 07/05 16:10
75F:推 jack19931993: 就恐怖情人只会在那挑刺啊 07/05 16:11
76F:推 qazwsx879345: eirose大不是要睡了吗xd 07/05 16:12
77F:推 louisxxiii : 讲认真的爵士根本没把人家好好的当球星当老大 07/05 16:13
78F:→ eirose : 赶图阿...有个版不能去了只能待总版 07/05 16:13
79F:推 lianhua : 有老大 07/05 16:13
80F:→ eirose : 波士顿的职业球队是真的都蛮厉害的,这城市也不大 07/05 16:14
81F:推 kixer2005 : 我们必须把他绑起来然後烧掉 07/05 16:15
82F:→ markwu123 : 呃。你跟我说BOSTON不大? 07/05 16:15
83F:推 Lacus0827 : 你把最後去波士顿第一段修改 然後下面删掉 这观感 07/05 16:16
84F:推 lovelyworld : 他也考虑了很久呀!来波士顿不是因为这边比较好拿冠 07/05 16:16
85F:→ lovelyworld : 军,而是七年前他在NCAA冠军赛落败後,就直接加入NB 07/05 16:16
86F:→ lovelyworld : A了,没拿到NCAA冠军是他跟CBS心中很深的遗憾,所以 07/05 16:16
87F:→ lovelyworld : 他想来帮CBS完成未竟之功,超感人的呀! 07/05 16:16
88F:→ Lacus0827 : 会好很多wwww 07/05 16:16
89F:→ eirose : 要看你界定大是多大,可能我觉得这都会区全美约第10 07/05 16:17
90F:→ eirose : 算还好不大. 对比所谓的大真的有差 07/05 16:17
91F:推 marx93521 : BOS是大城市吧... 07/05 16:17
92F:推 ts012108 : 波士顿真的不大啊.... 但在"运动"上 绝对"大" 07/05 16:17
93F:推 Lattendue : 所以看起来教练还是重要的诱因~还可以拉.. 07/05 16:17
94F:推 kevin51521 : 谢谢星海哥 到了波士顿还是会继续支持你 07/05 16:18
95F:推 WesMatthews : 跟犹他比不知道大了几倍 07/05 16:18
96F:→ eirose : 就很像欧洲一些国家真的不大,但足球风气好又强一样 07/05 16:18
97F:推 markwu123 : Real GDP by metropolitan area 2014 是全美第九 07/05 16:20
98F:推 surfingbboy : 他真的爱帅哥教练 07/05 16:20
99F:→ markwu123 : 1.NY、2LA 3 Chicago 4 dallas 5 houston 07/05 16:20
100F:推 carefree711 : ㄍㄢˇㄖㄣˊㄊㄨㄟˉ 07/05 16:21
101F:→ arlun : 我觉得最後一段写给他的球迷没有不可以阿 也许对爵 07/05 16:21
102F:→ arlun : 士迷来说 前面就够了 但对他的球迷来说 告诉他们为 07/05 16:21
103F:→ arlun : 什麽要去超赛很有必要性 07/05 16:21
104F:→ markwu123 : 6 WA、7SF 8 费城 9波士顿 07/05 16:21
105F:→ markwu123 : Current-dollar GDP by metropolitan area boston 07/05 16:22
106F:→ markwu123 : 第九 塩湖城第.......43xd 07/05 16:22
107F:→ arlun : 不过我翻了一下爵士的队版 似乎当初签合约就没有很 07/05 16:23
108F:→ arlun : 多人看好了说 07/05 16:23
109F:推 aegis43210 : 波士顿算大城市哦,毕竟很早就开发,但气候糟 07/05 16:24
110F:→ aegis43210 : 大西洋沿岸的都会区因为早开发,所以人口都蛮多的 07/05 16:25
111F:→ arlun : 觉得只是老二老三的份凭什麽拿那麽多薪水… 07/05 16:25
112F:嘘 ltivs : OK的啦 去东区就能打明星赛跟东冠了 很棒吧 07/05 16:27
113F:推 harry881210 : gobert QQ 07/05 16:28
114F:推 mightymouse : 为什麽自由球员转队都要被酸,不是「自由」球员吗? 07/05 16:29
115F:推 leo755269 : 就为了写这废文还否定消息XDDDDDD 07/05 16:30
116F:推 liusim : 其实NBA这环境真的很高压 看到前面20岁那段就有感 07/05 16:30
117F:推 jimmy12282 : 推 07/05 16:30
118F:→ liusim : 虽然他们的年薪也是爆炸高 07/05 16:30
119F:→ liusim : 除非像PG这样心有所属 不然一般会面几天做决定 07/05 16:31
120F:→ liusim : 真的蛮难的吧…… 07/05 16:32
121F:推 wayne291291 : 大家 07/05 16:32
122F:→ wayne291291 : 看一下吧 07/05 16:32
123F:推 jeter0209 : 翻的好顺 07/05 16:35
124F:推 noahlin : 气候好又要大城市根本手指头数得完 07/05 16:38
125F:→ noahlin : LA SF HOU DAL MIA 应该没了 07/05 16:39
126F:推 fasttrack : 他当年离开stevens投入nba 现在也算回去找教练了 07/05 16:39
127F:推 Cage1027 : 推 07/05 16:39
128F:→ noahlin : 美东跟大湖区冬天都冷得要死 其他内陆几乎都小城市 07/05 16:40
129F:推 gtgra053789 : 呵呵随便啦 我只想看乡民表演双重标准 07/05 16:47
130F:推 iamaq18c : 感觉就在说:在爵士拿不到冠军 所以我要去塞尔提克 07/05 16:47
131F:推 rl55586 : 还ok阿 07/05 16:51
132F:推 aegis43210 : 所以星海哥能去波士顿,个人还是觉得有勇气 07/05 16:54
133F:推 bye2007 : 写的很好,蛮动人的 07/05 16:57
134F:嘘 joyeszhang : 要分手其实不需要那麽多屁话= = 07/05 16:58
135F:推 eric03170427: 很感人啊!加油! 07/05 16:59
136F:嘘 remix999 : 干话王 07/05 16:59
137F:推 bye2007 : 大推翻译,翻译很好 07/05 17:00
138F:推 attdave : 写这麽多还是被烧球衣了,帮QQ 07/05 17:03
139F:推 MichaelRedd : 那麽多干话一句总结:我要去抱腿拿冠军惹( ^.< ) 07/05 17:05
140F:推 flyingfish71: 小市场的球队真的很无奈,坦到也练起来了就走了 07/05 17:09
141F:→ Aggro : 现在好不少了 还可以用母队大约去拚看看 07/05 17:12
142F:推 yuenwwjd : 甚麽都不说跟 写一堆感性文 也会有酸民靠北 07/05 17:19
143F:推 tanner51 : 被酸是因为他歹戏拖棚,去Bos的理由,不用去会面也 07/05 17:29
144F:→ tanner51 : 知道,早想分手却不说。 07/05 17:29
145F:推 Puraland : 翻的好! 07/05 17:29
146F:推 clairehsieh : 赞赞 07/05 17:42
147F:推 laijack512 : 推 07/05 17:43
148F:推 lin880905 : 推用心翻译 07/05 17:50
149F:推 TOJOAYA : 如果先把分区冠军或地板列为短期目标的话星海哥这样 07/05 17:51
150F:推 fredchan1992: 很感人欸QQ 07/05 17:52
151F:→ TOJOAYA : 也很合理啦 毕竟相对东区来说西区怪物太多而且签4年 07/05 17:52
152F:→ TOJOAYA : 如果没有大咖或新秀神选之子降临东区 姆斯一老超赛 07/05 17:53
153F:→ TOJOAYA : 的确很有机会 07/05 17:53
154F:推 guesswho : 掰掰啦!爵爵!! 07/05 18:23
155F:嘘 allyourshit : 很长的废文还是废文 07/05 18:24
156F:推 samsam80821 : 看得出来教练占很大的因素阿 07/05 18:28
157F:推 ericf129 : 真情流露qq 07/05 18:30
158F:推 Poleaxe : Good luck! 07/05 18:37
159F:推 playerscott : 蛮感人der 07/05 18:45
160F:推 clander1028 : 这篇应该已经想了好几天了 07/05 18:57
161F:→ positivezero: 第一段最後翻翻译好像怪怪的?翻「但我想要确保... 07/05 19:10
162F:→ positivezero: .」是不是比较好啊? 07/05 19:10
163F:推 yeustream : 翻得很好,星海哥写得很诚恳呀 07/05 19:36
164F:推 maiyuy : 这篇超真诚 07/05 19:41
165F:推 flyforist : 他在很多访谈都提到了当年的遗憾,我不觉得那只是理 07/05 19:47
166F:→ flyforist : 由欸......有需要铺梗铺这麽多年吗 07/05 19:47
167F:推 kobeslaker : 如果C's是篮网状态,我是不觉得他还会写这种文啦 07/05 20:05
168F:推 tmuejoelin : 结论:Brad Stevens<3 07/05 20:05
169F:推 tortoise2006: 推翻译 07/05 20:40
170F:推 Acehole : 感谢翻译 07/05 21:30
171F:推 bye2007 : 我再推一次 翻译很好 07/05 21:36
172F:推 CHELun : 有发罗他网志 就知道他文笔不错 但还是好难过QQ 07/05 21:41
173F:推 actok : 真情流露q q 07/05 21:50
174F:嘘 elve7878 : 想和初恋复合的渣男 还想跟被劈腿的女友讨祝福 07/05 22:05
175F:嘘 King5566 : 你的意思是爵士不会夺冠?真的很没志气,亏你还是 07/05 22:16
176F:→ King5566 : 队上王牌。整天只想投靠教练,你根本还没长大。 07/05 22:16
177F:推 King5566 : 辛苦翻译,补推。 07/05 22:19
178F:推 NightSoul : 从否认到确认的这几小时,能够写出这麽一篇感谢的 07/05 22:35
179F:→ NightSoul : 文章,文笔真的很好 07/05 22:35
180F:推 DirkMavs : 真的有人相信他看到报导时还没决定吗... 07/05 22:39
181F:→ DirkMavs : 就是为了写文章否定消息的啊 还装死 07/05 22:39
182F:推 C00L : 马的滞台盐湖城人真多 怕 07/05 22:59
183F:推 qwe910439 : 反观kd 07/05 23:00
184F:推 xerophil : 想起Kung Fury的tank you 07/05 23:14
185F:推 ThisIsNotKFC: 写得很棒啊!QQ 07/05 23:53
186F:推 j7688f : 又不是打不赢就加入 找恩师错了吗 07/06 01:43
187F:推 Athchen : 花时间想这个不如早点跟球团说自己要跳船 07/06 03:03
188F:→ eirose : 这文章对native speaker又不用多久时间,更何况能有 07/06 03:46
189F:→ eirose : 团队帮忙修改. 然後最後讲去波士顿的原因也是给个 07/06 03:46
190F:→ eirose : 交代,否则他感谢爵士一堆就结束,一样有球迷会问他那 07/06 03:47
191F:→ eirose : 干嘛要走?波士顿哪里好了? 07/06 03:47
192F:推 km10635237 : 很感人诶! 07/06 03:55
193F:→ eirose : 至於提到波士顿的职业运动还真的强,四种职业队都有, 07/06 03:55
194F:→ eirose : NBA一支职业球队,确实有很大的不同 07/06 03:56
195F:→ eirose : NBA 17冠 MLB 8冠 NHL 6冠 NFL 5冠, 对比犹他只有 07/06 03:57
196F:→ eirose : NBA一支职业球队,确实有很大的不同 07/06 03:57
197F:嘘 cow7585519 : 你真的是他妈干话王欸= = 07/06 05:00
198F:→ eirose : 这就得回报让你捅了, 不送 07/06 06:29
199F:推 yuiop0929 : 以为球员可以靠自己打到冠军的,团队运动靠得是体系 07/06 09:08
200F:→ yuiop0929 : 好的制服组好的教练好的团队氛围才是关键 07/06 09:09
201F:推 sweetsmoke : Hayward 07/06 17:31

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