historia 板


※ 引述《kuopohung ((风之过客)在场的缺席)》之铭言: : 其实现在的台湾 : 对於1949年之後的中国的了解程度根本及不上现在的美国,日本甚至欧洲 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ : 而且理解程度不同族群还不一样 : .... 居然举美国这个世界知名的国民对本国以外事务相当无知无感的国家为例, 真的相当创新大胆。 美国人对世界史了解有多清楚? 让我们从下面一个网站给的「探索世界史」 的模拟测验题开始。档案是 PDF 型式,有七十页,下载後用 Adobe Reader 开启,使用关键字 "china" 找到十八处。其中有几个题目和近代中国史有关 ,选出三个列於下方。 ***** EXPLORING WORLD HISTORY Guide for Parents and Answer Key https://notgrass.com/content/exploring_world_history_answer_key.pdf …… 9. What two parties vied for control of China in the early twentieth century? Nationalist and Communist (740) 10. Who led the Communist victory in China? Mao Zedong (741) … 6. What province of China did Japan take over prior to World War II? Manchuria (750) ^^^^^^^^^^^ *** 看着上面这份测试,大家对美国人了解中国史乃至於细致到了解西元一九四九年 之後的中国史之程度,有多大信心? 世界史,是美国时年级学生的社会学习 (social studies) 领域规定的四门课当 中的一门。这四门课是: 美国历史(一)、世界史概览、美国历史(二)、与美国政府 。 ***** 10th Grade Online Curriculum https://www.time4learning.com/homeschool-curriculum/high-school/tenth-grade/ … 10th Grade Social Studies Curriculum For 10th grade social studies, we recommend the Survey of World History curriculum. However, parents have the freedom to choose from the options below. U.S. History I Survey of World History U.S. History II U.S. Government … *** 关於世界史概览这门课,教学内容应包括下列内容: ***** 10th Grade Online Curriculum https://www.time4learning.com/homeschool-curriculum/high-school/tenth-grade/ … A comprehensive high school world history curriculum should include a multitude of topics from ancient times to the present including: Human Origins and the Neolithic Revolution The fall of the Roman Empire Art and culture in Medieval Europe The similarities and differences between new and old imperialism. How Europeans took control of Africa through colonization. The strategies used by the U.S. and the Soviet Union and their allies to fight the Cold War. The impact of mass communication and medical technology on the global world. … *** 大家在上面看到中国了吗? 顶多是在倒数第二项讲述冷战时代美苏两强对抗当中 可能提及中国。但是多详细? 这边没能找到资料,但是这本就该是原倡议者该提 供以支持自己主张的。 另外,即便上面提到美国时年级学生必修美国历史(一)和(二)这两门课,网路 上还是可以找到许多文章指出美国学生对於本国史的认识之欠缺相当严重。本国 史应该比外国史更重要,这点从上面课程设计有两门美国史而仅一门世界史就可 推知。可必修两门美国史的美国学生对这方面的认知还是引来该国各界忧心认知 欠缺,那麽中国史仅是世界史的一部分,且仅是中国史一小段的西元一九四九年 之後的部分,我们可预期美国学生能多了解? 尤其是从世界史概观应包括的课程 内容当中可见,全部中国史也不会是多麽主要的内容的情况之下? 以下是批评美国学生对本国史认知欠缺的网路文章。 ***** Another Piece of Evidence That America's Students Know Little About Their Country Eighth-graders continue to display far-from-sufficient knowledge about geography, civics, and history. By Emily Richmond https://www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2015/04/more-proof-that-americas-students-know-little-about-their-country/391823/ APRIL 29, 2015 SHARE SAVE American eighth-graders continue to demonstrate lackluster knowledge and skills when asked basic questions about U.S. history, geography, and civics. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ New data shows that only between 18 and 27 percent of students scored "proficient" or "higher." ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The results from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) is based on a representative sampling of more than 29,000 U.S. eighth-graders tested last year across the three subjects. (In history, for instance, it tested more than 11,200 students.) … *** ***** Nation's Report Card shows kids don't know US history. As a teacher, I'm not surprised. https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/opinion/2023/05/03/naep-results-decline-us-history-civics-concerning/70175722007/ Published 4:45 a.m. ET May 3, 2023 I start every school year by sharing with my students James Madison's challenge that "a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives." Patrick KellyOpinion contributor When my colleagues on a board overseeing the Nation's Report Card previewed the U.S. history and civics scores released publicly Wednesday, we found the results staggering. A mere 13% of eighth graders scored at the proficient ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ level in history and only 22% hit the mark in civics. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ … *** --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/historia/M.1706414473.A.D6C.html
1F:推 jkwusun: 他是说,台湾人了解美国胜过了解49後的中国,你连中文都 01/29 11:32
2F:→ jkwusun: 读不好,难怪会把新闻拿来当证据 01/29 11:32

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