Soft_Job 板


104连结: 公司名称:美商希尔士科技股份有限公司台湾分公司 统编:90604620 公司地址(填写详细至号):台北市松山区吉祥里南京东路5段188号8楼之3 职缺:ERP Developer/Project Manager 职缺能力经历要求: Key Responsibilities ● Maintain and develop features and workflows within NetSuite, Salesforce, and HubSpot to meet the needs of the business. ● Collaborate with different departments to understand their needs, providing tailored ERP and CRM solutions (NetSuite, Salesforce, HubSpot) that align with business objectives. ● Design and implement integrations between NetSuite and other business systems using APIs, including working with webhooks. ● Lead initiatives to automate business processes, enhancing efficiency and data accuracy while reducing reliance on manual tasks. ● Manage end-to-end technical projects, from inception to completion, ensuring timely delivery, adherence to scope, and budget management. ● Act as a liaison between internal stakeholders and the technical team, translating business needs into actionable technical plans. ● Provide technical support and troubleshooting for NetSuite and CRM users, ensuring data integrity and security. ● Develop and deliver comprehensive training materials and sessions for staff to maximize system usage. ● Create and maintain thorough documentation for bookkeeping, system functionalities, and internal processes, assisting teams in understanding and adopting new technologies. ● Monitor project progress and provide regular updates to management, ensuring transparency and accountability throughout the project lifecycle. Minimum Qualifications ● Bachelor’s degree in Information Systems, Computer Science, or a related field. ● 3+ years of experience with NetSuite ERP system administration and development. ● Strong understanding of business processes and how they can be automated using ERP systems. ● Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English ● Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail. ● Experience with API integration, webhooks, and data migration. ● Familiar with JavaScript and REST API 员工是否需自备工具? 否 薪资: 年薪1,200,000~1,400,000元 ****以下工时与加班费必填,不填删文水桶**** 工时:每周40小时, 弹性工时, Optional remote work from home 徵才联络方式: 104 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: ※ 编辑: danielta323 ( 台湾), 08/16/2024 18:15:26 ※ 编辑: danielta323 ( 台湾), 08/16/2024 18:15:53

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