Volleyball 板


最近在靠北排球FB专页上看到相关的讨论, 想起以前学生时代也常碰到这个问题, 所以再次本版旧文并补充相关资料,以利想了解的人查阅。 FB原文: #靠北排球9083 https://0rz.tw/bMDzW 相关回文 #靠北排球9086 https://0rz.tw/uwNi1 #靠北排球9092 https://0rz.tw/jqJeQ FIVB英文规则原文: 12.5 SCREENING 12.5.1 The players of the serving team must not prevent their opponent, through individual or collective screening, from seeing the service hit and the flight path of the ball. 12.5.2 A player or a group of players of the serving team make(s) a screen by waving arms, jumping or moving sideways during the execution of the service, or by standing grouped, in order that both the service hit and the flight path of the ball are hidden until the ball reaches the vertical plane of the net. Should either be visible to the receiving team this is not a screen. 中文版(香港总会版本) 12.5 遮挡 SCREENING 12.5.1 发球队的球员不得在发球时,以个人或集体遮挡方式, 阻碍对方注视撃球和球的飞越路线。 12.5.2 发球时,若发球队的一名球员或一组球员挥动手臂、跳起、侧向移动, 或以集体站位的方式,掩护撃球和球直至飞越网顶的路线,即为遮挡。 若发球撃球或球的飞越路线能被接发球队见到,则不是遮挡。 FIVB Guidelines-Instructions 2024中提及的部分: The 1st referee should pay attention to screening during the execution of the service when a player or group of players of the serving team, waving arms, jumping or moving sideways or by standing grouped, prevent their opponent from seeing the server and flight path of the ball until the ball crosses the vertical plane of the net. So if the served ball can be seen clearly throughout its path, until it crosses the net to the opponent, it cannot be considered as a screen. Referees must be more zealous in taking care of the teams' intentions to create a screen and prevent from the beginning of the game that the teams abuse the screening rule with the excuse of "tactical strategy." Therefore, when a team is CLEARLY GROUPED with the intention of screening, or players are with hands above head height (they may, however, protect their heads for safety reasons but must not rise their hands above the head), the referee can indicate this to the serving team, by blowing his/her whistle, to separate the players, and, if they do not do so, the 1st referee MUST CALL THE SCREEN after the service. It is necessary that ALL referees apply these instructions from the beginning of the matches, to reverse this trend that affects the fair play. 另外补充, 引用一本绝版的书籍《排球裁判执法实务要领》,作者:蔡崇滨、陈进发。 掩护的类型及成立条件与说明 https://imgur.com/ME6UUxP 书中所附范例一 https://imgur.com/sL27o6E 范例二 https://imgur.com/yNEAKeO 范例三 https://imgur.com/P8LUXqo (靠北排球FB原文那个案例应该近似於此范例) 总结: 大体上来说掩护(遮挡)发球(SCREENING)的规则是明确的, 之所以一直让人有种像是灰色地带的原因似乎是实务执法时鲜少有裁判适用 (FIVB的指引中也有提到裁判须适时地阐明,并对於指示後仍违反者判罚), 也可能是实战时使得违规的条件成就机率相对不高 (例如即便对方站位阻挡视线,我方接球员也会挪移), 亦或者,通常在适用该规则判罚前,主审通常也会给予指示提醒。 其余相关的规则说明详如上附资料。 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/Volleyball/M.1716378000.A.3CE.html
1F:推 culture86586: 感谢整理,有看到靠北排球各方的讨论,PTT的好处: 05/24 22:39
2F:→ culture86586: 可以好查阅留存,期待PTT排球版也能热络讨论起来 05/24 22:39

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