historia 板


"Arthur, king, history,post-roman"为关键字的资料颇多.. 而且给的年代晚於476A.D.,在西罗马灭亡之後 最关键的查法就用亚瑟王战死之役,"battle of Camlann", 亚瑟王传奇主要是在此之前发生的事情,用这个时间点判断最方便.. 以"Camlann, battle, AD"去搜寻, 有资料说是515 A.D.,其他讲法是537-539 A.D.左右, 但是可发现找到的资料都是500 A.D.以後的,没有更早的了, 当时西罗马灭亡颇久了..真的是post-Roman,不是pre-Roman 亚瑟王对抗的敌人就是萨克逊人,请看年表 http://www.angelfire.com/de/BobSanders/TIME1.html 495 = "King" Arthur and his troops defeat the Saxons at Mons Badonicus 515 = "King" Arthur killed at Battle of Camlann 552 = Cynric (a saxon leader but probably part British) took Salisbury and founded the Kingdom of Wessex http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/ 0963743422/002-9331019-3624054?v=glance The Real King Arthur: A History of Post-Roman Britannia A.D. 410-A.D. 593 (2 Vol.Set) http://www.jammed.com/~mlb/arthur.html King Arthur would have lived in the end of the fifth century to the beginning of the sixth century, with his birth most likely occurring around 470 A.D. and his death, as related in the folklore, in the year 539, at the Battle of Camlan. This means that six hundred years transpired between Arthur's life span and any surviving written account, history or folklore, of a king named Arthur. Although the majority of the British population in the fifth and sixth centuries was illiterate, there was a classically educated, 'Romanized' minority that could read and write, as well as a literate monastic society. In the year 545, a monk named Gilda wrote an account of the decline of Roman authority in Britain and the events which followed. Most contemporary scholars and historians dismiss this source as unreliable and in many places entirely wrong, in any event, there is no mention of King Arthur in Gilda's writings. This absence of early written sources pertaining to King Arthur suggests three hypotheses: ※ 引述《ankokuji (安国寺)》之铭言: : ※ 引述《keku (云破月来花弄影)》之铭言: : : 不知道大家有没有看过去年的电影「亚瑟王」 片头还说亚瑟王经考证是真实存在的 : : 里面的敌人和大魔头就是撒克逊人 那撒克逊老头目还可以单挑两个青壮圆桌武士 : : 可是 亚瑟王和兰斯洛那一批人都是罗马帝国初探英格兰的前哨 : : 而盎格鲁人和撒克逊人在历史上 应该是罗马帝国衰亡从英伦群岛撤军後 : : 应原住民克里特人之邀才踏进英格兰建立势力的 算在罗马帝国灭亡之後 : : 也就是亚瑟王当时根本碰不到萨克逊人才对 : : 就算碰到也是零星的人民 不会是最强大的敌人 : : 所以电影所述的历史背景根本是虚构的 这样对吗? : 里面还说蓝斯洛那一票人 : 是从遥远的俄罗斯平原绑票来的萨尔马特人佣兵咧~ : ========== : p.s:片中说亚瑟是罗马人後裔,联合他那票兄弟留下来, : 跟塞尔特人一起力抗萨克逊蛮军 : ========= : 照以往的传说来讲,亚瑟王应该是威尔斯方面的酋长 : 然後坏人是罗马人 : 这部电影把他的时间往後拉了几百年 -- 上月球!月球是中国人吴刚不可分割的一部分 抓嫦娥!此女意图分裂中国领土脱离中国掌握 杀玉兔!玉兔为资产阶级之玩物!日帝之玩偶! --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From: ※ 编辑: Geigemachen 来自: (06/23 12:42) ※ 编辑: Geigemachen 来自: (06/23 12:44) ※ 编辑: Geigemachen 来自: (06/23 12:45) ※ 编辑: Geigemachen 来自: (06/23 12:48)
1F:推 MilchFlasche:这边的资料比较像话了。 06/23
2F:推 Geigemachen:呼呼.. 06/23

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