historia 板


‘Military history’ is generally used as a wider term than ‘history of war’. It includes, as commonly defined, three major sub-fields: military life (military institutions, customs, and artefacts), the relationship between military and society (with its much cultivated speciality: the military in politics) and the history of war. It could, however, be argued (and few historians would object) that the 20th century transformation of ‘war history’from a sub-field of general history to a sub-field of ‘military history' is less the result of conscious scholarly thought than of a ‘civilising’ mental process in Western society: the horror of the 20th century wars made even the word ‘war’ socially incorrect (cf. the institutional replacement of the term ‘war’ with that of ‘defence’ wherever possible). The gist of this argument is that the term ‘military’ is much too confining or narrow for the immense historical subject of war. Similarly, it could be argued that the relationship between military and society is a more natural sub-field of ‘social’ or ‘societal’ than of ‘military’ history. This being said, the article will nevertheless organise its description of the subject after the received 20th century model, meaning that neither ‘history of war’ nor history-writing on ‘military and society’ will be out-defined but dealt with as sub-fields of ‘military history’. After all: encyclopaedias are inconvenient places for ‘revolutions’, and substance is more important than words. 一般都是将‘军事史’这个名词﹐作为涵盖面比‘战争史’更大的科系。军事史的 研讨方向﹐分成三个主流﹕ 军事生活﹕军事建制﹑军事传统﹑与军事成品﹔ 文武关系﹕军事与政治之间的相关性﹔ 和战争史。 这种分类法在20世纪的军事史学界之内﹐引发了一阵争议﹐(少部份史学家更成了众 之矢的)﹐因为它将‘战争史’从‘通史’的支流﹐给矮化到‘军事史’的支流﹐主 要原因是20世纪发生了多起惨烈的大战之後﹐学界认为必须将文学科系予以‘文明 化’﹐所以‘战争’就成了大家尽量避免的字眼。(比如说连许多军事院校﹐都把 ‘战争’拿掉﹐改用‘国防’代替。)但改用‘军事’的话﹐被认为是简化与缩小了 它原本应有的研究层面。同样的情形也出现在军事与社会的解释争议上﹐於是这一 支流又分成了所谓‘社会(social)’与‘社会的(societal)’的研究主题﹐在军事 史学界内又形成了两个新的支派的支派。所以本文内也不会对所谓‘战争史’或 ‘军事与社会关系史’的着作﹐进行更深入的介绍﹐因为它们全部是‘军事史’的 支流末节。最後﹐研究军事史﹐千万不可以拘泥於字面上的含义﹐因为真正重要的 是﹕内涵。 -- LQY附注﹕军事与社会史﹐也就是文武关系这个主要研究方向﹐因为内容牵涉到太多 有关於社会学和社会史的关系﹐结果它们就各自独立成一个专门的科目去了﹐往往 这些新生的衍生科系﹐是想要选修军事史的学生们所遇到的大地雷----因为所学的 内容﹐与军事根本无关﹐顶多只是点缀性质。所以作者必须在这里苦口婆心一顿。 -- 万物皆非主,唯曼尼大神,至圣之先知,亚当史密斯。 La ilaha ill money,Adam Smith rasula'Llah 荣耀归於曼尼。自宇宙之初成﹐贯古今与未来﹐直至永恒不灭。喀锵!(收银机响声) Gloria patri Money. Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper, et in saecula saeculorum.Ka-ching! --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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1F:推 ohmylife:LQY我真的很佩服你,感谢你为这里的付出 01/15
2F:推 ohmylife:对了我想问个问题,以前那个LQY的帐号 01/15
3F:→ ohmylife:不能用了吗???? 01/15
4F:推 MRZ:I can't use at here >_< 01/15

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