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※ 引述《tim200513 (瞧不起肥宅的胖子)》之铭言: : 标题: [情报] 查导版小丑新剧照 : 时间: Tue Feb 23 00:26:40 2021 : : 查导今天又放出了正联小丑的新剧照 :
: 是查克最爱的宗教元素 : : 不过更重要的还有一件事 : 就是查克的老婆在《浮华世界》(Vanity Fair)说了几句话 : : 在看过乔斯·威登(Joss Whedon)版试映之後,克里斯多福·诺兰(Christopher Nolan)和黛博拉·史奈德(Deborah Snyder)告诉查克·史奈德说:「你永远都不要看这部电影」。 : : 「因为我知道这会让他心碎。」黛博拉在访谈中说。 : : : : : 转自脸书DC电影与影集百科 : : : : : 连诺兰都这样说到底是XDDD : ----- : Sent from JPTT on my iPhone : : -- :

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (台湾)
: ※ 文章网址: : ※ 编辑: tim200513 ( 台湾), 02/23/2021 00:28:28 推文恕删 : 推 Azimech : 02/23 08:59 : → leviliebe : 影观众 02/23 08:59 : → Azimech : 这篇文章的翻译,但不是完整版。 02/23 09:00 : → leviliebe : 光是漫画N52超人WW凑一对就被骂惨了 乱拆或乱配CP 02/23 09:00 : → leviliebe : 绝对是大忌啊 02/23 09:01 : → Azimech : 希望有哪位英文大师能够把浮华世界这篇文章完整翻译 02/23 09:01 : → Azimech : ,也不要随意移动段落,呈现原汁原味~~ 02/23 09:01 我也想翻译,但这太长了而且今天上班日... 我建议就来接力一下吧~ 原文网址: 原文网址缩减版: Justice League: The Shocking, Exhilarating, Heartbreaking True Story of #TheSnyderCut (主标题)正义联盟:令人震惊、振奋人心、却也令人心碎的「#查剪版」真实故事 A demoralizing battle with Warner Bros. A devastating personal tragedy. A fan base he couldn't control. Zack Snyder tells V.F. why he quit Justice League, and why he's returned to complete a cut that's reached near-mythical status. (副标题)一场心灰意冷的抗华之战、一场痛彻心扉的个人悲剧、一个他无法掌控的粉丝基础。查克史奈德告诉《浮华世界》他为什麽离开了《正义联盟》、又为什麽回来完成一个剪辑版 -- 那几乎已近神话地位的剪辑版。 BY ANTHONY BREZNICAN(作者) FEBRUARY 22, 2021(日期) Zack Snyder, the director of Justice League, has never seen Justice League. His name is in the credits as the filmmaker, but he’s never sat through the version released to the world three years ago. His wife, Deborah, who produced the movie, advised him not to. 查克史奈德,电影《正义联盟》的导演,还没看过《正义联盟》XD 他尽管挂名了导演,但他从未坐下看过我们全球观众三年前看过的那片,因为制作此片的妻子黛博拉建议他别看。 In late 2017—months after the couple cut ties with the superhero epic amid an increasingly demoralizing battle with Warner Bros.—Deborah Snyder sat in a screening room on the studio lot alongside Christopher Nolan, one of the movie's executive producers, as well as the director of the Dark Knight trilogy. She braced herself as the lights went down. "It was just... it's a weird experience," she says now. "I don't know how many people have that experience. You've worked on something for a long time, and then you leave, and then you see what happened to it.” 2017年底 - 这对影人夫妇对华纳抗争愈发心灰意冷而离开的数月後 - 黛博拉史奈德与此片执行制作之一《黑暗骑士三部曲》导演克里斯多夫诺兰一起坐在华纳片厂放映室里,灯光打开时她强打起精神。「这... 是个奇怪的体验」她如今这麽说,「我不知多少人有经历过这种事:你为某事工作了很久、然後你离开了、然後你看着这事又遭遇了什麽。」 What happened to Justice League was a crisis of infinite doubt: a team of executives who lost faith in the architect of their faltering comic book movie empire, and a director in the midst of a family tragedy that sapped him of the will to fight. Joss Whedon, a director from another universe, the Marvel Cinematic one, left the Avengers after two movies and crossed over to comics rival DC, picking up Justice League not where Snyder left off, but remaking it significantly with extensive rewrites and hurried reshoots, just as the studio demanded. 《正义联盟》遇到的是个引人无限疑窦的危机:一个高层团队对打造他们跌跌撞撞的漫影帝国的建筑师丧失了信心、而那导演身处家庭悲剧使他丧失了奋战的意志。而那边厢,来自漫威电影宇宙但经过两片後跳槽竞争对手DC的导演乔斯威登,接手了《正义联盟》却没基於史奈德所留下的成果、而以大量的重写和赶忙的重拍做了大规模重制,正如片厂所要求的。 -- 我建议,喜欢查克的或好奇此事的粉丝们,大家有空就来翻个一两段吧,用 Repost 的回文方式直接接着前一个人翻的,应该不久就可翻完! 然後我 p币又累积了好多没处用,等大家翻完给我个机会尽情发一发 :D --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: ※ 编辑: mysmalllamb ( 台湾), 02/23/2021 10:08:46
1F:推 s7503228 : 推翻译 02/23 10:10
2F:推 simonneko : 辛苦啦 02/23 10:14
3F:推 alljerry04 : crisis of infinite doubt 应该是要用 COIE 的梗 02/23 10:14
4F:→ alljerry04 : 所以我翻译「无限质疑危机」XDD 02/23 10:15
5F:→ alljerry04 : 我现在自己在另外翻,如果有翻完就会贴 FB XDD 02/23 10:16
6F:推 armedlove : 有翻有推 02/23 10:21
7F:推 shen0348 : 推! 02/23 10:37
8F:推 edc3 : 做实事,推一发。 02/23 11:27
9F:推 tim200513 : 推! 02/23 11:36
10F:推 glacierl : 推一个~ 02/23 11:37
11F:推 small314 : 推,好难翻啊原po 翻的真不错 02/23 12:02
12F:推 FAccounting : 推 02/23 12:21
13F:推 xd987 : 推 02/23 12:30
14F:推 NANJO1569 : 感谢原po的用心~~ 02/23 12:33
15F:推 syuanling : 谢谢翻译 02/23 12:40
16F:推 KentHao : 推 02/23 13:17
17F:推 SeiferAlmasy: 用心 推 02/23 15:16
18F:推 MrHeat : 推好文章! 02/23 15:40
19F:推 leevarchu : 好文推 02/23 17:40
※ 编辑: mysmalllamb ( 台湾), 02/23/2021 19:06:47
20F:推 blairrajarm : 推 02/23 23:45
21F:推 cloki : 推翻译 02/24 03:48

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