作者yapid (yapid)
标题Re: salaam
时间Sat Aug 30 17:00:29 2003
※ 引述《alef (777)》之铭言:
: ※ 引述《yapid (yapid)》之铭言:
: : lying in my money belt
: lying or dying....
my entry to india was refused at the border...
no border crossing for chinese ( and the immigration
insist taiwanese is also chinese)...
i was sent back by police in a rain...and got all wet...
shit india shit india shit india shit india shit india
shit indians shit indians shit indians shit indians
and what makes it worse is, i was stolen the next day...
he he... things can always be worse, can't they?
i lost most of my US cash and found there is no flight
to india... so, it's impossible to go to india... and
i asked the fare of flights to cairo...300 us but i need
to show 700 us of money purchase receipt from the bank...
kill me! i have only 600 us t/c, how can i make 700 us
puchase receipt?! everyone change from the money changer
even myself don't have any purchase receipt...
it's too much hassle to apply a iranian visa and impossible
to get a chinese one... i can only choose to go to afganistan
and see if i can find a way out there... even though i also
heard it's very difficult to got their visa in pakistan now
i feel so sad... and don't know where to go...waiting for
monday when the afganistani embassy is open
<技职体系好> 词:季直元/李登丝 曲:夫名
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw)
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※ 编辑: yapid 来自: (05/27 18:16)