Tennis 板

LINE tml连起来,有Vedio可看 他看起来蛮累的…澳网真是热啊… C. MOYA/D. Norman 7-5, 6-3, 6-4 THE MODERATOR: First question, please. Q. Can I just ask, how is your shoulder -- not shoulder, I'm sorry. Elbow, wasn't it? CARLOS MOYA: Well, today's been better than the last days. I did treatment yesterday, and it looks like it work out pretty well. Still, I wasn't able to serve 100 percent but the way I been serving was I didn't feel any pain so that's good. It's also good to win in straight sets, because I have to force my elbow a lot. So I have a treatment tomorrow again and hopefully it's gonna be fine for Wednesday. Q. What exactly treatment-wise have you been having? CARLOS MOYA: I don't really know. The doctors here, they are taking care of it . I don't know how they're called, but I don't know - you should ask them. But is kind of... I don't know. They bring something here (indicating his elbow). It looks like it's working out very well. Q. You were a little slow starting today. CARLOS MOYA: A little. Yeah, you know, the last days I wasn't able to serve. And when I was doing that, it was painful. So, you know, I was a bit worried about how I was going to work today. He start pretty well also. But after I was -- I broke him back, I felt like I was in control of the match. It was a tough match to play for me. It wasn't any rhythm at all and was windy, and he's lefty. So was not -- they were not easy conditions, but I think I play pretty well. As I said before, it's good to start with a straight-sets victory. Q. Did you play him before? CARLOS MOYA: No, never. Q. He's big, isn't he? CARLOS MOYA: Yeah, very big. I think he's the tallest guy that I ever played. Q. Very different - I mean, there's been a lot of talk here about if you go the whole way, then Lleyton Hewitt may be a final - couldn't get much different , sort of size and play. CARLOS MOYA: Obviously, every player I play now is going to be different than the opponent I had today. I cannot think about being in final and playing against Lleyton. I mean, is still like four more matches to go. Still the first matches are very tough for me. Once I can get through the first few matches , maybe it can be dangerous , I think about maybe go all the way, but not now. I just won a match. It's just the second tournament of the year. Is not easy for me to play well at the beginning of the year. Now I have to get the rhythm, be 100 percent, and if I have 100 percent, maybe I have chances to play good tournament. Q. Are your injuries bad enough that you would not be able to play five matches? CARLOS MOYA: Well, not right now, but few days ago I didn't know for sure what was gonna happen. I got very good treatment. But I didn't know how I was gonna -- I mean, if I could play five sets today, you know? Because the longest practice I had was an hour, and serving 50 percent, not more than that. I didn't know how -- what was gonna happen today. But if it keeps going this way, I think I'm able to play five sets. I don't know what's gonna happen, but I will just try to play my best and the next match for sure is going to be tougher than today. I will see what happens. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 大意是: 记者问Moya肩有无问题(大会好像还请了治疗师待命)。Moya说他没问题,不感到疼痛 ,也不知他们叫了治疗师来。 Moya说他发球还未发挥到100%。 Moya说他今天刚开始有些困难,但他克服了。他从未与他交过手,并觉得他很强。 Moya被问及如果他与Hewitt在决赛碰头将会如何?Moya表示他还没想到那儿,他只是 打他的比赛、赢得目前的比赛。但他若能底抵达决赛是很好的,而他必须赢得更多比赛 才办到。他觉得他的年初状况调整很好,觉得他在澳网有很好的机会。 Moya说他若打五盘的话,就不知道会发生什麽事(指受伤),但他将尽力而为。他也 只用了50%的发球能力,他早巳接受了很好的治疗。 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From: ※ 编辑: establish 来自: (01/14 15:50)
1F:→ akgbking:最快球速只有19X,真的还没发挥.... 推 01/14

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