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ESP – Pepu not quitting Spain 西班牙 - Pepu Hernandez没有要放弃西班牙 来源: 29/05/2008 MADRID (Olympics) – Pepu Hernandez on Wednesday evening killed off speculation that he was to resign as coach of Spain and firmly declared his intention to lead the world champions through the Beijing Games. Pepu Hernandez星期三否认了对於他将辞去西班牙总教练的猜测,并肯定的宣布他会带队 参加北京奥运。 Hernandez, who announced several weeks ago that he will leave his national team post after the Olympics, admitted he has had a stressful period with the Spanish Basketball Federation (FEB). His absence at an FEB meeting earlier this week did not go unnoticed by the Spanish media. 几周前宣布他将在奥运後离开国家队的Hernandez承认他这段期间受到西班牙篮协很大的 压力。西班牙媒体并没有忽略他在本周稍早缺席了西班牙篮协的会议。 “I am not at war with anyone,” he said. 「我并没有要批评任何人。」他说。 “I want to end my cycle with the national team which will happen after Beijing. 「我想要在北京奥运後结束我在国家队的生涯。」 “I do feel at times persecuted by the federation, though. I have been linked with several clubs and then this week, when I didn’t attend a meeting that the federation knew I couldn’t attend, well, it’s been a hard week. 「不过有时我的确觉得受到篮协的控诉。这一周我已经与几支球队接触,我没有参加那次 会议是因为我赶不上。嗯,这是个艰难的一周。」 “I hope next week will be a calm one so that we can prepare for the task we face.” 「我希望下周能平静一点,好让我们对於要面对的任务做准备。」 Spain has been buzzing all day about Hernandez and the national team. 西班牙每天都在流传关於Hernandez以及国家队的消息。 Not only did Hernandez call his press conference, but there was also the shock announcement at DKV Joventut that their hugely successful coach Aito Garcia Reneses was stepping down. 不论是Hernandez宣布招开的记者会,还有DKV Joventut队震撼的宣布取得极大成功的总教 练Aito Garcia Reneses即将退位。 Aito’s move, coupled with the hastily arranged news conference by Hernandez, fuelled speculation that the 61-year-old was to replace Hernandez. Aito的动作以及Hernandez匆忙招开记者会宣布的事情,无一不令人猜测那位61岁的教头 将取代Hernandez入主国家队。 Spain Basketball Federation president Jose Luis Saez told FIBA.Com on Wednesday afternoon: “It's Pepu who called this press conference. Pepu is under contract. I don't know what Pepu will say, but we'll have to evaluate what Pepu says and make a decision.” 西班牙篮协总裁Jose Luis Saez礼拜三下午告诉FIBA官网:「这个记者会是Pepu招开的。 Pepu还有合约要走,我不知道Pepu会说什麽,不过我们会参考他说的话并做出决定。」 Hernandez said he was staying, and then said he only wants to focus on the task at hand and that is to have Spain play their best basketball this summer in China. Hernandez说他会留下来,然後说他只希望能专注於手上的任务,那就是今夏带队在中国 取得好成绩。 “I don’t want to know what’s going to happen in the future, and I don’t want to have any added pressure (from the federation),” Hernandez said. “ But if they decide to replace me, I will give my support to whoever takes over.” 「我不想知道未来会发生什麽事,我也不想从篮协那感受到任何多余的压力。」Hernandez 说。「不过如果他们决定替换我,我还是会支持那个替换我的人。」 The coach added that it had been a hugely difficult decision to announce he would leave the team after Beijing. 总教练也说他觉得宣布在北京奥运後就要离开国家队是个很困难的决定。 “It was very hard for me to take the decision to leave the national team after the Olympics as this is the job of my life,” he said. 「对我来说很难下定决心在奥运後离开国家队,这是我一生的工作。」他说。 “But it was a sacrifice I needed to make.” 「但这是我必须要做的牺牲。」 Hernandez is due to announce the Spain squad on June 10. Hernandez将在六月十号宣布西班牙国家队的名单。 FIBA 西班牙肥皂剧。 -- 世界篮球讨论板 12 国家体育场 汗水, 斗志, 胆识 9 PttBasket 篮球 Σ篮球/台湾篮球/美国职篮/相关讨论 1 basket_ptt *THM Σ主题乐园 5 worldbasket 篮球 ◎世界篮球锦标赛和联赛讨论板 --
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