points 板


※ 引述《crimsonn (希望自由的呼吸)》之铭言: : 身为一个华人 英文不灵光也是很合理的 : 想请问版上各位大大 : 有没有类似"第一次忽悠大妈就上手"之类的网站或资料 : 主要是想请问常用的一些词汇 句型 : 例如开票 中断等名词 : 不然怕到时鸡同鸭讲 惹大妈生气~ : 感恩 有一篇国外 blogger 写出他的"欢乐"的对话经验 所以我转贴部分内容来此作为参考 http://upgrd.com/matthew/more-hilarity-from-us-airways-i -love-a-man-who-knows-what-he-wants.html http://tinyurl.com/nym8gtt Sue: US Airways Preferred Desk, this is Sue. Me: Hi, can you help me with a new award booking? Sue: I sure hope so! Me: This is a rather complex booking to Cape Town and back from the Seychelles. I think it would be best if we go flight by flight to construct the itinerary. Sue: That sounds fine. What is the first flight? Me: Atlanta to Frankfurt on July 19th Sue: Hmm, I don't see it. Is that a US Airways flight? Me: No, I wish you guys flew from Atlanta to Frankfurt, but your partner Lufthansa does. I am looking for one I-class seat on flight 445, LH445. Sue: Thanks. Sure enough! There it is. I'll grab it in the I Class. What's next? Me: Frankfurt to Prague, also on Lufthansa. Sue: Prague, that sounds like fog! Hold on here, one moment here…They shoulda given us some geography training here. As you might tell, I have no idea where you are going! I shoulda listened back in school! Me: That's okay. Sue: Where's your destination go be? Europe? Me: Cape Town in South Africa Sue: Oh yeah, you mentioned that already. See I told you I wasn't very good at this. Where's South Africa? Me: It is at the tip of Africa. Sue: Africa huh? That's a big country I hear. Me: It's a continent actually—there are over 50 countries there. Sue: Where's your destination again? CPT. Oh yeah, you told me that already. One second and we'll finish up what we're doing. Me: But the outbound isn't complete yet. What flight did you book to Prague? Sue: To fog? Can you give me that code? Me: Papa – Romeo – Golf. We're looking at LH1394 to Prague leaving at 10:10a Sue: Just hold yer horses…Here it is just as bright as day. Okay, we've got to get this baby held. Me: Are you afraid the reservation will time out? Sue: Yup. What's the passengers' name? And Dividend Miles number? [info provided] Sue: Oh no, I lost everything. Shoot! What did I press? We're going to have to start all over again. I'm so, so sorry. [we rebuilt the itinerary] Sue: Okay, now note down this confirmation number. We're going to work off it. [PNR provided along with the quip "8s and Zs used to look the same to me until I got my new glasses."] Me: Great. Next is a flight from Prague to Istanbul on Turkish Airlines. Sue: Istanbul. Is that IST? Me: Right. Good job! Istanbul, Turkey. Sue: See, I am learning! Me: We're looking for TK1768 from Prague to Istanbul at 12:05p. Sue: I don't see it. Is that on LH? Me: No, no—now we are on Turkish Airlines, TK for short. Sue: I got it! There's the flight, just like you said. I love a man who knows what he wants, when he knows where he is going. Me (laughing): I'm glad you like that. Sue: It's like a challenge to me, a jigsaw puzzle around the fire. I've learned so much from you. I just learned that Prague is in Czechoslovakia [sic] and Istanbul is Turkey! See, I just love people like you. Now what? Me: Now we'll go down to CapeTown on Turkish, TK flight 40. Sue: It's TK right, Turkish? Me: Right. Sue: See, you didn't even know you were a teacher?! Me: You get non-rev benefits right? Have you been to Europe before? Sue: Nah. I'm a new hire. No chance to travel transatlantic. Me: Did you find the flight? It's a direct flight that makes a stop in Johannesburg, but hopefully it comes up in your system. Sue: Yes it does! Oh my goodness. Wow. I've gotta get my book out and make a note of this. Me: We'll we've got the outbound now. Have you ended the record? Sue: Yes sir! Everything is saved. Me: Great. The return will be from the Seychelles: the code is Sierra – Echo – Zulu Sue: Where is that? Me: That's a little country north of Madagascar in the Indian Ocean. Sue: North of where? Me: Madagascar. That's another country in Africa. Sue: You must be gettin' exasperated with me by now. Me: Not at all. So from SEZ we will be going to Alpha – Delta – Delta, Addis Ababa. Sue: That's a funny name. Me: It is the capital of Ethiopia. We're looking for Ethiopian Airlines, that is ET flight 878 on July 29th in I – Class. Sue: You are so good. You are very good! I've got it. Me: Next is from ADD to Frankfurt, Germany also on July 29th, LH flight 599 in business class. Sue: There is, just as plain as day, just as you said. This is so interesting. So interesting. I can't even tell you how, how great this is for me. Me: Next is… Sue: Oh nuts! I lost it. I'm sorry. Was was that flight again? Me: LH599. Sue: Lufthansa! Lufthansa! One day I'll learn this and you'll say Thank the LORD, she finally done it! Thank the Lord, Thank the Lord, Thank the Lord! Me: Just in time for the new system once your merger with American Airlines is complete! Sue: That's right. Hmm, I can't get this flight to stick. Me: Are you able to end the reservation? Sue: Yes, I can't end it. I've tried. Sir, I'm so sorry. Hold on. Lordy, Lordy! [she put me on hold for five minutes] Sue: Hold on sir. You've just been absolutely precious. I was talking to a fellow worker. Keep working at it, she said. I hate this….There it is. Okay. Me: You've got the space? Sue: Now I do. What's next? Me: Just one more flight, Frankfurt to Atlanta on July 30th on L… Sue: Lufthansa right? Me: Right. LH444. Sue: Oh bless you, you're so sweet! Yes, there it is. Oh bless you darling. You're so good to me! Me: I'm so happy we were able to build the record! Sue: It's a challenge here, because you're not working with any of our airlines. I've got to put the name and address here one flight at a time then end it then retrieve it, then add the next address. Me: I see. Well, I think we are good to go. Are all the flights showing HK? Sue: God bless you, you know this lingo better than I do. Yes, everything is HKed and you can make any kinda change you want in the next 72 hours. Me: Thank you Sue. Sue: This was such a fun call. Thank for calling! Me: The pleasure was mine. --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 peter1:XD 05/31 12:56
2F:推 jskm:狂笑~~~ 05/31 12:59
3F:推 techih:XDDDDDD Africa is a big country XDDDDD 05/31 13:04
4F:推 yunjin:怎麽听起来有点鬼打墙,真有耐心。XDD 05/31 13:07
5F:推 yorker1224:最後的 HK请问是什麽的缩写? 05/31 13:25
6F:推 yxl:感谢分享,看来谈心的难度似乎没那麽高,把班机都查好就好了? 05/31 13:37
7F:推 LoseProphet:要一点运气 有时候碰到资深/固执的根本不鸟你 05/31 13:39
8F:推 sonymdplayer:美国人地理好烂 05/31 14:12
9F:→ illini:HK = "Holding Confirmed" 05/31 17:55
10F:→ illini:HKed = "Holding Confirmed" (上面少打 ed) 05/31 17:55
11F:推 yorker1224:感谢i大开释 05/31 17:59
12F:推 AdPiG:这也太夸张了吧................. 05/31 19:07
13F:推 LoseProphet:US客服的地理一直都保持在这个水平啊... 05/31 19:08
14F:推 gemilay:"See, I am learning!" 太智障了XDDD 05/31 21:46
15F:推 gemilay:是说 刚刚忍不住试划他的行程 真的很复杂耶... 05/31 22:08
16F:推 archies:这个太好笑了..... 06/01 14:03
17F:推 nickstarwind:快笑死了 遇到这个客服反而要超有耐心 XDDDD 06/01 15:51

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