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原文标题: Softbank CEO and Trump to announce $100 billion investment in U.S. by firm 原文连结: 发布时间: Mon, Dec 16 20246:09 AM EST 记者署名: John Melloy 原文内容: Softbank CEO Masayoshi Son will announce a $100 billion investment in the U.S. over the next four years during a Monday visit to President-elect Donald Trump’s residence Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, sources familiar with the matter told CNBC’s Sara Eisen. The billionaire investor and founder of the Japanese tech-investing firm will also promise in the joint announcement with Trump to create 100,000 jobs focused on artificial intelligence and related infrastructure, the sources said. The money will be deployed before the end of Trump’s term. The funding could come from various sources controlled by Softbank, including the Vision Fund, capital projects or chipmaker Arm Holdings, where the firm is majority owner. Some of the money will not necessarily be newly raised, but could include some funding already announced such as Softbank’s recent $1.5 billion investment in OpenAI, the tech firm behind chatbot ChatGPT. Softbank’s Son and Trump made a similar announcement in 2016 after Trump was elected president for the first time, with the Japanese firm agreeing to invest $50 billion in the U.S. with the aim to create 50,000 jobs. 心得/评论: 美国时间周一川普将在他的庄园与孙正义会面, CNBC 内线透漏孙正义会宣布1000亿美元,10万工作机会的AI投资计画。 资金来源包含愿景基金,ARM,以及後续对外募资。 而先前软银对 OpenAI 投资的15亿美金也会算在内。 而在2016川普当选後,孙正义也曾经宣布500亿,50000工作的投资计画。 (补充) 软银在2019年受访表示,愿景基金与其他计画投资 Slack, DoorDash, WeWork 等 总计已达到470亿。但没有公开说明创造多少工作机会。 -- 鸿海什麽时候要去购买赎罪券呢? --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: ※ 编辑: ccpz ( 台湾), 12/16/2024 21:41:23
1F:推 ccdrv : 鸿海也该行动了 12/16 21:42
2F:→ kilo7 : 郭爸要拿下次选举经费去购买赎罪券了... 12/16 21:45
3F:推 dennis50253 : 空头支票 12/16 21:47
4F:推 storyb181 : 你各位别再扯我爸了,人都退休了,鸿海也200了 12/16 21:47
5F:→ storyb181 : 你各位还有什麽不满足! 12/16 21:47
6F:推 chou3321 : 台湾诈骗世界一流 连美国总统都能骗到= = 12/16 21:52
7F:推 turndown4wat: 郭董表示 12/16 21:54
8F:推 chalon : 真的是万国来朝 12/16 21:54
9F:推 junior020486: 鸿海在美国那麽多厂还要个屁赎罪券 12/16 21:55
10F:推 mangle : 可怜啊,钱不拿到日本投资,跑去美国 12/16 22:13
11F:推 banbanzon : 是真投资还是豪洨诈骗川川? 12/16 22:16
12F:推 Transposon : 拜登卖的干川普啥事,难道拜登连任成功了? 12/16 22:16
13F:推 bj45566 : 研发 AI 当然要投资美国啊,投资日本不如把钱洒到 12/16 22:19
14F:→ bj45566 : 海里 12/16 22:19
15F:推 ots625 : 好事不会先公布让你知道的 12/16 22:27
16F:→ jinhouse123 : 12/16 22:32
17F:→ jinhouse123 : 12/16 22:34
18F:→ searchroy : 忠诚 12/16 22:35
19F:推 stlinman : 老孙真厉害! 上次跌落神坛後这次又盘活投资。 12/16 23:24
20F:→ x2206223 : 太神啦 起飞 99公公 12/17 02:10
21F:推 wsx26997785 : 下月川上台 台湾某企业要擅抖了吗? 12/17 02:39
22F:推 x20165 : arm喷 12/17 05:32
23F:推 chrischiu : 不盖汽车工厂怎麽可能10万? 12/17 08:04
24F:推 scum5566 : 赎罪券? 12/17 08:31

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