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阳明大学心智哲学研究所 ─2016年秋季系列演讲─ 讲题机器能有意识吗?Can Machines Have Consciousness? 主讲金井良太 (Ryota Kanai) Araya Brain Imaging, Tokyo, Japan (http://www.araya.org/eng) Earth-Life Science Institute (ELSI), Tokyo Institute of Technology 时间9月28日(三)下午3:00-5:00 地点阳明大学图资大楼839室 (台北市北投区立农街二段155号,捷运石牌站) 主办单位:阳明大学 心智哲学研究所、脑科学研究所、神经科学研究所、台湾意识研究群 报名网址https://goo.gl/forms/VKAnieWrQTGhC1NP2 详细讯息http://goo.gl/UVhiZq 联络信箱[email protected] --- Speaker: Ryota Kanai Araya Brain Imaging, Tokyo, Japan Earth-Life Science Institute (ELSI), Tokyo Institute of Technology Date & Time: 3:00-5:00 pm, September 28th, 2016 Location: Room 839, Library and Information Building, Institute of Neuroscience, NYMU Organized by Institute of Philosophy of Mind and Cognition, Institute of Brain Science, Institute of Neuroscience, NYMU, and Consciousness Research Group, Taiwan Registration: https://goo.gl/forms/VKAnieWrQTGhC1NP2 More information: http://goo.gl/UVhiZq Contact: [email protected] 本场演讲将以英语进行。 以近年十分热门的讯息整合理论(Information Integration Theory, IIT)出发, 探讨意识的本质及人工意识的可能性。 非常欢迎对心灵哲学、意识研究与其相关哲学议题感兴趣的朋友们! 详细的演讲纲要如下↓ --- Abstract: The recent surge of interest in artificial intelligence raises the question of whether machines will ever possess human-level consciousness. This question entails three fundamental issues about consciousness. First, can non-biological physical objects have the capacity to have consciousness? In other words, do we need neurons to have consciousness or can computer programs be conscious? Second,can we ever be able to understand the neural and computational principles of consciousness and implement them into machines? Third, can we ever confirm that an artificial system has consciousness despite the suggestion from the Hard problem that we cannot even prove that other humans are conscious? In this talk, we will discuss possible answers to these questions from the perspectives of the integrated information theory (IIT) of consciousness. Specifically, I will argue that the axiomatic nature and the identity claim of IIT enable us to determine whether conscious experience exists in artificial systems. This could be understood in analogy with the way other scientific theories allow inferences about reality that cannot be directly observed (e.g., the presence of water in distant planets). However, this argument hinges upon whether we accept IIT as the truth, and empirical scrutiny of the theory will be essential. To do that, we are currently working on the computational framework to compute the integrated information Φ in biological and artificial neural systems and examine how Φ is related to functions. Finally, this constructive approach to consciousness highlights the question of what consciousness is for? Can machines with consciousness outperform unconscious AI? If so, in what respect? While these remain difficult questions at present, potential functional benefits of conscious computation will be discussed. --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自:
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/W-Philosophy/M.1473177494.A.9F4.html
1F:推 DenTisGirl: 感谢提供 09/07 13:05
2F:推 PsMonkey: 可是是英文 T___T 09/07 18:13
3F:→ gyosou: 演讲者的英文很清楚的,他也不是native没有太重的口音 09/09 00:08
4F:→ gyosou: 大家不用担心^_^ 09/09 00:08
※ 编辑: gyosou (, 09/12/2016 10:39:04

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