第一次听到这首歌是游戏里第4章的片尾曲 也是第4章最後指引玩家要去找光明之女的那首歌 这是唯一一首我有整首听完的片尾曲 真是好听到爆炸 在youtube上有找到音乐 在这里提供歌词和翻译 有买珍藏版的人也可以听游戏配乐第8首 另外请注意,这首歌其实就是在说汤姆士赞恩的故事 怕被剧透的话就请听歌就好,不要看翻译 全破的人可以看看歌词 可以更了解汤姆和他的缪思之间的故事 PS.缪思是希腊女神,掌管诗歌、音乐、美术等其他文艺
The Poet and the Muse 诗人与缪思 Lyrics by Old Gods of Asgard 作词:亚萨神域的古老众神 There's an old tale wrought with mystery of Tom the Poet and his muse 有个充满神秘的古老故事关於诗人汤姆与他的缪思 And a magic lake which gave a life to the words the poet used 神奇湖泊赋予诗人文字生命 Now, the muse she was his happiness, and he rhymed about her grace 如今,缪思给予他快乐,他以诗韵歌颂他的恩典 And told her stories of treasures deep beneath the blackened waves 诉说她在黑暗波涛下珍贵的故事 'Til in the stillness of one dawn, still in its misty crown 直到一个宁静的黎明,仍然带着它雾蒙蒙的王冠 The muse she went down to the lake, and in the waves she drowned 缪思走进湖里,淹没於浪涛中 And now to see your love set free 而现在若要爱人重获自由 You will need the witch's cabin key 你将需要巫婆的小屋钥匙 Find the lady of the light, gone mad with the night 寻找光明之女,夜晚来时陷入疯狂 That's how you reshape destiny 那就是重塑命运的方法 The poet came down to the lake to call out to his dear 诗人来到湖底呼唤爱人 When there was no answer he was overcome with fear 当他听不到回答,恐惧征服了他 He searched in vain for his treasure lost and too soon the night would fall 他搜寻失去的珍宝却毫无结果而夜幕迅即降临 Only his own echo would wail back at his call 仅闻自己的哀号回音 And when he swore to bring back his love by stories he'd create 当他誓言以创作故事带回爱人 Nightmares shifted in their sleep in the darkness of the lake 湖泊黑暗里梦靥於沉睡中翻身 And now to see your love set free 而现在若要爱人重获自由 You will need the witch's cabin key 你将需要巫婆的小屋钥匙 Find the lady of the light, still raving in the night 寻找光明之女,仍在夜晚胡言乱语 That's how you reshape destiny 那就是重塑命运的方法 In the dead of night she came to him with darkness in her eyes 在夜的死寂中她带着眼中的黑暗来到他面前 Wearing a mourning gown, sweet words as her disguise 穿着哀悼丧服,甜言蜜语如同她的伪装 He took her in without a word for he saw his grave mistake 他不发一言跟她一起只因他明白大错已铸成 And vowed them both to silence deep beneath the lake 宣誓他们一同进入湖底的沉默深渊 Now, if it's real or just a dream one mystery remains 如今,这是真实或只是悬疑故事遗留的梦 For it is said, on moonless nights they may still haunt this place 传说,无月之夜他们仍出没此处 And now to see your love set free 而现在若要爱人重获自由 You will need the witch's cabin key 你将需要巫婆的小屋钥匙 Find the lady of the light, gone mad with the night 寻找光明之女,夜晚来时陷入疯狂 That's how you reshape destiny 那就是重塑命运的方法 And now to see your love set free 而现在若要爱人重获自由 You will need the witch's cabin key 你将需要巫婆的小屋钥匙 Find the lady of the light, still raving in the night 寻找光明之女,仍在夜晚胡言乱语 That's how you reshape destiny 那就是重塑命运的方法 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From: ※ 编辑: sannosekai 来自: (05/15 16:30)
1F:推 ck1109 :这个团也帮同样是remedy的max payne2唱过主题曲 05/16 00:32
2F:推 ck1109 : 05/16 00:34

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