TakeThat 板


E17 in Take Spat May 14, 2007 新闻出处:http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,4-2006200542,00.html IT may have been ten years ago but the bitter rivalry between the re-formed boy bands EAST 17 and TAKE THAT is still going strong. East 17's TONY MORTIMER has unleashed a vicious attack on GARY BARLOW's mob. It's one of the funniest showbiz put-downs I can remember. Tony, who wrote the Walthamstow band's hits, said:"They are just a trumped-up VILLAGE PEOPLE tribute band. They covered BARRY MANILOW!" And referring to former Take That star ROBBIE WILLIAMS, he said: "Would there be that much interest in Take That if they hadn't played the Robbie card?” He is hardly in a position to criticise. While Take That are playing to sold-out arenas up and down the country, East 17's comeback is barely limping along. Tony has clearly been visited by the green-eyed monster. His band — BRIAN HARVEY, TERRY COLDWELL and JOHN HENDY — have only just managed to sell out a one-night comeback gig at London's Shepherds Bush Empire on May 30. Meanwhile, Take That tickets sold out 12 arena tour dates in just 30 minutes. That's more than 250,000 tickets. There was always a bit of friction between the two groups. Take That were the squeaky-clean, camp icons and East 17 were the more streetwise rebels. But Tony insists his mob were just as big as their rivals. He said: “We sold more albums than them worldwide.” Speaking about E17's one-off show, he added:"There will be no dog, no pyrotechnics. Just a little facial hair." Take That kicked off their tour in Newcastle with a special-effects spectacle. I have to admit to a bit of sympathy for Tony. Take That are as camp as a row of tents. My artists have made Tony's day, our mock ups show how Take That would look like as the Village People. The sight of JASON ORANGE as a Red Indian works for me. Now I guess it's over to you, Gary . . . East 17和TT为什麽会不合?有何爱恨情仇?...整篇文章简直都在讽刺...><... 哈哈~看到照片...非常不争气的大笑了...^Q^...Gaz拔这样蛮帅气的喔! --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From: ※ 编辑: osga 来自: (05/14 21:23)
1F:推 lwfcl:哈..我反而觉得大叔的表情比较经典ㄟ! 05/14 21:32
2F:推 ccfred:mark如果去当水电工一定很好笑...XD 05/15 00:26
3F:推 actin:Markie这张好像威利旺卡XDDDDDDD 05/15 00:40
4F:推 Karman:大叔大概会很爱这种造型的feel....囧 05/15 07:48
5F:推 mariana:mark还满像水电工的...哈哈 ~~ 05/15 23:41

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