Soft_Job 板


公司名称 杜浦数位安全有限公司 统编 52638826 公司地址 台北市光复北路11巷46号 官网 职缺: 1. Rails Developer As a Ruby on Rails Developer at TeamT5, you will: - Build new products and features that improve our customers' InfoSec. - Participates in the design, development and implementation of complex applications, often using Ruby on Rails, Node.js, and Python - Help maintain code quality, organization and automatization We are looking for candidates with the following criterias: - A demonstrated history (2+ years) of building, maintaining, and deploying production-ready web applications - Experience in designing and implementing service-oriented REST APIs - Ability to work independently as well as in a mul-team agile environment - Ability to handle multiple and simultaneous activities and priorities. - Strong understanding of Java Scripts and object-oriented programming - Strong communication and interpersonal skills, analytical, and problem solving skills - Strong knowledge of database technology, including relational and NoSQL DESIRED SKILLS: - Excellent planning and design skills - Familiarity with the Unix working environment - Javascript, JQuery, CoffeeScript, ReactJs is a plus - CSS - Slim - Web Crawler - SQL - Proactivity 2. Software Engineer As a Software Engineer at TeamT5, you will: - Build new products and features that improve our customers' InfoSec. - Participates in the design, development and implementation of complex applications, often using Ruby on Rails, Node.js and Python - Help maintain code quality, organization and automatization We are looking for candidates with the following criterias: - BS in Computer Science or at least one year of experience as a full stack or backend developer - Familiarity with Ruby, Python, or a similar scripting language - Knowledge of object-oriented programming - Proficiency with SQL databases(e.g. PostgreSQL or MySQL) - Familiarity with code versioning tools, such as Git DESIRED SKILLS: - Familiarity with the Unix working environment - Strong knowledge of data structure and algorithm - Strong knowledge of relational database - Knowledge of JavaScript and CSS - Proactivity and problem-solving skills 职缺能力经历要求: 1. 两年以上经验 2. 应届毕业可 员工是否需自备工具? (是/否) : 否 薪资(月薪): 1. 70k 以上 依经验和面谈结果叙薪 2. 46k 以上 依面谈结果叙薪 薪资(保证最低年薪,必填项目): 12 个月 工时: 每日工作时间: 弹性上下班时间 一般 10:30~18:30 (八小时) 中午休息(12:00~1:00) 每周工作时间: 8*5=40 加班费制度: 依照劳基法 工作环境介绍: - i7 以上桌电 + 27" 萤幕 * 2 - 笔电依需求另外配发 工作福利: - 除了一般的国定假日以外,还有一些额外的公司假 弹休我们不用补班 - 员工旅游补助 机 + 酒 (疫情前) - 健康检查补助(基本款 - 健身房补助 (公司附近有 WorldGym - 团保 零食柜 不定时会有下午茶 每季庆生会 公司分红与奖金: - 依绩效考核结果除了固定的 12 个月月薪外 另有工作奖金和分红 公司介绍: TeamT5 是专注於网路威胁分析研究的公司 有精通资安各种领域的研究员,从事世界顶尖的网路攻击研究,公司文化崇尚自由,福 利待遇具竞争力。 如果你对资安满怀热忱并相信自己充满潜力,但碍於环境或经验的限制而未能满足 这里提供环境带你一起学习成长。 人资或徵才联络方式: - Please send us your CV, Github to [email protected] --
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※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (台湾)
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1F:推 thumbe31949: 应届46k可以了吧 09/08 13:35
2F:→ RX1226: 月薪是12个月不是13个月要考虑进去 09/08 14:01
3F:推 asleisureto: 年薪不到90,会建议职缺写中文就好 09/08 14:31
4F:推 mathrew: 同意楼上 XD 09/08 14:35
5F:推 Lushen: 台北市46k待遇很棒了吧 还有零食柜跟下午茶跟健检补助 09/08 16:30
6F:推 enamor753: 46k够了 已经赢过全国一半的人了 09/08 16:38
7F:推 Lushen: 真的 09/08 16:48
8F:→ BoXeX: 46k真的不错 连GG以前都只有45k就知道这薪水有多好 09/08 17:06
9F:推 saitoh: 各位,反串要注明啊 09/08 17:21
10F:推 Lushen: 没有反串啊 这待遇真的香 09/08 17:46
11F:→ Lushen: 上一篇还有提到一天吃70零食 09/08 17:47
12F:→ Lushen: 年轻人努力点一天吃个140 下午茶拿两份 09/08 17:48
13F:→ Lushen: 一个月直接帮自己加薪 4 - 5k 09/08 17:48
14F:推 Mtcat: 在里面的人可以开始找新工作了,现在rails很缺喔 09/08 17:49
15F:推 nelley: 在台湾做资安真的惨。。。 09/08 21:36
16F:→ newhandfun: 某人反串的太明显了吧 09/08 21:39
17F:推 yuigahamayui: 推 T5,去培训过觉得很赞 <3 09/09 07:01
18F:推 jacky8000: 按照某楼的逻辑,你今天出门没收到闯红灯罚单,也是自 09/09 11:43
19F:→ jacky8000: 主加薪1800 09/09 11:43
20F:推 Lushen: 某楼逻辑过度牵强 不忍嘘 09/09 12:00
21F:推 mathrew: 应该是停红线,然後没被抓,赚600 09/09 16:20

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