作者steveisaman (who is the man)
标题[情报] 0926 上市柜外资投信买超金额排行
时间Thu Sep 26 20:27:33 2024
排行 股票名称 收盘价 涨跌 买超(百万)
1 2330台积电 1015 +10 12,569
2 2603长荣 206 -3.5 2,727
3 2615万海 102 +2.3 2,471
4 2609阳明 70.9 +0.5 1,735
5 3017奇鋐 617 +36 1,561
6 2882国泰金 68.3 +1.2 1,402
7 4909新复兴 183.5 +1 1,099
8 2388威盛 138.5 +11 958
9 3013晟铭电 141.5 0 846
10 3481群创 15.7 +0.15 730
排行 股票名称 收盘价 涨跌 买超(百万)
1 2454联发科 1270 +45 1,639
2 3711日月投 162.5 +4 1,398
3 3017奇鋐 617 +36 822
4 2303联电 54.9 +0.4 597
5 3045台湾大 117.5 +1 557
6 1519华城 678 +30 537
7 3324双鸿 707 +61 487
8 5274信骅 4570 +110 341
9 5871中租-KY 152 -3.5 333
10 2382广达 275.5 +3 312
以上 谢谢
"When you live in the right way or you just given everything
to whatever you're doing, things happend organically and it's
not supposed to make sense but it just happens"
LeBron shares his fondest memories of Kobe
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/Stock/M.1727353656.A.34D.html
1F:推 herman510670: 航海王们!集合! 09/26 20:31
2F:推 s973311 : 航运散户自己吓自己 被骗票QQ 09/26 20:34
3F:→ js255076 : 航运明天有戏了 09/26 21:11
4F:→ cafein : 笑死 09/27 00:25