wisdom 板


A ture man hates no ones.---Napoleon 真诚的人不会恨人 A liar is not believed even though he tells the truth.---Cicero 一个骗子就算说了实话也不会有人相信他 A wound, though cured, yet leaves behind a scar.---Oldham 伤口虽然治癒,还是会留下疤痕的 A rolling stone gathers no moss.---F.C.Bridge 滚石不生苔 A true friend is one soul in two bodies.---Aristotle 真正的朋友,就如同异体一心 A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies.---Oscar Wilde 选择敌人,无法太过慎虑 A friend that frowns is better than a smiling enemy.---Suraine 会对你表示不悦意见的朋友胜过一个对你微笑的敌人 A hedge between keeps friendship green.---Charles 朋友之间相处稍存距离,则友谊容易维持长春 A man who has friends must show himself friendly.---英国谚语 一个人必须先表示友善才容易交的到朋友 A life without a friend is a life without a sun.---法国谚语 人生无友,就如同生命没有太阳 A friend in need is a friend indeed.---John Ray 患难相助的朋友,才是真正的朋友 A friend is a second self.---拉丁谚语 朋友是第二个自己 A flattering friend is your worst enemy.---丹麦谚语 谄媚的朋友是你最危险的敌人 A friend to all, is a friend to none.---Thomas fuller 人尽可友的的人不是你真正的朋友 A word or a nod from the good has more might than the eloquent speeches of others.---Plutarch 善良的人的一言或一点头,他的力量大於滔滔万言 A bad meal can be redeemed by good conversation, but a good meal can be irretrievably ruined bad conversation.---Ashley Montagu 风趣的言谈可以使粗肴成为美食,恶劣的谈话却使珍馐难以下咽 A slip of the foot you may soon recover, but a slip of the tongue you may never get recover.---Benjamin Franklin 失足容易痊癒,但是失言却有可能再也挽回不了 A problem well wtates is a problem half solved. 把问题陈述的透彻就是把问题解决了一半 A bored talks mostly in the first person, a gossip in the third and a brilliant conversationalist in the second. 使人厌倦的谈话就是多数只说到自己,说到第三者旁人的,大多只是闲话, 真正有智慧且漂亮的谈话是关心到与你说话的对方 A near neighbour is better than a remote relative. 远亲不如近邻 A good begining makes a good ending. 好的开始便有好的结果 A little of everything, and nothing at all.---Montaigne 每件事情都浅嚐及止,便事事都无成 A dmonish ypur friends in private, praise them in public.---Syrus 在私底下规劝朋友,在公开的场合赞美他们 An ounce of loyalty is worth a ton of cleverness.---德国谚语 一两重的真诚,其价值等於一顿重的聪明 An open foe may prove a curse, but a pretended friend is worse. 明敌固然是祸根,但是一个虚伪的朋友才是真的危害很深 As old wood is best to burn, old horse is best to ride, old books to read, and old wine to drink, so old friends always most trusty to use. 旧柴最堪燃,旧马最宜骑,旧书最可读,旧酒醉纯美,所以旧友最可靠 Change your pleasure but do not change your friends.---Voltaire 可以变更你的嗜好兴趣,但不要随便变更你的好友们 Company in distress makes the sorrow less.---Thomas Fuller 患难中有好友,就可以减少许多忧愁 Everybody man is volume if you know how to read him.---英国谚语 人人都是一本书,只要你懂的去研究他 Happiness consists not in multitude of friends, but in the worth and choice. 幸福不在多友,而是在於慎择友人以及其价值 It is better to be alone than in bad company.---英国谚语 与损友为伍,不如独处 Men are known by the company they keep. 观其所友,知其所人 No road is long with good company. 良伴同行,途不知远 Reflect that a friend may be made out of an enemy. 应该知道敌人也可以作为朋友的 The finest kind of friendship is between people who expect a great deal of each other but never ask it. 最美好的友谊是两人间互相有所期望,但是却从来不用向对方开口要求 --

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