soho 板


◎我已阅读过置底的 板务规范 和 发文规范:是 ◎个人徵才: 个人名称:林先生 联络方式:[email protected] ◎徵求期限:徵到止 ◎工作内容描述:OFFICE 电脑安装重灌维护、网路机房维护、伺服器安装维护,IT设备 清点 ◎徵求条件: 1.独立作业 2.有相关经验 3.英文对话 Below is the JD: Responsibilities: · Manage Desktop Devices (hardware, software and connectivity) incidents through to resolution. · Manage IMAC and desk side support services. · Manage hard and soft break fix services for laptops and desktops. · Provide standard and approved hardware and software (operating systems and standard office applications) support and maintenance on Desktop (Field Users) Devices for their entire lifecycle (including the remote management of Desktop Devices using appropriate tools). · Support, Manage, Optimize and Maintain the configuration and installation of the Desktop, to include, but not limited to, patch updates, hardware replacements, with spares provided by vendor. · Analyze Service Desk calls for Desktop Devices and incident data to identify and advice Customer of any potential user training requirement and automation. · Ensure that each Desktop Device is installed with the appropriate Desktop image. · Manage Desktop Devices (hardware and software) incidents through to resolution. · Monitor security profiles and anti-virus software on all Desktop Devices and take appropriate action in the event of non-compliance with security requirements · Provide VIP support for Desk side issues per contract and be point of contact at the site for all IT related issues if no other IT support team unavailable like for MI calls. Requirements: · 2-4 years of experience in Onsite support · Knowledge and experience on windows 7 OS · Good to have – knowledge in AD and smart hands and feet support. · Good to have – knowledge and experience of supporting MAC devices and tablets · Experience with Service management tool – ex – Service now · Should have good expertise on EUC tools, remote support tools, MS office and outlook. · Preferable to have a good understanding of Lync, VPN, and mobile device support. · Should be aware of ITIL process of Incident, Change, Problem, Service Request and related activities like spare and buffer stock management · Associate's degree (A.A.) or equivalent from three-year College or technical school with an emphasis in electronics required; Bachelor's Degree preferred ◎交件时间:徵到为止 ◎案件预算:论件计时:驻点 一个月五万 ◎酬劳时薪试算:驻点 一个月五万 此案件总评估时间为:签约一年 ◎酬劳发放日:当日结束後 ◎是否回应所有来信:是 ◎是否需要开立发票:否 ◎是否有试稿(比稿)阶段:否 ◎是否回应所有来信:是 ◎是否需要开立发票:否 ◎是否有试稿(比稿)阶段:否 ◎试稿(比稿)酬劳: ⊙理想接案对象: 1. 能独立作业 2. 有电脑网路相关经验 3. 英文对话 4. 诚信、守时、有礼貌 ⊙备注:来信附上英文履历。 主旨: ptt应徵台北驻点电脑网路工程师-姓名 --
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※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自:
※ 文章网址: ※ 编辑: ephlin99 (, 05/15/2019 11:41:02
1F:推 richard520: 开这样的需求,薪水有到五万以上吗? 05/15 13:23
2F:→ ephlin99: 有 05/16 16:22

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