Soft_Job 板


公司名称,统编(中华民国以外注册可免填): Shypyard (目前没有台湾分公司) 公司地址(填写详细至号): HQ在纽约 职缺: Mid-level Backend Engineer Senior Backend Engineer 职缺能力经历要求: ** Mid-level Backend Engineer ** - 1-3 year experience with backend technologies like NodeJS, graphQL, mysql - Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English - Passionate with code quality, testing and improving engineering efficiency - Highly motivated individuals who can excel in a remote working environment - Ability to learn new business logics and new technical concepts quickly - Ability to work in areas outside of your usual comfort zone and show motivation for personal growth. Bonus Points - Experience with Cloud Computing platforms: AWS, Microsoft Azure, GCP, or similar - Experience with DevOps, Container, microservices architecture and etc. - Experience working in different e-commerce related tech stacks ** Senior Backend Engineer ** - 4+ year experience with large-scale distributed infrastructure systems and client-server architecture - Excellent communication skills (English Reading/Writing skills are required) - Experienced with backend technologies like nodejS, graphQL, mysql, AWS Lambdas, Kinesis, AWS data pipeline, etc - Passionate with code quality, testing and improving engineering efficiency - Open-minded and willing to learn new things and grow as an engineer - Highly motivated individuals who can excel in a remote working environment Bonus Points - Experience as a technical lead or architect on a complex distributed system project - Experience with Cloud Computing platforms: AWS, Microsoft Azure, GCP, or similar - Experience with DevOps, Container, microservices architecture and etc. - experience working in different e-commerce related tech stacks - Experience or interests in machine learning & statistics 员工是否需自备工具? (是/否) : 是,提供笔电补助 薪资(年薪): Mid-level Backend Engineer - 120万 ~ 150万 Senior Backend Engineer - 150万 ~ 200万 薪资(保证最低年薪,必填项目): 12 个月 年终奖金计算方式:底薪计算/全薪计算 目前没有奖金制度,之後会推出绩效考核的机制。 工时: 全远端,也会在台北提供coworking space,可自行决定工作时间地点。 每周工作时间: 40小时 加班费制度: 比照劳基法 工作环境与该职缺团队介绍: Shypyard is a fast-growing early-stage startup backed by top VCs and angels from Silicon Valley. Our goal is to become the backbone of operation for all e-commerce SMBs of the world. We are looking for smart backend engineers who are obsessed with delivering great customer experience and who truly care building software that truly solve customer pain points. As a early hire, you have the unique opportunity to build the product from 0 to 1 and have the freedom and ownership to shape the technology and product direction for the company. We are a hybrid-friendly company and this position can also be fully remote in Taiwan. ** Co-Founders’ Background ** Dan and Sam co-founded Shypyard in 2021 with the mission to empower entrepreneurs with the right tools to achieve their dreams. While selling on Shopify, they personally experienced the daily operational and business challenges many entrepreneurs face, so they decided to build Shypyard to solve this problem. They first met at Facebook. Sam grew up in Taiwan, worked at Facebook Marketplace team as a senior engineer, and later created one of the most popular Shopify sizing apps (Kiwi Sizing) with over 14k active merchants. Dan is from Canada and subsequently worked at LinkedIn as a senior product manager, building recommendation products that were responsible for millions of people finding jobs through LinkedIn. 工作福利: - 40 hours work week, flexible hours, and fully remote. - 14 days of PTO (paid time off) per year, and follow all the national holidays in Taiwan. 公司分红与奖金: 目前没有奖金制度,之後会推出绩效考核的机制。 公司介绍: We create the best forecasting and planning systems for SMB brands to monitor and understand their sales and operations, so they can save time, money and confidently make decisions to hit their financial objectives. After encountering these problems first-hand in eCommerce, we’ve assembled a team that is bringing their experience from places like Shopify, Facebook, BCG, and Harvard to scale the solution in software. We’ve teamed up with world-class investors, advisors, and industry leaders from Shopify, BigCommerce, and SnapCommerce to build new technology that shifts the paradigm of commerce. We recently raised our first institutional round backed by top VCs, led by Gradient Ventures, Google’s AI fund, with backing from industry leaders in eCommerce. Ultimately, our vision is to connect the entire ecosystem of suppliers, logistics companies, distributors and merchants into commerce graph and allow them to communicate across a unified platform. Through the platform data, Shypyard can provide unprecedented insights for both merchants and suppliers on aggregate supply and demand around the world, reducing the bullwhip effect seen throughout times of uncertainty, ie: COVID. Together with our customers, we can transform the global commerce supply chain to become more transparent, trustworthy and less wasteful. 人资或徵才联络方式: Please send your resume to [email protected], and specify your past project experiences. 详细JD请看 - Mid-level Backend Engineer - Senior Backend Engineer 感谢你看到最後,有什麽问题欢迎寄信来讨论。 --
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※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (台湾)
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1F:→ shinew13: 你们待遇不能高一点吗? 我远端最差的也有15万美 12/27 17:52
2F:推 kobebset105: 远端15万美可以分享一下吗 12/27 18:44
3F:推 s06yji3: 楼上在台湾? 12/27 18:45
4F:→ s06yji3: 呃...我指的是1F 12/27 18:46
※ 编辑: cftgvbhy ( 台湾), 12/27/2022 20:52:05
5F:推 hobnob: 1F请问在什麽公司? 12/27 23:04
6F:嘘 CoNsTaR: 可怜啊 senior 50k,比 new grad 还不如 12/28 03:20
7F:嘘 CoNsTaR: 开在纽约请不起人请赶快自己倒一倒,不要来占台湾人便宜 12/28 03:24
8F:嘘 peter98: 在台湾远端能有15万镁 哪间公司和职位? 我想了解 12/28 04:16
9F:→ peter98: 这篇徵才文薪水是低了点 但是15万镁有点豪洨喔 12/28 04:16
10F:推 jobintan: 现在欧米在台fully remote工作都是local compensation, 12/28 07:52
11F:→ jobintan: 最多是大於大手本土企业,而且这早就是趋势了。 12/28 07:53
12F:嘘 hegemon: 几年前确实有可能就拿美国的薪水复制贴上,所以当时一堆 12/28 08:16
13F:→ hegemon: 人白天正职,晚上去拿个美国remote 的jr缺爽爽干. 现在都 12/28 08:16
14F:→ hegemon: local pay了. 而且开高会被呛你说台湾人不值这个价钱 12/28 08:16
15F:→ Firstshadow: 哇为什麽一堆外商来台徵才了 0.0 12/28 09:03
16F:推 daisukidesu: 来台徵才就是种cost down? 12/28 09:25
17F:嘘 Matz: 去鸿海第一年150没问题 12/28 09:52
18F:推 s06yji3: 美国各州都会考虑当地薪资消费水准了,何况台湾 12/28 11:07
19F:→ shooter555: 薪水找不到人自然会加高 一堆人抢自然会降低 12/28 14:06
20F:推 gmoz: 这比较像台商薪水 12/28 17:29
21F:→ DendiQ: 1F不是那个阿联的吗 12/28 21:29
22F:推 keyofdejavu: 到底什麽心态,比台湾一般工程师薪水高了 12/28 22:04
23F:→ keyofdejavu: 你觉得太低就不要去 12/28 22:05
24F:→ keyofdejavu: 边偷投履历边狂嘘想减竞争者 12/28 22:05
25F:→ Firstshadow: 真的== 都在偷投 12/28 23:15
26F:推 goodga: 外商做IT非写程式的都比这高了 12/29 00:53
27F:→ acgotaku: 这待遇很不错了吧?已经跟台湾一线纯软差不多了 12/30 16:32
28F:→ acgotaku: 台湾有这麽多200万以上纯软职缺吗? 12/30 16:34

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