Warfare 板


※ [本文转录自 historia 看板] 作者: MRZ (LQY) 看板: historia 标题: 军事史之史观理论015 时间: Fri Mar 4 12:47:48 2005 Research on Military Life Social scientists might prefer the term ‘the military system’ to the one used here, i.e. military life, for captioning collectively the three major research fields which have been brought together here, slightly artificially perhaps. These research fields could in simple language be named the things, the bodies, and the ways of military life. The basic ‘things’ (artefacts) of military life are, somewhat abstractedly phrased: weapons and other technical equipment, fortifications, barracks, vessels, vehicles, aircraft, and clothing. The interest of historians proper in this research field has never been very great. It has rather been cultivated by museum staffs, by archaeologists and historians of art, architecture or technology, and by ‘amateurs’ (who might be highly competent in their speciality). The ‘bodies’ (institutions or organisational units) of military life have interested historians far more, probably because of their great importance in domestic and international politics. The research made in this field is, to be sure, of very uneven quality but it has produced much solid and detailed knowledge of some military bodies, like e.g. the Roman Army, Napoleon’ s army, the British Army and Navy, and the German General Staff. The ‘ways’ (customs, rites, and behavioural patterns, and norms and values) of military life have for centuries fascinated numerous people outside the armed profession. They have also captured the imagination of many novelists (Alfred de Vigny, Joseph Roth, James Jones, John Masters, Sven Delblanc, and others). It is, however, only comparatively recently that this prospective field of research has been ‘discovered’ by the scholarly world. And it is not historians (with some few exceptions) who have taken the lead in exploring the new research field, but rather anthropologists, ethnologists, and sociologists. 五﹑军事生活之研究 许多社会学家会比较喜欢使用‘军事建制’来取代‘军事生活’这个说法﹐因为他 们认为这样的名词比较能够含有上述三角关系的涵义。这类研究的主题通常是军事 术语的来源考据﹑军品考据﹑军制考据﹑以及军事生活的不同性质。 军事生活中最基本的‘军品’﹐大致如下﹕武器﹑科技器材﹑堡垒要塞(永久性质)﹑ 防御工事(临时性质)﹑容器﹑交通工具﹑(可载人或不载人)飞行器﹑与军服。史学 家对於这类研究主题其实并没有多大的兴趣﹐通常是博物馆工作人员﹑考古学家﹑ 艺术史学家﹑建筑史学家﹑科技史学家﹑或是‘业余’史学研究者(虽然他们对这些 东西﹐反而比专家还专家)﹐才有兴趣从事这样的研究。 在军事生活中﹐史学家对於‘军制(总体建制或某一特定军事组织或单位)’﹐会有 较多的兴趣﹐因为这个主题对於内政外交方面﹐都有较为重要的影响力。不过历代 各国的军制研究的文章数量或是素质﹐并不怎麽平均分配﹐比如说许多史学家用心 尽力的研究罗马军制﹑拿破仑军制﹑或是英国海军与陆军的军制﹑以及德国参谋本 部。这些主题的军制研究﹐可说是有如长江大河﹐滔滔不绝。 至於在军事生活中的‘传承(服装﹑仪式﹑行为习惯﹑与意识形态)’这个方面来说﹐ 在过去数个世界以来﹐往往被长期生活在军营以外的一般民众﹐赋予了许多刻板印 象。他们往往是经由小说家(亚佛烈德维尼﹑约瑟夫罗斯﹑詹姆士琼斯﹑约翰马士特 斯﹑史分德布兰﹑与族繁不及备载的只有瑞典人才晓得是谁的畅销小说家)﹐得到这 些千奇百怪的刻板印象的。但这方面的‘研究’﹐却直到今天﹐才开始被史学界所 重视。但这样的研究主题﹐却不是经由史学家(除了少数的例外)所引进入史学界的﹐ 反而是人类学家﹑伦理学家﹑与社会学家。 -- LQY附注﹕老实说﹐光是听到本人的教授‘们’如何狂批历史OTAKU或是D频道的所作 所为﹐就有六个学期看到他们在摇头。 -- 万物皆非主,唯曼尼大神,至圣之先知,亚当史密斯。 La ilaha ill money,Adam Smith rasula'Llah 荣耀归於曼尼。自宇宙之初成﹐贯古今与未来﹐直至永恒不灭。喀锵!(收银机响声) Gloria patri Money. Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper, et in saecula saeculorum.Ka-ching! --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 Cimon:..我抗议..我很有兴趣啊.. 03/04

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
2F:推 MRZ:抗议哪个啊﹖:) 03/04
3F:推 Cimon:史学家也有研究器物的啦~ 03/04
4F:推 JosephChen:thing翻成「军品」会不会有点怪阿... 03/05
5F:→ JosephChen:感觉好像是在卖包包水壶迷彩装的那种店@.@ 03/05

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