Timberwolves 板


https://tinyurl.com/bdcszffh https://youtu.be/Y5bFpwXi4mU?si=oBRMHoila-0bkW83 约57分钟开始
If it appeared that Karl-Anthony Towns was laboring physically the deeper the Timberwolves went into the playoffs, it's because his knee was more bothersome than anyone really knew. 随着灰狼队在季後赛过关斩将,KAT的表现越显吃力,那是因为他的膝盖状况 比外界了解的还更扰人。 "When we started getting deeper into the playoffs, that's when the thing started — I came back so quick — knee started flaring up, started being super swollen. Some days I couldn't practice just because I was just unable to walk, it's like I can't do it. If it wasn't for our medical staff I would've been held out more," Towns said on Podcast P with Paul George. 「当我们在季後赛一路挺进,问题开始浮现—我太快回到球场—膝盖开始发 炎,肿胀得厉害。有些日子我甚至无法练习,因为我根本无法行走,感觉像 根本无法办到。如果没有医疗团队的协助,我可能要休息更久。」Towns 在 与 Paul George 的《Podcast P》节目中表示。 The episode was released Monday but appears to have been recorded during the NBA's Las Vegas Summer League in July. 这集节目在周一播出,但似乎是七月夏季联盟期间录制的。 "I did what I had to do. When the season was over did I pay for those decisions that I made? For sure, still am right now," Towns continued. "I'm in a spot where I feel really confident about how I'm going to feel coming into next year. I'm going to be stronger, I'm going to be better, I'm going to be more experienced. Just more years under my belt.” 「我做了我该做的。赛季结束後,我为自己做的决定付出代价,现在仍然如 此。」Towns 继续说道。「但我对明年很有信心。我会更强壮、更好、更有 经验。更多的成长经验。」 "I don't think it was a disappointment in any sort of fashion," Towns said. "We said early on in the year that we wanted to do something special, the big lineup. Everyone's like it couldn't work and I was like watch it work. Everyone laughed and shit and now we was in the Western Conference fianls and now everyone acting like that shit didn't happen. We obviously did something right.” 「我完全不觉得这个球季令人失望。」Towns 说。「我们在季初就表达想达 成特别的事情,就是大型阵容。每个人都不看好,而我要他们等着看。大家 都在嘲笑,现在我们打进了西区决赛,大家又装作没发生过似的。显然我们 做对了一些事情。」 Towns underwent surgery to repair a lateral meniscus tear in his left knee on March 12. He returned to play in the last two games of the regular season exactly one month after the procedure and he wound up playing 28.5 minutes per game while averaging 19.5 points and 9.5 rebounds in a first-round sweep of the Suns. Towns 在 3 月 12 日接受了左膝外侧半月板撕裂修补手术。他在例行赛最後 两场重返球场,正好是手术後满月,并在首轮横扫太阳的系列赛中,平均上 场 28.5 分钟,拿下 19.5 分和 9.5 个篮板。 In the second round against the defending champion Nuggets, Towns played 34.9 minutes per game and averaged 18.6 points and 9.1 rebounds to help the Timberwolves win the series in seven games. But his 3-point shots stopped falling dropped after Game 3 of the Denver series. Over the next nine games, ending with a Game 5 season-ending loss to the Mavericks in the Western Conference finals, Towns made just 12 of 52 3s (23%). 在第二轮面对卫冕军金块的比赛中,Towns 平均上场 34.9 分钟,贡献 18.6 分和 9.1 个篮板,帮助灰狼队在七场大战中取得胜利。然而,在系列 赛的第三场比赛之後,他的三分球命中率急剧下降。在接下来的九场比赛中 ,包含五场西区决赛,Towns 仅仅投进 52 次三分球中的 12 球 (命中率 23%)。 It's conceivable that Towns' knee was hampering his ability to knock down shots. 或许 Towns 的膝盖状况影响了他的投篮状态。 "You gotta have failure to succeed. We had to pay for our right to win a championship and I think that's what we did this year," Towns said. "Everyone got the chance to recognize that this ain't the Minnesota Timberwolves that they've known for a long time. We're true contenders, someone that can really compete at the highest level every single night and it's going to be tough to beat us in a seven-game series. I think that we showed a lot, did a lot, achieved a lot and now next year we get to cash in even more on those lessons and those teachings.” 「想要成功就得先经历失败。我们必须付出代价才能夺冠,我觉得今年我们 做到了。」Towns 说。「大家终於认知到这支球队不是过往那个软柿子。我 们是夺冠劲旅,每晚都能打出最高水准,想在七战四胜系列赛赢过我们不容 易。我觉得我们今年表现很猛,做了很多,也得到了很多,明年要把这些经 验转换成实绩。」 --- 下一季KAT在灰狼将迈入第十个年头, 上季季後赛经验确实非常珍贵, 和AE一起带领这支球队攀上新的高度吧。 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/Timberwolves/M.1724342941.A.342.html
1F:推 tarantula32: 阿糖辛苦了 08/23 00:19
2F:推 k952gfjk: 错怪他了,他的膝盖果然是没这麽快好 08/23 08:42
3F:推 havest: 希望阿糖新赛季是以100%健康开季! 08/23 20:04
4F:推 newest: 全员健康! 08/26 10:28
5F:推 zsp9081a: 健康打完赛季吧 加油 08/26 10:36

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