documentary 板


《黄昏的月台音乐会》纪录片放映暨映後座谈 "The Abandoned Platform Sunset Concert" Documentary Film Screening & Talk 时间 Time/ 2019/04/12(五) 19:30-21:30 地点 Venue/ 江山艺改所(新竹市东区兴达街1号) Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo (No. 1, Xinda St., Hsinchu City) 映後座谈 After-screening Talk/ 甘燿嘉 Nick Kan(本片导演 Director) 入场费 Admission/ 预售 Advance $80 现场 Door $100 (凭入场手章购买瓶装饮料、图书、影音及文创商品可折抵$40) ◎ 预售票登记表单 Advance ticket booking form: /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 关於影片 About The Film/ 《黄昏的月台音乐会 The Abandoned Platform Sunset Concert》 甘燿嘉 Nick Kan│2019│台湾 Taiwan│95 min 去年三月一个黄昏,我循着凄美的二胡声找到了这一座美丽的火车旧月台,然後我便不由 自主地在此驻足谛听,而滞留而忘返;随後在无数个黄昏里,我抱着摄影机记下那些个由 胡琴、汽笛、风雨、落叶以及人间情所交响而成的「音乐会」。 如果你想听听一个老旧月台上的落雨、琴声,以及一位二胡琴师陈连钟的心路历程,我邀 请你一起搭乘一班摇摇晃晃的铁道小火车,驶进时光的黄昏,在夕阳西下时刻,聆听彼此 的心语与交会的感动。 The weight house of the abandoned railway depot was called “Pound Ting” by good old fellas in Chiayi City. As the name suggesting, Pound Ting had been always measuring, or checking up the great and small of everything in the world. Four years ago, Mr. Liang Zhong Chen would report to the old Pound Ting, his childhood playground, during almost every sunset with his Er Hu (Chinese instrument). His duty, if there is any, is sort of “measuring”, “checking up”, or “recalling” the great and small of things as what the Pound Ting used to do. Moreover, the way he plays Er Hu is a little bit more complicated than others do. He has to tie up his arm with the bow tightly, then both of him and the instrument will embed naturally into the platform sunset, and a concert will just follow when all is set. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 关於导演 About The Director/甘燿嘉 Nick Kan 影像文字工作者,擅长平面、影像作品,曾举办多次个人摄影展与参与联展。也在「爱家 杂志」、「信息与灵声」杂志发表影评。 活动页面: --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自:
※ 文章网址: OscarJeff:转录至看板 movie 04/12 10:39

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