Tennis 板


ATP2003年日历出来了 旁边有对各报队选手的评论伲휊 一月 Lleyton Hewitt he plays as if tennis ball is a pinata, trying over and over again to knock off its head so all the goodies will fly out. His game has a lot of vocabulary of weapons---relentless pursuit, startling quickness a service return to the rival the best, a sense for crafting by moving the ball and opponent around the room. --- NEWSDAY(US) 二月 Tommy Hass it was hass who was producing the big shots, especially a deadly crosscourt was hass whose feet was moving, who was getting to more short and wide was hass who was dominating in a way his early career has suggested. ---NEWSDAY(US) 三月 Canas the only happy side that can be observed in Agentina of 2002 cmes from sports. and in this area tennis is ahead several lengths with a season that will be etched with fire in to the annals of the national sport.canas add to another giant link in the chain of successes that the Legion has accumulated throughout the world. ----El Clarin(ARG) 四月 Ferrero in his native Spain where those blonde locks make schoolgirls swoon and their mothers wish they were schoolgirls again. ferrero is rockstar hot. ----ESPN magazine(us) 五月 Kuerten whether describing how the moonlight hits the water off the brazillian coast.or the timing it takes to swat the lob. he is absorbed in the tiny details.unshaven and dssheveled on the outside. he is meticulos and disciplined underneath. ----NY TIMES(US) 六月 Henman everything was espected of him:everything was given,everything was achieved.its rare in the life of any athlete that such a thing can be said and it was deeply and rightly satisfying for henman. ----TIMES(UK) 七月 Blake the stylish kid with spiky Afro is immediately recognizable on the tinest of the television screens.with his sparkling smile and modeling contract he could become a household name. ----Jounal News(US) 八月 Roddick roddick has Cassius Clay's pizzazz.Tiger Wood's power and Kode Bryant's persence.he floats like butterfly and stings like a bee, and just does it and screams Next!with every move he makes. ----Plam Beach Post(US) 九月 Safin watching safin play tennis is like riding a roller coaster in the dark:it's much more fun because you don't know what is going to happen next. ------Allsport(AUS) 十月 Agassi it is also a will of agassi to run longer and faster,to hit harder and harder, to punish instead of be agassi is filled with wisdom gained from his mistakes and an understanding of how glorious it can be to be playing so well at the time when the most men have had to move on. ----LA TIMES(US) 十一月 Grosjean at 5ft 9in Grosjean may not be the best men of the plyers on the ATP circuit, but his fleet of foot and big of heart... putting every ounce of strength into his groundstrockes. ----the times (uk) 十二月Srichaphan the greatest plyer in the history of Thailand,was hotter than his homeland's curry, hitting line after line. ----Boston Globe(US) --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From:
1F:→ GMA:哇~~有Srichaphan耶~ 推 11/20
2F:→ elenacocoa:没有Pete,太不给面子了吧!好歹也要当爸了 推 11/20
3F:→ ouch:ATP官方很注意Srichaphan带来的亚洲效应.. 推 11/21
4F:→ morsten:竟然没有Roger Federer 推 11/21

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