Spurs 板


TP部分 What’s up San Antonio!!! 你们好啊圣安东尼奥!!!! Very happy here, to be here tonight 很开心能在这,能在今晚站在这 And Manu’s night 这可是Manu之夜 I’m so happy for you, well-deserved, well-deserved. 我真为你感到开心,这是你应得的、你应得的。 Before I start though, 不过在我开始之前 I want to set the record with Argentina 我想先和阿根廷清算一下 Because as a Argentina media, Argentina 因为当阿根廷媒体 就是阿根廷 Cause you know I had a rough beginning with Manu when I first started my career, 你们知道我刚开始和Manu打球、生涯刚起步的时候 Whole Argentina was mad at me because they thought I didn’t pass the ball to Manu, and I never pass the ball to Manu 整个阿根廷都对我很火大,因为他们觉得我都不传给Manu、我也从不会传给他 And I Never really understand that because Pop made the plays, he called the plays 我从来就不懂为什麽,叫战术的可是POP啊,他决定战术的 And it’s not my fault that he called all the plays to Timmy, and Timmy took all the shots. 他要把球都做给TD、都让TD出手,这可不是我的错欸! (TD: 怎麽样啊~) I’m just the point guard, especially my first two years. 我只是控球後卫啊,尤其是我前两个球季 But a thing we did pretty good, with a best duo in the NBA history, playoff wins 但我们有一件事是还算做得不错的,联盟季後赛胜场历史最佳双人组 132 wins, I think we did ok 132场胜利,我觉得我们做得还不错啦。 So I just want to tell Argentina that I still love you 所以我只想告诉阿根廷,我还是很爱你 But thank god Pop made you come off the bench so then they were mad at Pop, then I was good you know, then I was good. 也谢谢POP让你从板凳出发,这样一来他们只会对POP生气,我就没问题啦。 So it’s 3 things I want to tell you Manu. 有三件事我想告诉你,Manu First time I saw you play, I was 18 years old and when I think about you Is how unique you were, as a player 我第一次看到你打球时,我只有18岁 一想到你,我只会想到你作为一个球员有多特别 It’s not other words that I can find, I can describe you. You just was unique, nobody is like you in the whole history of the game. 我找不到任何字来形容你,你真的很特别、篮球史上没有人是与你相似的 You were so unique that even Pop didn’t know what to do with you the first 2 years 你独特到连Pop的前两年都不知道该拿你怎麽办 It was priceless to see Pop’s face when Manu made a pass, because Manu is 2 pass 当Manu传球後,POP的脸就变超经典 因为Manu的传球结果只有两种 You have the legend pass that everybody will talk about, what a unbelievable pass and the stands to the fans pass. 一种是大家啧啧称奇的史诗级传球 另一种就是传给广告看板、观众的球 And at the beginning of Manu’s career, it was a lot of pass going to the stands the last Manu的生涯初期大多都是後者 A lot of passes like that and Pop will look at me like Tony, what the play? 那些传球後,Pop就会看着我 一脸:Tony,搞什麽鬼 I’m like, ain’t nobody can control Manu, Manu’s gonna be Manu, it’s no controlling Manu, Pop, there’s no controlling Manu. 我就会回 没人能控制Manu的,他就是他,无法受控的Manu,Pop,Manu是无法控制的。 So Pop figure it out, who let Manu be Manu, and he just had a unbelievable year after unbelievable year Pop理解这点後,就让Manu做自己了 接着就是精彩的演出、年复一年。 But my favorite year Manu was 2005. 2005 you were flying with your hair and everything 但我最喜欢的Manu是05年的他 05的时候你和你的头发一起奔驰、做各式各样的事 You got no more hair now but you had hair back in the day, that was my favorite. 你现在没头发了,但你之前有头发的日子,那是我的最爱。 Second thing comes in mind, how competitive you are. 我想到的第二点就是你的竞争态度。 I will not be the player I became without you being my teammates. 我如果没有你这种队友,我不会变成现在的自己 You were such an inspiration to me every day that it was just contagious 你对我而言就是个启发对象 日复一日,感染其他人。 And you helped me become a better player just playing with you and just the passion you had every night. 光是和你每晚一起打球、以及你的热情就让我成为了更好的球员 Last thing I want to say is unselfish, Sean says it a little bit because Sean was talking too much, stole my stuff. 最後我想说的是无私 Sean有提到了这点,就因为他话太多、偷我的台词。 But it’s true though, Manu is so unselfish when you think about it, 但的确是真的,Manu真的很无私 你想想 How many superstars will come off the bench and don’ t say anything? 有多少巨星会从板凳出发又毫无怨言的? It’s not a lot of superstars, maybe no superstars can accept that. 几乎没有、甚至从来没有巨星会欣然接受 And he was so humble, so humble that is was an inspiration to all of us and to me 他就是那麽地谦卑 这让他成为我们所有人、以及我的启发 He’s the definition of Spurs basketball because he always put his ego last 他定义了马刺篮球,只因他将自己的自尊抛在最後 So to finish in my book, you’re legend and be a champion in Euro league, gold m 最後做个总结,你是个传奇、欧洲联盟的冠军、金牌得主 So thank you for your friendship, thank you for inspiring me, and it was an hono 我很感激与你的友谊,谢谢你启发我,和你打球是我的荣幸,爱你喔兄弟。 POP部分 Thank you, welcome 谢谢你们,欢迎啊 And I’m gonna get through this I know I am, I’m ahhh... 我知道我可以撑过去的 我可以的,我… I’m certain I’ll get through it. Tony if I start to stumble, slap me so... 我很确信我会撑过去的 Tony, 如果我开始结巴,就给我来一巴掌 Well, when Manu first came into all of our life, I can still remember that first year 当Manu开始进入我们的人生时,我还记得当时第一年 And during the summer I tell Timmy we got this guy coming 在暑假的时候我告诉Timmy这家伙要来了 And you know RC and his guys did such a great job finding this young kid who was fearless, a little bit of whack job on the court RC和他的团队做得很棒,找到了这年轻小夥子,他无所畏惧、在场上稍嫌莽撞 But tenacious, tough, and I would tell Timmy this, Timmy, this guy can play. 但不屈不挠、强悍、我也告诉Timmy,这家伙真能打 He’s good, you’re gonna really like him. Timmy would go, 他很强,你会很喜欢他的,而Timmy的态度就像 Yeah yeah Pop, ok fine. You know, I’ve heard that before. 好啦好啦POP可以了。你知道的,这话我听多了。 And then Manu came, but he had an bad ankle, he couldn’t really do much. 在Manu来了之後,他当时脚踝不是很好,他不太能做什麽 And so he was like a half a player. And finally we decide to sit him down, we ’re not going to play him until January, and then he was healthy all the way. 他只像是半个篮球员吧。我们最後决定让他休息,在一月以前都不让他上场 自此之後他就一直很健康 And I would guess once we brought him back in January it took Timmy about a week 一月他回来之後,花了大概Timmy一个礼拜的时间 And he said oh my god who is this kid and he figure it out very quickly, very quickly 他开始说,天啊这小子是谁啊,在场上很快、超快地就掌握情况 I.. and I had the honor to coach him but before I go on, there’s another guy here who coached him 我能执教他真的与有荣焉。但在我继续之前,有另一个家伙也曾执教过他 That’s one of my assistant coaches from Italy Ettore Messina, are you over there? 那就是我的助教之一-来自义大利的Ettore Messina,你在那吗? That’s right. I don’t know if we have lights that can find him but Manu played in Bologna for Ettore Messina 嘿对就是他。我不知道我们能不能拿灯照他,Manu在欧洲联盟的Bologna为他打过球 And won his first Euro league championship, and that’s important. 也赢了他的第一个欧洲联盟冠军,这很重要。 And while we’re at it, since we’re talking about x-ray, the members of the 2004 Argentinean Olympic team who won the gold medal 既然我们都谈到这个了,就说说获得04年奥运金牌的阿根廷篮球队成员吧 Some of those like 5 or 6 of those guys are here besides just found and Manu 就刚刚的成员、大概有5、6个都在吧 还有Manu And they should be recognized because that’s… that’s one of the best basketball teams I’ve ever seen play in my entire life. 他们应该要被认出来的,因为他们 他们是我一生中看过打最好的球队之一。 The fantastic group of guys, and that’s the truth. 由他们组成的很棒的团队,这就是事实。 And I saw it personally because I was an assistant coach for the American team and it hurt a lot but I was never happier for anybody than… than for Manu that night. 我将这件事放在心上,因为我是美国队的助教、这很伤人的 但当晚,我从来没有为一个人…为Manu感到这麽地开心。 So then I had to coach him here, and believe it or not, my hair was dark dark brown 之後我就得在圣城执教他了,不论你信不信,我的头发曾经是超深的棕色。 But it didn’t just just get like this, it got this like, by the second year coaching him 头发变白也不是一天造成的,它自从执教Manu的第二年就是这样了 It was dead white long time ago. It was white without any doubt. 很久以前它就是死白状态了,完完全全地白。 I remember I look at pictures once and I was like who is that guy, who was that guy and then I get a look at this every day. 我记得当我看着照片的时候,我会想说,这谁啊,那家伙又是谁 之後我每天都得看 But as I went I became a better coach because I learned to zip it now and then 但之後我就变成更好的教练了,因为我学会闭嘴 Because you’d watch him play and all of a sudden he would make a steal to win a game 因为你宁愿就看着他打球,一瞬间,他就会用抄截赢下比赛 Or get an offensive rebound or shoot a 3 that was totally contested, the worst shot in the world and it would go in because he’s a winner. 或是抓到进攻篮板、射进被守死的三分、那可能会是全世界最糟糕的投篮,但最後就是会 进,因为他是个赢家 So I had to learn to stop going to say, Manu, geez, a… do we need that? What ’s the… why? I’m Manu, it’s what I do. 所以我必须学着不要再说什麽 Manu天啊你在…需要这样做吗?? 你在搞..干嘛啊? Manu就 回 我是Manu啊,这就是我。 That’s he would tell me over and over. And then I look at Tim or Tony and they would just shrugged their shoulders and we’d all just move on, move on. 那就是他每次给我的回答。 然後我会看着Tim或Tony,他们也只会耸耸肩、我们就接受现 实了。 But there, the way the team was set up, we all needed each other 但,这支队伍建立起的模样,说明我们都需要彼此。 And without Manu ,there were no championships, there were no championships. 如果没有Manu,就没有冠军、就不会有冠军。 It was not gonna happen without Manu. As Tony said his ferocity, his drive, his unbelievable will to win his competitiveness were off the charts. 如果Manu不在就不会发生。Tony也说了他的凶猛、他的切入、他难以置信的求胜意志、他 的竞争意识是难以言喻的。 But I could tell you this, in all honesty, as good as a competitor as he was and how much he gave of himself 但我可以告诉你,诚实地说,作为一名优异的竞争者、他奉献自己的方式 He loved it, he loved the game, he loved the competition, it was all about winning. 他爱着这个、爱着球赛,他爱竞争、一切都是为了获胜 But that was that. What he cares about more, what drives his life are those 4 people right there. 但就仅仅如此。他在意更多的,是让他人生有动力的,在那边的4个人 That’s where his heart is and that’s what makes him so special both on and off the court. 他们就是他的心之所向、他们是让Manu在场上场下都能这麽特别的存在 He understands priorities, he was one of the greatest teammates anybody could ever have as was stated his curiosity 他了解先後顺序,他是所有人可遇不可求、最棒的队友之一,就像之前说的,他的好奇心 He comes in and he wants to talk about politics, he wants to talk about religion, about black holes in space, everything 遇见他後,他会想要谈政治、他会想谈宗教、他会谈论宇宙的黑洞,还有其他所有事情 And that’s not an exaggeration, a special special guy, the last thing I’m going to say is 这可不夸张,他就是个特别的人。最後我想说的是 It’s been said, but it’s probably the most important thing that we did in our franchise over this whole span 已经有人说过了,但这大概是我们球队这些年最重要的事情 Is when Manu Ginobili agreed, grudgingly, to come off the bench. 那就是Manu Ginobili同意,很不情愿地,从板凳出发 It sounds like a small thing, but it made us so much deeper, so much more powerful and dangerous 听起来只像个小事,但这让我们深度变得更好、变得更加强悍、危险 And I could tell you he didn’t like it, he didn’t like me, he didn’t want to do it, until he thought about it. 我可以告诉你,他不喜欢这样。他不喜欢我、他也不想这样做,直到他深思熟虑之後。 And lucky for me and our team, he’s highly intelligent and understood the big picture and what it would mean and he did it. 对我及球队来说,很幸运地,他很聪明、并了解未来的蓝图、了解他从板凳出发後的意义 ,然後担任了替补。 And so he’s going to go into the Hall of Fame coming off the bench. 就因如此,他会以一名板凳球员的身分进入名人堂 Manu, I love you. Manu,我爱你。 TD部分 So… how do I follow that? 啊..我是要怎麽接下去啦 I had like a 30 minute speech, it’s in my pocket here 我大概准备了30分钟的词,就在我口袋这 It was ready and they covered all of my points, everything, Sean mostly. He got like 20, 25 minutes of it. 我已经准备好了,但他们把我的份都讲完了,所有部分都讲了。尤其是Sean (Eilliot, 仪式主持人),他讲了大概其中20、25分钟的内容吧。 I’ll tell you this, this one story real quick and I’ll get off of here and the real reason we’re here is you. 我就告诉你这个吧,很快地讲一个故事後我就会闪人,我们在这的真正原因就是你。 But I got that call from Pop. Every year I watch the draft, I sit at home, I tell everybody all day long, I’m not watching the draft, I’m not going to do this. 我接获POP的电话,每年我都会看选秀,我坐在家、我一整天都告诉所有人我不会看选秀 、绝对不干这种事 I sit at home, I watch the draft and we pick people that I’ve never heard of. Sitting there, Emanuel Ginobili. 我坐在家、我看着选秀、看着我们挑我从来没听过的人,坐在那,Emanuel Ginobili(模 仿选秀当时)。 Who did we just pick? Oh yeah he’s gonna… he could be great, he’s this… okay Pop whatever, you know, okay yeah whatever. 我们刚挑了谁? POP就回说喔对他很…他会很棒的,他会… ok ok 随便啦POP,随你罗, 你知道的,你爽就好啦。 He shows up 2 years later and I actually don’t remember him being hurt. I remember him showing up in the gym and we’re playing pickup in the summertime. 他在两年後现身,我当时其实不知道他有伤,我记得他夏天时在体育馆出现、我们正在斗 牛 And there’s a man sitting over here, somewhere that took it real personally, Bruce Bowen. (Boos from audiences) 有一个男的坐在那、而Bruce Bowen开始卯起来了。(观众嘘声) And he commenced to wear him out, every Bruce Bowen trick you’ve ever seen, he held, he grabbed, he pushed, not that thing you ever did that I’m just saying, that day you might have. 他开始把Manu累死,所有你看过的Bowen的招,他握、抓、推通通都来, 这些你都没做过啦我说说而已,那天你可能有做吧。(酸) Manu didn’t bat an eye. He didn’t change his game, he didn’t cry about it, he didn’t, he didn’t. Manu眼睛眨都不眨一下,他没改变打法、他没抱怨什麽、他绝对没有、绝对。 He just went straight ahead, kept on playing, and that’s when I knew we had somebody. 他就是继续打球、继续奋战,这时我便知道,我们有了好家伙。 And for next year after year after year, I was impressed in every respect. 之後的年复一年,每个方面我都为之惊叹 You were so much fun to play with, you were the most fun to sit there 跟你打球真的很好玩,同时也是坐板凳最好玩的家伙 Sit back on that bench and watch Pop walk over and sit down in this chair. 坐在板凳上看POP走来走去然後坐上椅子 And complain to himself about what you were doing. 跟自己抱怨你干了些什麽好事 But it was all genius, it was all genius. You saw things before anybody else did, you did things nobody else would 但他真的是天才,真的是。你会看到其他球员从没做过的事,你会看到其他球员从不会做 的事 You’re unbelievable and it’s an honor to be here and congratulations. 你真的很令人惊艳,能在这里是我的荣幸,恭喜你。 Oberto的如果有人要看我会再努力~~~ 鬼切就...我之後再补一篇文章吧 20分钟真的有点...还有西文呢(汗 有错的部分请大家帮忙指正了 来源:https://goo.gl/z1gE9i ----- Sent from JPTT on my iPhone -- 身为不资深马刺球迷 因为懂一点点英文 刚好也想当个翻译 不够会分析赛事所以会尽量翻场外花絮 让大家了解球场以外的球星故事 挺有趣的 呃 对吧? --
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※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自:
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/Spurs/M.1553851030.A.27A.html ※ 编辑: TomasMao (, 03/29/2019 17:17:42
1F:推 wayside: 推!逐字稿辛苦了 03/29 17:25
2F:推 gyrfalcon: 推 03/29 17:26
3F:推 hles60218: 泪推~辛苦了 03/29 17:26
4F:推 mlb93525: 推 03/29 17:40
5F:推 MrHaoHao: 翻译真赞 03/29 17:43
6F:推 jimnt: 泪推 爱马刺 爱Manu 03/29 17:46
7F:推 abigailxxx: 2 Pass那段现场真的XDD 但告诉我为甚麽我泪流这篇..推 03/29 17:50
8F:推 gem0816: 推 03/29 18:19
9F:推 histing: 推!! 03/29 18:21
10F:推 tsai16: 先推再看,感谢! 03/29 18:23
11F:推 beerfish: 推 03/29 18:25
12F:推 lordray1: 辛苦了 03/29 18:27
13F:推 sinben: QQ 03/29 18:37
14F:推 KEORY: 棒棒谢谢 03/29 18:47
15F:推 ICE4153: 推推 03/29 18:50
16F:推 DVE: 推翻译,不过英文太长好像被切掉了@@。 03/29 18:54
17F:推 yuhjia: QQ,看这个有股淡淡的哀伤,大家的感情真的都好棒,三巨头 03/29 18:57
18F:→ yuhjia: 是永远的马刺灵魂啊 03/29 18:57
19F:推 kidolin: qq 03/29 19:13
20F:推 Stellvia: parker太哭了,连pop都没有parker哭 03/29 19:15
21F:推 neil112379: Emanuel Jinno Billy 03/29 19:23
22F:推 kimisky: 推推,感谢翻译呜呜呜呜 03/29 19:25
23F:推 oorange290: 感谢逐字稿 03/29 19:30
24F:推 evan2006: 推 03/29 19:32
25F:推 juniorpenny: 感谢,大推 03/29 19:38
26F:推 fcugeo: 推 03/29 19:45
27F:推 john511: 泪推…我的三巨头已不复在 03/29 19:54
28F:推 zlzooq: Parker演讲的料TD退休致词也说得很棒 03/29 19:58
29F:推 bbbyes123: 推推 辛苦了 03/29 20:39
30F:推 johnny41014: 最难翻译的应该是manu自己的那段 但还是推个 03/29 20:40
31F:推 needshe520: Manu不是有说自己也是适应一阵子才习惯板凳出发的吗? 03/29 20:55
32F:推 magicchen: TP真的很会讲话 内容幽默风趣也很感人 期待TP退休那天 03/29 21:02
33F:推 jackwula9211: manu中间有一段用西班牙语讲完全听不懂,不知道会 03/29 21:32
34F:→ jackwula9211: 不会翻出来 03/29 21:32
35F:推 clivezzz: push 03/29 21:45
※ 编辑: TomasMao (, 03/29/2019 22:05:55
36F:推 os2CV: 03/29 22:04
37F:推 MIB2: 辛苦了 love u 03/29 22:17
38F:推 gino0105: 推 03/29 22:19
39F:推 lawliet14: 推 03/29 22:21
40F:推 liuqw: 推!! 03/29 22:23
41F:推 fredcandy: 推! 03/29 22:30
※ 编辑: TomasMao (, 03/29/2019 22:38:19 TomasMao:转录至看板 NBA 03/29 22:39 ※ 编辑: TomasMao (, 03/29/2019 22:42:52
42F:推 chht40040: 推 辛苦了 03/29 22:51
43F:推 zxccasd: 推 03/29 23:06
44F:推 Spurs5566: 感谢毛叔翻译 03/29 23:24
45F:推 heineken520: 推 谢谢翻译 03/29 23:29
46F:推 insominia: 是说那个应该不是嘘声 印象中是圣城球迷会喊Bruuuuuce 03/29 23:42
47F:推 chasel99: 推翻译 03/29 23:57
48F:推 umyiwen: 大大推 用力推 03/30 00:06
49F:推 love1500274: 感谢毛叔叔 03/30 00:13
50F:推 Raistlin0510: 推 03/30 00:44
51F:推 Wall62: 推 03/30 00:47
52F:推 ctw01: 辛苦了!!用力推 03/30 01:18
53F:推 matt7983: 毛叔推推 03/30 01:25
54F:推 takoQAQ: 辛苦了 03/30 01:34
55F:推 Hygea: 辛苦了 03/30 02:22
56F:推 fenderrb: 推 辛苦了 03/30 02:54
57F:推 ABJones: 推 辛苦了 03/30 05:53
58F:推 yesyoudo: 辛苦了! 03/30 08:50
59F:推 CiMed: 大推~~ 03/30 09:03
60F:推 jackwelch: 推 03/30 09:09
61F:推 blackdevil: 推~~~~~~ 03/30 09:25
62F:→ egg770325: 谢谢你,泪推 03/30 09:41
63F:推 lion01123: 谢谢翻译QQ 03/30 09:52
64F:推 DSNT: 真的是谢谢翻译!!收下典藏了! 03/30 12:15
65F:推 F12NLargo: 推逐字稿 翻译得超好 03/30 12:45
66F:推 Legojiang: 推 现场看真的感动 03/30 15:03
67F:→ shiyuu: 推! 03/30 15:25
68F:推 pppppppp: 那是主场球迷喊他的惯用方式,非嘘声~ 03/30 17:38
69F:推 RoyeC: 推 03/30 21:01
70F:推 fuzijia: 推 03/30 22:47
71F:推 owen876204: 推逐字稿!! 03/30 23:37
72F:推 l2272: 推 03/30 23:41
73F:推 treasuredady: 推 是这些人让我认识NBA 03/31 00:39
74F:推 MJMJMJMJMJ: 谢谢您 03/31 01:10
75F:推 Alone97: 辛苦了 感谢毛叔用心翻译 03/31 10:07
76F:推 lahalot: 推 03/31 11:30
77F:推 a2309103: 推推 03/31 14:54
78F:推 laisking: 推 04/01 00:54
79F:推 bigDwinsch: 等你的Manu跟西班牙文! 04/01 04:30
80F:→ ericf129: 推推 04/02 00:17
81F:推 en3310: 辛苦了~推 04/02 07:12
82F:推 keroro3456: 推推推 04/02 14:18

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