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job版禁止张贴违反「就业服务法」、性别平等工作法」、劳基法」与其他法律之文章 发文者已同意一切遵循现行法律,并确知文责自负。本工作确实劳健保! 此两行删除,文章会被删除不另通知。 请各位资方配合遵守。 【公司名称】 BAOBAO Taiwanese Street Food 【工作职缺】 主厨 【工作内容】 MAIN TASKS AND RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. Full management of the kitchen and the team 2. Determine production schedules and staff requirements necessary to ensure timely delivery of services. 3. Supervise and coordinate activities of chefs and workers engaged in food preparation. 4. Analyse recipes to assign prices to menu items, based on food, labour, and overhead costs. 5. Meet with sales representatives in order to negotiate prices and order supplies. 6. Collaborate with other personnel to plan and develop recipes and menus, taking into account such factors as seasonal availability of ingredients and the likely number of customers. 7. Plan, direct, and supervise the food preparation and cooking activities of multiple kitchens or restaurants in an establishment such as a restaurant chain, hospital, or hotel. 8. Check the quality of raw and cooked food products to ensure that standards are met. 9. Check the quantity and quality of received products. 10. Record production and operational data on specified forms. 11. Estimate amounts and costs of required supplies, such as food and ingredients. 12. Prepare and cook foods of all types, either on a regular basis or for special guests or functions. 13. Order or requisition food and other supplies needed to ensure efficient operation. 14. Coordinate planning, budgeting, and purchasing for all the food operations within establishments such as clubs, hotels, or restaurant chains. 15. Monitor sanitation practices to ensure that employees follow standards and regulations. 16. Instruct chefs and other workers in the preparation, cooking, garnishing, and presentation of food. 17. Determine how food should be presented and create decorative food displays. 18. Inspect supplies, equipment, and work areas to ensure conformance to established standards. 19. Working closely with the management team and directors. 20. Compliance with statutory regulations relating to Health & Safety, safe working practices, hygiene cleanliness. 【徵求条件】 1.五年以上厨房相关经验 2.雅思总平均5分以上 【工作地点】 伦敦南5区East Croydon Station 旁 Boxpark Croydon 【工作时间】 每周工时40小时 【月休】 排班制,每周工作五天休息两天 【公司福利】 视能力调薪 每月小费分成 业绩达标分红 每日提供员工餐 员工旅游 【薪资范围】 年薪25600英镑 【需求人数】 1人 【联络人/连络方式】 黄先生 / 0976-105415 mail:[email protected] 【其他备注】 如有任何问题请直接电洽 需可配合12月底前 台湾面试 面试完成後,公司会协助办理工作签证 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址:
1F:推 Virness : 好酷喔 找工作找到台湾 12/12 08:35
2F:推 dramadream : 为何不找学生 12/16 20:25
3F:推 p7537p : 这是主厨薪资? 12/22 09:40

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