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原文标题: Amazon Will Start Selling Cheap Hair-Loss Drugs. It's a Huge Threat for This Stock. 原文连结: 发布时间: Updated Nov 14, 2024, 2:11 pm EST / Original Nov 14, 2024, 11:08 am EST 记者署名: Josh Nathan-Kazis 原文内容:’s latest lurch into the healthcare industry, announced Thursday morning, poses an extraordinary threat to the many telehealth companies selling cheap generics to treat hair loss and erectile dysfunction. Amazon’s prices appear lower than those being offered by companies such as Hims & Hers Health and Ro, and are available to all members of its Prime subscription service. Amazon’s prices appear set to undercut the long list of competing telehealth companies that rely on aggressive marketing campaigns to sell low-cost generics online. Shares of Hims & Hers were down 22% after the announcement. Amazon has made plenty of forays into the healthcare business, with mixed success. This time, however, its new competitors are far less formidable than the managed care companies and retail pharmacy chains Amazon has sought to challenge in the past. Amazon will charge $16 a month for the generic hair-loss pill finasteride. Hims advertises a $22-a-month price for the same medicine, while Ro, a privately held competitor, charges $20 per month. “Access to affordable health and wellness solutions is important for every individual and we’re committed to offering access to high-quality personalized solutions across the Hims & Hers platform,” Hims said Thursday morning. Ro didn’t respond to a request for comment. Amazon is charging $19 a month for erectile dysfunction pills and $10 per month for an antiaging skin cream. A telehealth visit with primary care provider Amazon One Medical to get the prescriptions costs as little as $29. “We don’t know how successful it will be, but also note that this is a serious competitive threat being introduced to the market,” Leerink Partners analyst Michael Cherny wrote in a Thursday morning note. The number of telehealth companies competing to sell cheap generics online has grown this year amid a weight-loss drug gold rush. Companies like Hims realized they could sell copycat versions of Novo Nordisk’s GLP-1 medicine Wegovy made legally by compounding pharmacies. The industry is now full of large and small players, none of them dominant, and few prepared to withstand competition from Amazon. Amazon is not offering compounded GLP-1 drugs. The compounded GLP-1 drug market is controversial and could dry up quickly if the Food and Drug Administration determines that Novo’s drug is no longer in shortage. Amazon’s new offering is based around Amazon One Medical, the primary care chain it bought for $3.9 billion in 2023. The company launched a pay-per-visit telehealth offering through One Medical earlier this year. Patients prescribed a generic treatment through the new program launched Thursday will buy the medicine through Amazon Pharmacy, a delivery prescription service Amazon opened in 2020. Amazon has long eyed the healthcare sector, and has sparked periodic selloffs in healthcare stocks on fears that Amazon’s scale would allow it to dominate parts of the industry. In 2018, pharmacy stocks plunged when Amazon announced a deal to buy the online pharmacy PillPack. There were also worries over an Amazon program called Haven Healthcare, which Amazon ran in partnership with Berkshire Hathaway and JPMorgan Chase and briefly appeared to threaten the managed care sector. In 2022, fears that Amazon would buy the home health-services firm Signify Health put pressure on shares of large managed care companies. (CVS Health eventually bought Signify for $8 billion.) In taking on telehealth providers, Amazon appears to have chosen a much less formidable target. They may not survive the onslaught. 心得/评论: 亚马逊要进军秃头药物治疗市场 Bezos: 我退休了 就开始臭我了? 除此之外 也要进军勃X功能障碍药物市场 每月收费 19 美元 各位应该是负担的起 (我是花不到这个钱) 尽管亚马逊涉足医疗保健业务的成效 参差不齐 但这次 依然会给其他竞争对手 造成不小威胁 首先是价格 硬是比其他对手便宜 其次是亚马逊的规模与通路 确实有可能 在当今这个 没有一家占据主导地位的行业 主导该行业的部分领域。 更重要的 这次的竞争对手 远没有过去试图挑战的管理医疗公司 和零售药房连锁店那麽强大 也因此 虽然不知道会取得多大成功 但威胁已造成 消息公布後,Hims & Hers 的股价下跌了 22% --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: ※ 编辑: NoAfraid ( 台湾), 11/16/2024 04:44:52
1F:推 qk3380888 : 看过贝佐斯以前有头发的照片 觉得秃头蛮适合他的 11/16 05:00
2F:推 HenryLin123 : 药局股CVS WBA已经躺在地上还踹。 11/16 05:08
3F:推 lianli1024 : 两家走的方向不同 HIMS走的是专业医疗 AMZN走的比 11/16 05:26
4F:→ lianli1024 : 较像是一般健康生活类的 11/16 05:26
5F:推 Fezico : AMZN就最大通路商,卖保健品吧 11/16 05:27
6F:推 mellopaw : HIMS 这周$20-30-19 好震荡 11/16 05:30
7F:→ mellopaw : 我是苦主 11/16 05:30
8F:推 alau : CVS在Amazon几年前宣布进军网路药局时,就跌烂过一 11/16 07:45
9F:→ alau : 次了。 11/16 07:45
10F:→ hcwang1126 : 老婆说我不需要 默默订阅 11/16 07:47
11F:推 ssarc : 从去屈臣氏买改从网站上订? 11/16 07:48
12F:推 smallkop : 阳痿药也搞订阅制? 11/16 08:01
13F:→ cityport : 美国市场大多是PBM控制处方药..亚麻钱再多也没用 11/16 08:08
14F:→ cityport : 没看这几年雷声大雨点小..亚麻拿到多少处方笺了? 11/16 08:09
15F:→ cityport : CVS跟WBA是被PBM搞惨了..CVS才去买安泰人寿抢处方笺 11/16 08:10
16F:推 bluezero000 : HIMS 崩崩 11/16 08:14
17F:推 ImBBCALL : ?? 11/16 08:41
18F:推 A1pha : 等等贝佐斯就顶着浓密的头发代言。 11/16 08:43
19F:推 Narok : (我是花不到这个钱) 11/16 09:03
20F:→ dosiris : 为什麽我老爸不是李嘉诚 11/16 09:16
21F:推 strlen : 我秃惹 也变有钱惹 11/16 09:27
22F:推 alau : 亚麻当初宣示时,市场也不知道他们能渗透到多深, 11/16 09:33
23F:→ alau : 现在回头看当然简单。 11/16 09:33
24F:推 zhi5566 : 我看AMZN是跌 11/16 10:05
25F:→ bnn : AMZN应该就配合网路配送通路啦 不会走药局店面了 11/16 10:08
26F:→ cityport : 亚麻从一开始宣示要抢处方笺..到现在大多卖开架药品 11/16 10:21
27F:→ cityport : 不向PBM低头..下场就是拿不到处方笺..药厂都不鸟他 11/16 10:22
28F:→ cityport : 从亚麻开始卖药的第一天就知道..不用现在回头看 11/16 10:23
29F:推 sonyvaio : 女版会开始po 已回购 老公爱吃? 11/16 10:30
30F:推 whiteswam : 我的Hims call从暴赚到跌烂…..哭阿 11/16 11:05
31F:推 myheartest : 贝佐斯是少数秃头比有头发帅的男人耶 11/16 11:16
32F:推 okderla : 便宜 我订双份 睡前起床後各打一炮 11/16 11:31
33F:推 bigair888 : HIMS未来还是看好 11/16 11:48
34F:→ musie : PBM一直都是美国医疗毒瘤 希望川普整理整理 11/16 11:58
35F:→ yangtsur : 当你看到首富都没办法生发 就知道这些药没用了 11/16 15:40

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