作者bluemagpie (贞心相廷)
时间Sun May 22 17:34:43 2011
1.Starting from a single individual, what is the size of a population of
bacteria that
reproduce by binary fission every 20 minutes at the end of a 2 -hour time
(Assume unlimited resources and no mortality.)
A) 6
B) 18
C) 128
D) 512
E) 1,024
Answer: D
2.To measure the population of lake trout in a 250-hectare lake, 400 individual
trout were
netted and marked with a fin clip, then returned to the lake. The next week,
the lake was
netted again, and out of the 200 lake trout that were caught, 50 had fin
clips. Using the
capture-recapture estimate, the lake trout population size could be closest
to which of
the following?
A) 160
B) 200
C) 400
D) 1,600
E) 80,000
Answer: D
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:→ smc0911:第二题...应该不难吧.... 05/22 19:09
2F:→ smc0911:200 / 5 = 4 ....400 X 4 = 1600 05/22 19:10
3F:→ smc0911:200 / 50 = 4.....写错 05/22 19:12
4F:推 frankwu0507:第一题应该是三小时吧 第二提 400 : X = 50 : 200 05/22 20:25
5F:→ jgtc:两小时应该得不到吧? 05/24 03:20
6F:→ smc0911:赞成..frankwu0507说的3小时.... 05/25 00:27