War_Thunder 板


更新好快= = 德国各种被NERF Inability to fly with American planes when they were selected at the start of the game has been fixed. 不能选美国飞机的BUG已经被修复了 (吵很大那个..) Pz.VI ausf H1 tank barrel durability value has been fixed (durability value on the “barrel” module increased up to values of other heavy tank barrels). 虎式H1的炮管耐久度修改 (提升成跟其他重坦一样) Historically fixed traverse and elevating angles of Panzerjager Panther and its commander’s premium variant. Changed from +-15 to +-11 degrees horizontally and from -10 +3 0 to -8 + 14 degrees vertically. "根据历史"修正了猎豹和金币猎豹指挥车(这个翻译好怪阿XD)炮塔的俯仰角和射角 射角由+-15度变窄为+-11 俯角从-10缩减到-8 仰角从+30缩减到+14 (这NERF太大了) Fixed elevation angles of Panther II from -6.5 +17 to -4,5 +15 degrees (old angles made weapon glitch through tank surfaces), also in -165 +165 degrees sector elevating angle decreased up to -3 degrees (turret facing reversed from vehicle direction vector and with old angles barrel would go through exhaust pipes) 豹二的俯仰角从-6.5~+17修正为-4.5~+15(之前的角度会造成炮管穿过车身) 在-165~165的射角中也将俯角修正到-3 (当炮塔转向坦克背面时 旧的角度会让他穿越排气管) 105mm KwK45 rate of fire has been fixed from 5.4 shots per minute to 3.9 shots per minute (old value was a mistakenly taken from KwK43) 105炮45版的开火速率从每分钟5.4降到3.9(旧的开火速率误植到43版的) Fixed damage effect from HE tank rounds, which led to the destruction of the tank when the shell would detonate on the vehicle roof. Now it is still possible to damage the tank by a roof breech, but it won’t lead to the immediate destruction of the vehicle. 修正HE弹对坦克造成的伤害效果 本来车顶会因为HE的暴风伤害引爆整台坦克 不过现在还是会对车顶造成伤害 只是整台坦克不会马上爆掉 --
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※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自:
※ 文章网址: http://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/War_Thunder/M.1400694754.A.937.html
1F:推 mito620:Pz.VI是六号战车"虎式" Tank Barrel 是战车的炮管 05/22 02:34
ROGER~ 每次都麻烦你了~
2F:推 salesperson:貌似贴花可以用了 不过要重头计算 05/22 05:30
3F:推 WillieHuang:Panzerbefehlswagen(Pz.bfw.)是「指挥车」的意思 05/22 15:38
4F:→ WillieHuang:这边讲的是那台鹰币猎豹也一并被砍 05/22 15:39
※ 编辑: t84552 (, 05/22/2014 16:38:35

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