Steve Kerr to consult specialists at Stanford Medical Center Golden State Warriors head coach Steve Kerr has reportedly decided on the next step in his recovery process. According to a report from Monte Poole of, after discussing his condition with a number of different parties Kerr has decided to consult a number of specialists at the Stanford Medical Center in hopes of finding a solution to the problems he's been facing. 在多方意见谘询之後,kerr决定向Stanford Medical Center寻求医疗谘询, 希望找到造成他疼痛的主要原因。 He revealed to that in recent days he has spoken to several people who have experienced the debilitating effects of a cerebrospinal fluid leak and been able to overcome it. He says that because his symptoms have intensified over the past week, in an odd twist, that may make it easier for specialists to trace the precise source. kerr表示,他的病痛在这一周达到最剧痛的时候, 但这也使得医疗团队更得以精准找到他发病的原因。 “That’s what the next few days are all about,” Kerr said, standing down the hallway from the visitor’s locker room. “They’re trying to find it. If they can find it, they can fix it.” 「接下来几天都会是这样的过程,」kerr说,「医疗团队正在寻找病因, 一旦找到,他们将会有办法解决它。」 He’ll begin in the coming days by consulting with specialists at Stanford Medical Center, which has some of the more respected surgeons in the world. 他正在接受Stanford Medical Center的专业照顾, 该医疗团队具有一些具有国际水准的医生。 At this moment, there is still no timetable for Kerr's return to the sidelines but Warriors fans can take solace in the fact that their head coach is seeking out the best of the best within the industry. 此刻,kerr还没有返回季後赛赛程的时间表, 但勇士的球迷也可以放心, kerr正在接受最好的医疗团队的照顾。 In the meantime, Mike Brown will continue to lead Golden State from the bench with Kerr offering his input from the outside looking in. 短评: 这下放心了,健康为要! -- --
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1F:→ ericmelo : 一定有... 04/27 00:46
2F:推 ichunliu : 重点是需要找到原因,如果原因找不到的话... 04/27 00:47
3F:推 chanbers : 是CSF leakage吗 04/27 00:48
4F:推 ai5859132 : 到底是什麽病啊 04/27 00:49
5F:推 yun0215 : 早日康复!! 04/27 00:50
6F:→ oliverpol : 三楼好专业,刚考上医学系吗XD 脊髓液渗漏的样子 04/27 00:50
7F:推 PeterHenson : 好奇问一下 他那个是之前职业伤害造成的吗 04/27 00:55
8F:推 skeric : 文中就有写啦XD 04/27 00:56
9F:→ skeric : 我说CSF leakage 04/27 00:56
10F:推 b102345 : 希望早日康复,虽然是勇黑还是希望看到最精彩的比 04/27 00:56
11F:→ b102345 : 赛! 04/27 00:56
12F:→ oliverpol : cerebrospinal fluid leak 原来有简写哩 04/27 00:58
13F:推 labihua : CSF有读过解剖大概都会知道的 04/27 00:58
14F:→ labihua : 难怪会痛到无法到场 04/27 00:58
15F:→ oliverpol : 脑脊髓液渗漏 04/27 00:58
16F:→ oliverpol : 所以楼上大大要解释一下吗?从解剖学的概念 04/27 00:59
17F:推 kenyun : 来台湾找控八控控啦… 04/27 01:00
18F:推 Betances : 台湾的医科似乎是世界前几强的 04/27 01:01
19F:推 sue5566 : kerr早日康复 04/27 01:04
20F:推 chanbers : 对不起对不起XDD 内文没看完 04/27 01:06
21F:嘘 rex9999 : 合理诊断:心虚 04/27 01:08
22F:推 waiting0801 : 早日康复 04/27 01:14
23F:→ chink5566 : 还解剖学概念咧 要是真的CSF leakage在台湾还不告死 04/27 01:21
24F:→ chink5566 : 帮他开spine的 04/27 01:21
25F:推 holyhelm : 美国都告不成了还台湾勒 04/27 01:24
26F:推 WillWaiting : 翻译蛮多地方翻错的 04/27 01:26
27F:→ WillWaiting : 第一段是希望找到解决病情的方法 04/27 01:27
28F:→ chink5566 : 我看他应该还是roots sign居多 04/27 01:27
29F:推 a20045111 : 同意root sign,痛起来要人命 04/27 01:42
30F:推 st60307tw : 来台湾吧XD 04/27 01:48
31F:推 baiweilo : 台湾记得做EBP的医生不多 04/27 01:52
32F:推 kangEX : 大家有看过《大联盟2:绝地大反攻》吗? 04/27 02:11
33F:推 hiarpu : 加油! 早日康复 04/27 02:13
34F:推 peeson04 : 可恶 推文我都看不懂 04/27 02:15
35F:→ peeson04 : 另外Kerr早日康复啊啊啊 04/27 02:15
36F:推 handscallus : 简单讲就是脊椎坏掉惹 04/27 02:30
37F:推 kdevil : 来台湾乔一下就好了 04/27 02:32
38F:推 lf25314 : 希望可以复原啊 04/27 02:41
39F:推 nnsc : EBP很简单啦,只是要做EBP情况不多所以不常作 04/27 02:53
40F:推 nnsc : 请搜寻CSF leak症状: intracranial hypotension, 04/27 02:54
41F:→ nnsc : 颅内低压 04/27 02:54
42F:推 sassuck : 你需要凤凰城医龙团队 04/27 04:06
43F:推 ej04cj86 : 键盘医生都出来罗 04/27 06:01
44F:推 dannyshan : 你要是愿意花几百万美金看医生 台湾医生一样会用最 04/27 06:30
45F:→ dannyshan : 先进最详尽的技术帮你看病 04/27 06:30
46F:推 DKnex : 妈der来台湾啦 拿了冠军带勇士一起来 04/27 07:02
47F:推 alkuo : 之前看新闻,医生把血打到脊髓腔里面就把漏洞补好, 04/27 07:19
48F:→ alkuo : 不知道是不是一样的病 04/27 07:19
49F:推 IAmPuNK : 有些人也太扯了吧 连生病也要酸? 04/27 08:21
50F:推 NowQmmmmmmmm: 04/27 08:22
51F:→ NowQmmmmmmmm: 在美国大概要花几百万美金 台湾大概十几万台解决.. 04/27 08:24
52F:推 hygen : 都说找不到原因了,应该不是CSF leakage,而且kerr症 04/27 08:29
53F:→ hygen : 状也不像CSF leakage 04/27 08:29
54F:→ kirbya : 摄护腺排毒? 04/27 08:42
55F:推 nekomanma : 一堆乡民神医都浮出来了 04/27 09:30
56F:推 rexlo1121 : 巷口跌打的推一推就好了 04/27 09:47
57F:推 tetsu2008 : 快推文 不能被发现看不懂CSF leakage是什麽 04/27 09:58
58F:推 a402132000 : 来台湾越式按摩吧 04/27 10:24
59F:推 elve7878 : 来PTT问诊好了 免钱 04/27 11:55
60F:推 lonelysin : 抱歉我只会Batista 04/27 13:35
61F:推 jerryshift : 对啊一堆键盘医生感觉很猛耶!可以问问嘴巴长了HSV 04/27 14:25
62F:→ jerryshift : 是...? 04/27 14:25
63F:推 jammy50605 : 我看是Memory Leak吧 04/27 19:41
64F:推 silentsky555: 他是之前有IVD herniation吗? 04/28 01:46
65F:推 onlyQ : 干看到Batista笑喷 04/28 22:45
66F:推 hhealthy0429: 僵直性脊椎炎有可能会这样 05/05 11:19

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