作者ilanese (5月21日有新作)
标题[闲聊] 聆听脑波CD的静坐
时间Sun Jul 11 02:44:46 2010
网页上的,懒得翻译了,看的懂就看的懂,看不懂也没关系。 XD
Be aware: It takes 8 minutes for any form of entrainment track to actually
begin entraining the brain to a specific frequency, Alpha, Theta or Delta.
You should either: Lie down or sit in a comfortable chair with eyes closed
and take a few deep breaths before starting the track.
Important: Please make sure your playback equipment does not have any extra
bass or treble, this makes the LifeFlow® tracks ineffective. You should
listen to the track without any extra filters, dolby, boosts etc.
This sample has been compressed to 128kbs, which is significantly more than
the commercial LifeFlow® tracks. There will be degredation of sound quality
by comparison to the full LifeFlow® series. The sample track is compressed
and therefore will not produce the same dramatic entrainment as the
commercial track.
IMPORTANT: To feel the full effect of LifeFlow® you should listen with
stereo headphones.
※ 编辑: ilanese 来自: (07/11 02:45)
1F:推 yule1224:满NICE 07/11 09:03
2F:→ ilanese:我将我的LCD喇叭声音调整到最大,听起来像是从大自然录音 07/11 19:39
3F:→ ilanese:後,再混音而成的。 07/11 19:40
4F:→ ilanese:不过,我觉得有点不太自然的感觉,我在很久以前曾在市面上 07/11 19:40
5F:→ ilanese:买过这类所谓α波之类的脑波CD,制作方式也有点像,但听起 07/11 19:41
6F:→ ilanese:来自然多了,但价位只有两三百块而已。 07/11 19:41
7F:→ ilanese:那个网站卖的CD好像一片要US$67元左右,差了快十倍,而且 07/11 19:42
8F:→ ilanese:还没有实体的CD给你,给你下载档案後,你自己再想办法去烧 07/11 19:43
9F:→ ilanese:录。 XD 07/11 19:43
10F:→ xoman222:听完了,前面右脑後面左脑,还蛮舒服的 07/11 20:23
11F:→ a3435357:效果方面,看你的喇叭跟耳机的等级吧XD 07/11 22:12
12F:推 a3435357:听完...一半了,就是一些流水声跟鸟叫,一开始听时左 07/11 23:14
13F:→ a3435357:後脑微微发痛..右手有冰水流过的清凉感,接着也没什麽 07/11 23:15
14F:→ a3435357:特别的感觉,应该是心理作用@_@ 07/11 23:16
15F:推 aaa555:左脑对右边 , 看来这音乐有进到脑内喔.. 07/14 23:28
16F:→ ilanese:这个MP3,我听了两三遍,觉得一开始好像有点影响,到後来 07/16 16:41
17F:→ ilanese:就没了。 07/16 16:41
18F:→ xoman222:很多这种东西都是第一次有感觉而已,因为已经发展成大海 07/17 18:02
19F:→ xoman222:了在去滴一滴水就没什麽用了 07/17 18:03
20F:推 aaa555:只有感觉一次那才正常喔 , 一直重复感觉那就是催眠喔.假的. 07/19 09:52
21F:推 vicks:跟我们练通中脉训练的袋子听起来一样 07/20 22:23